UncleYoked's picture
UncleYoked 2128


Estimated T/A: 
Shows up faster than the clap

Payment Methods: 
PayPal, Zelle, Cryptos, Vanilla, Western Union, MoneyGram, Walmart, Amazon, Cash App via BTC, Bank Transfer, Ali Pay, Handjobs

Please note

We're a simple, farm to table operation. No flashy graphics or seizure inducing graphics, no advertisements, just organic anabolic goodness.
Our website is set up so there is no need for communication between any party, streamlined, simple and fast.
We are not careless reps working from a Chinese warehouse and we do not send your items from China or Russia, we are a US domestic source.
We're people, just like you and we put the people first. Unless they're assholes, in which case they can fuck off.

stu1119's picture

Will you be restocking Bold- cyp ?

Trenplease's picture

Any idea when HCG will be restock ?

Jonjonesgoat's picture

I see your back up! Already placed an order

UncleYoked's picture

We're keeping it on the DL for a few hours. Will send out the official word soon, some counts are still being updated

Jonjonesgoat's picture

How much longer until you guys are back up? Looking forward to placing an order

UncleYoked's picture

Tomorrow bro ham

Jake210's picture

Unc….. I keep trying to send you a email and it won’t let me. Contact site administrator or something. Either way can you message me. I won’t be ignored! ;).

UncleYoked's picture


Jockstrap's picture

Hanjobs still apply? Like one twisting and the other pumping? Asking for friend

Best juice on the shelf

UncleYoked's picture

We're sold out for now Biggrin

Rosschestzip's picture

Ran out of inches?? Hate it when that happens

UncleYoked's picture

I prefer my measurements in CM

Rosschestzip's picture

I run out of those just as fast

Jockstrap's picture

Do mm's count? Asking for friend

FartDracula's picture

I think he meant he's out of cum :(

Jockstrap's picture


FartDracula's picture

I've gained 15 lbs so far this cycle, I also completely understand the appeal of femboys now.

Rosschestzip's picture

Must be tren or NPP?

FartDracula's picture

Nah just test, I think I'm just a hyper responder and watch too much anime :/

Rosschestzip's picture

Lmao. I never thought I’d here someone say they watch too much anime and run test in the same sentence lol.

The reason I asked tren or NPP is because they’ve done studies that show 19-nor derivatives make you gay. Lol well not gay but can make you a sexual deviant lmao so that’s why on tren you start watching like weird porn and shit. If you get that just on test you better not run tren or you’ll be a drag queen by the end of the week Lol

V0411's picture

Hey it's a thing man, get all hyped up and them animated chick's start looking pretty damn good

FartDracula's picture

There is nothing more horrifying than the thought of a super jacked gay man on tren. Um...damn thanks for the heads up I guess lol

shawn0712's picture

Just wanted to say appreciate the order as always, but love what you’re doing out there in the world man. Definitely good stuff.

Rg23's picture

Everytime I go to get semaglutide it’s out of stock again :/ any idea on restock time unc ?

UncleYoked's picture

I added 10 more to the site for you

Rg23's picture

You’re a solid guy Fr man

Knight28's picture

I cant seem to accessible their site is there a contact person? @UncleYoked i just sent a friend request also

UncleYoked's picture

accepted, if you're using a VPN, change it to USA

Getswole97's picture

Hey @UncleYoked I need you to accept my friend request so I can message you, thanks!

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