Osgear's picture
Osgear 482


category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 123 Quality 99.6748% 123 Delivery 98.5366% 123 Service 99.8374% 123 Pricing 99.0244% 123
3256 RECOMMEND 206
alekaras's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Excellent experience once again with OS gear!!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is for a promo order I got to add to my recomp blast!!
Items ordered
Ultima superdrol 50x10mg x 4
Ultima tne/oxy 70/30 x2
And nakon pharma dbol 50x25 MG as a gift!!
Superdrol :
Damn I forgot how strong this stuff was lol Haven't run it for a couple of years and Damn that shit blew me up... I may manage to run it for three weeks at 30 MG Ed and fuck me even at maintenance calories it blew me up strength skyrocketed hit prs in every damn lift. My total body weight went up 3 kgs and I looked leaner and more pumped then before.. To bad that you can't run it with out it fucks up your appetite!! Strong stuff right there if you want to mess around for a while!!
This is my first time with this stuff pretty strong. 1 ml an hour and half you got insane pumps fulness focus and push a couple of more reps then usuall, very good product oil and not water based so pip was non existed... The only bad side was the smell of it damn very bad smell!!
Nakon dbol haven't used it yet, but I believe it will be spot on!!

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Top customer service, and exceptional communication when needed!!
Ordering process is easy and super fast!!

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Pack came intact and well wrapped with out any rattling from the orals.... T/A was 3 weeks witch is great for an international order!!

Price to performance
Additional comments

Big variety of brands to pick with excellent quality products!! Another great order with OS!!

I recommend shopping here!
ScienceGuy's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

These guys are #1 for a reason. I have never had any issues with any of my orders, and they are reliable with great products.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I ordered
1 x Ultima-Oxa 50: used 25mg a day for six weeks after using 20mg a day with a different source. The 25mg continued my increased libido, slight back bumps and small strength boost (was also on TRT).

1 x Ultima-Enan 250: kept my typical 125mg dose that has been dialed in for years. I felt no different taking the Ultima-enan than any other test cup or test eth. The oil was smooth and easy to draw, and I had no PIP.

1 x Ultima-Tren: used this on low dose at 105mg per week. I had no negative side effects, other than leaning out a little more and having a more chiseled look.

1 x Ultima-Stan: I actually just finished taking this since I wanted to take a four-month break after running the Tren and var. I ran this at 25mg a day during a cut and was able to retain strength, have a more dry look and fortunately, didn't have any joint pain. I used 25mg a day for six weeks.

1 x Winstrol 25: finished my winny cycle with this brand. It was the same story as above.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I received a freebie in my order but these guys are always quick to respond and keep you updated on your order progress.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Package was discrete and arrived on time

Price to performance
Additional comments

These guys are amazing!

I recommend shopping here!
kinda fit kinda fat's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

These guys are on point and they deserve to be at the spot that they’re at. From the awesome customer service to the high quality products that these guys offer, you can’t go wrong when choosing them. The deals and promotions that they offer are hard to pass up on and it’s always a good time when browsing their site.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Caber (Ultima)
This helped with the prolactin that the tren brought upon. I know, bloods are the sure fire way to tell if something is going out of whack. Where I’m from it’s a fuckin shit ton to get a full panel test. I just go with feel lol. If adex barely made a dent, caber it is lmao. It honestly worked for me, the adex did shit and the nipps were still spicy. Popped a caber and in like a day or 2 the no spice and felt so nice. Morning wood was there so I know my estro wasn’t to shit.

TestE 250 (Ultima)
Ran this at 500 split twice a week. In about 4 weeks the test was kickin. Week 6 had me wanting to fuck bad, like full on reminded me of my teen years where it was like almost every hour I’m wanting to enter any orifice that she had. Lifts went up drastically and muscles filled up the body nicely even tho I’m hardly eating at work. Diet was shit honestly in terms of I barely ate and when I did it was a gargantuan sized meal. Ran it off with a 45 minute cardio sessions 3x a week. Mood went up and so did the aggression. Back broke out but nothing too bad. Some great test for sure!

Clen Salbuto (Ultima)
The tren tanked my cardio BIG TIME. This bad boy worked well and barely noticed any sides. I took clen before and that shit was gnarly. These are honestly Clen without the sides. No more shaky hands when trying to screw in a small fastener. No more carrying drywall and feeling your heart bump nasties with your rib cage and at the same time trying not to die. Gone are those years and here is what you’ve been missing on! Grab you a pack of these if your cardio tanked or you just don’t have cardio. You’ll love this shit!

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

These guys are fuckin nice lol. They answer your questions within a day and are very patient with y’all’s dumbasses lmao. They know how important customers are and they make sure to show it. Their site is a fucker to navigate (I mean that in a good way, I think) like you got fuckin choices. It’s easy to navigate but next thing you know you’re elbow deep with a shopping cart total of 6k. They offer a shit ton of products but they’re all A5 wagyu. Even threw in a box of dbol too Lolol.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Took about 3.5 weeks from ordering to the front of my door. Pack looks like any other pack you order at Amazon. There would be no way anything broke because the proper steps were taken and the worst possible scenarios were foreseen and prepped.

Price to performance
Additional comments

These guys been doing it for years. If this won’t make you go purchase some quality shit that they pump out, maybe go get some nugenix.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/25/2024 - 09:18
  • Stymie004 » What dose did you run those clen at ?
  • kinda fit kinda fat » 1 tab for the first week - week and a half and then 1.5 tabs and worked my way to 2 tabs a week later. It made cardio a breeze and you should get a pack or two for yourself and see what I mean!
  • Stymie004 » I def plan to!!
Littleman204's picture
My overall experience

I’ve ordered here prior with no complaints, but I ordered this last cycle on the Easter promo, an I don’t know if I just got a bad batch. But the test is definitely under dosed ,pretty sure the npp i received is completely bunk an the tbol either is a different compound or my body doesn’t respond well to tbol , all my lifts went down instead of up an I haven’t gained a pound . I have been lifting on gear for 7 years a normally this cycle would have my back acne raging an I would have gained 6-7 lbs water weight . An before you os shills say it’s my diet I’m at a calorie surplus an I eat egg whites in the morning an 6 meals a day weighed chicken an rice along side 2 40 gram protein shakes at 187lbs 6ft

Products, effectiveness and results

This time around not pleased at all with the product I received .

Customer service

Customer service was fine

Shipping and Delivery

Delivered within normal times

Price to performance
Additional comments
I do not recommend shopping here!
edited 05/24/2024 - 13:02
  • [SRC] Osgear » Hello Sir, Thank you for reaching out to us! Please send us a PM with your order details and products and we'll promptly assist you in this situation. Respectfully!
23Sparta's picture
+ 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Promo aside, OSgear is my oldest source. I’ve made quite a few purchases from them. Never had an issue with anything. Not even a hiccup. With that said, this review will be specifically for items I received from a promotion

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I chose to try out ULTIMA IGF-1 LR3. OSgear gave me three vials of it, each containing 1mg. They also generously threw in a pack of NAKON Dbol 25mg.

I used the Dbol at the end of my last growth phase about two months ago. I actually went out of town for ten days and didn’t bring any injectables, just the Dbol. So can definitely say that it was legit. As my testosterone levels were dropping, the Dbol carried more and more of the burden of keeping my mood upbeat and my workouts beast. NAKON Dbol did everything it was supposed to, great sense of wellbeing, pumps, strength.

Moving to the ULTIMA IGF-1 LR3. This compound is a hard one to evaluate for me. I’m not gonna just parrot shit about fat melting off, clipping my nails EOD, or smashing PRs. I’ve ran lots of LR3 and have never experienced any of that.

The only reason I use the compound is with hope that I will induce hyperplasia. Kinda hard to tell if that occurs imo. If new muscle cells were created, they will then have to be grown through hypertrophy, and that as we know takes time.

My experience with ULTIMA IGF-1 LR3 is on par with any of the other LR3 that I’ve ever used. I completed approximately 1mg before writing this review. The first day was 100mcg subq pre workout. I’ve been stable on a light stack for two months now, so I feel like I’m in a good place to judge if the LR3 did anything or not. My first workout with the LR3 did seem to have a little extra something in it. The next day was again 100mcg subq pre workout and I hit the gym with my boy and I definitely had a nasty pump. I posted a pic in the green shirt. The following day I ran 100mcg subq post workout and definitely that pump was missing. The following two days I rested and still used the product at 100mcg subq. I then moved on to yesterday and today using 100mcg bilateral IM pre workout and 100mcg subq post. I feel like now maybe some magic is starting to happen. It’s hard to tell though, IGF-1 LR3 has never smacked me in the face like Adrol or something like that. The last thing that I would remark on is that my body weight did shoot up about 5lbs since I started ULTIMA IGF-1 LR3 and my muscles look and feel much more full.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

OSgear makes it easy to shop there. They are quick and courteous in addressing my questions and/or concerns. I definitely do not mind the free dbol or the test p they love to throw in

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Has always came correct

Price to performance
Additional comments

Beligas BOGO, imo, is a great deal

I recommend shopping here!
HunchoBear's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Great as always. Ordered twice and wasn't disappointed. They even gave some free winstrol! Top notch source.

Products, effectiveness and results

Ultima cialis: Half a tab (12.5mg) gave me huge pumps and made my d*ck hella hard!
Ultima proviron: Great for libido and lowering SHBG. Been running it for 4 weeks now and experiencing all the expected sides at only 50mg a day.
Ultima Salbutamol: Haven't tried it yet but only heard good things about it. Going to run 2mg every 4h from when I wake up to the afternoon to boost my metabolism during my cut.

Customer service

Fast and responsive when I had a question about tracking. Amazing!

Shipping and Delivery

Super fast delivery for ordering international. They claimed 3-5 weeks and it came in just 2 weeks while being in May and having bank holidays all over europe! Stealth package too!

Price to performance
Additional comments

Great as always! To many orders to come! Thanks Smile

I recommend shopping here!
saucebandit's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Osgear is extremely reliable, easy to order/pay and the gear was quality. I am reviewing PCT products clomid and arimidex. Both worked as expected and blood test results 6 weeks after PCT showed acceptable total test, fsh and lh

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ultima brand products for PCT, I have used them before, still reliable. The aromasin and clomid seem accurately dosed.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Promo order, delivery within a weeks and excellent communication the entire way

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Dropped within a week

Price to performance
Additional comments

PCT was successful, what else is there to say? Great source

I recommend shopping here!
securine's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

This was my first time ordering from this particular source as well. I was drawn in by their recent 35% promotion. I was impressed with their commitment to customer service. They were incredibly helpful throughout the entire process, answering all my questions and addressing my concerns promptly and professionally. They are transparent with their policies and provide clear information about their products.

Whats not to like, heeh?

Products, effectiveness and results

I ordered the Test E, Sustanon 500 and Anavar, hoping to enhance my fitness journey. As advised, the Test E did cause some injection site discomfort (PIP), a common side effect I was prepared for. I mitigated this by using smaller injection volumes more frequently throughout the week. The Anavar, taken pre-workout, provided a noticeable boost in stamina and muscle pumps. I did experience slightly increased oiliness in my hair and a few minor breakouts, which are known side effects of this compound. Overall, I was satisfied with the results, especially when combined with a strict diet, consistent training regimen, and regular cardio.

Customer service

Top-notch customer service! They were readily available to answer my questions and provide support throughout the ordering process. Their clear communication and helpfulness deserve recognition.

Shipping and Delivery

My order arrived discreetly packaged and well-protected. The delivery time was surprisingly fast, exceeding my expectations.

Price to performance
Additional comments

The quality of the products, combined with the excellent customer service and efficient shipping, makes this shop a great value. I would definitely recommend them based on my experience.

I recommend shopping here!
pingree24's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

These guys are number one for a reason! Everything went smoothly from first contact to touchdown

I Ultima cialis,test prop,and dhb all utilma

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I ordered
Ultima-cialis 25 mg
This stuff is the real deal, I would spilt a 25mg pill in half and take it every 3rd day. I an hard as a rock on this stuff and it doesn't take much for it to start to get me going either. Absolutely zero sides from it only a extremely happy wife.

The test and dhb was also Ultima. I was running it at test 500mg and dhb "1-test cyp" at 300mg I've been in a caloric deficit and have gone down about 6 lbs and a little 2" off my waist which was my goal.

The dhb had a little bite to it but not so bad that you would suffer for days and hampered your workouts.

The test prop was awesome and I really noticed it's effects with in less that a week.

These were some quality products that I would recommend to anybody.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service was always great from order to touchdown. Very polite and with super fast responses.

Ordering was very,very smooth

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

It was packed about as safe and decreit as you could ask for. Shipping g was about 4 days from order to touchdown from a u.s warehouse

Price to performance
Additional comments

Great prices and beyond excellent quality. Thank you os gear you guys rock.

Any of you guys looking for great gear and a near perfect experience while ordering these are the guys to to through.

I recommend shopping here!
bigzubby's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Osgear does it again. Quick shipping, great customer service, A+ products.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As always, discrete packaging, quick shipping, secured and ready to go.

Ran their 50mg Anavar, 25mg AM / 25mg pre-workout during a quick 8 week cut before summer, and this stuff works. Helped me retain muscle and even break a couple PR's while maintaining a good 500-600 calorie deficit. Veins started popping around the 3rd week, still going strong even after a few weeks off. Ran some taurine alongside to help with any muscle cramps.

Also have stocked up on more of their NPP which I had ran previously, excited to add to a winter bulk starting end of August, but I already know it is smooth and effective.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always quick and responsive, had a question regarding shipping and they got back to me within 6 hours EST.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Discrete, quick, secure, what more could you want from a source.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Everyone knows they're #1 for a reason, and time and time again they show why.

I recommend shopping here!
kth3446's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I'm at the 7 week mark with ultima deca 250/ ultima test p 100 and am pleased with the product. I have gained significant strength, especially in shoulder press where I'm particularly focused. I have also been experiencing less inflammation in my elbow joints after workouts.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As always the ultima products are smooth to run without pip or other issues. I have been running the test eod and deca 2x per week.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great, after initial order no communication needed.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivered in a bit over a week and the packaging was safe and secure.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
WingChun's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Very happy with my experience. I have used Osgear years ago and they were great. Still one of my favorite sites.

Products, effectiveness and results

Aspen sustanon great product.

Customer service

The entire ordering process was simple and stress free.

Shipping and Delivery

They had my order to me very quickly, less than two weeks from placing my order to opening my presents.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Having the original packaging with all my gear is always a nice touch. Nice job !!!

I recommend shopping here!
jonmark's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I was in a promo to try out some Nakon products and it was a good process all around. The website is easy to use and everyone I dealt with was quick, efficient, and professional. I have no complaints at all, just a great experience. The product was very good quality and I felt great energy, strength, and mood overall.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

2 x Nakon Medical Anavar 50 pills (50mg x 50 pills).
The anavar was taken for about 5 weeks. I split the dosages up into morning and pre-workout 12.5mg each. The pills are easy to break into quarters using a razor blade. When you purchase these in the 50mg size you really save a lot of money, especially if you order from an international warehouse.

My energy levels were good and you can tell the anavar kicks in pretty fast. Also I had good libido and mentally I experienced good confidence. I put on probably around two pounds of lean muscle and a little fat, but this would also be great on a cut. I did not notice any change in appetite or acne level.

Also I will note that I received a free gift of some Nakon Medical dbol methandienone 25mg x 50 pills, thanks!

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Their website has great customer service. If I need to contact them through the ticket system I usually hear back in less than a day. They are always professional and I have not had any trouble, the way it should be for a customer.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I received this product with international shipping in just over two weeks total, so no complaints there. Also they are really good about giving a tracking number so you can monitor the shipping progress and know when to expect the package to arrive. That makes life easier.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Overall just a great experience and I highly recommend this source. I had a great experience with the anavar, and I can see why basically everyone recommends it if you can get it from a trusted source for a reasonable price. Their prices, customer service, shipping, and products are the highest quality that you could ask for. Their person managing this osgear eroids account is great also, very helpful if anything is needed. They are also hard to beat when it comes to their sales, and if you have made previous purchases you will stack up some instant cash back on your account.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/20/2024 - 21:56
Caner's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is a promotional evaluation. Excellent resource. I usually order from osgear. No problems so far, everything is great.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I bought 5x deus propionate from the promotion I participated in and they added 1 x deus dianabol.

Deus Propionate: combined with a 10 week diet produced excellent effects. I have used it many times before. Excellent libido and energy. I usually do eod.

Deus dianabol : after the short cut I took a short break and waited for the results of the blood tests. Everything was fine. I used 20 mg daily. My goal was to build strength in training and I can say it did its job.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

There is no need to contact them. Everything always goes smoothly. I'm very satisfied, I recommend it to everyone.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Arrived in 2 weeks. The packaging is great and incomprehensible.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Great resource . First class. I recommend it to everyone.

I recommend shopping here!
Sven01's picture
My overall experience

My first time ordering with osgear and it all went absolutely smooth, placed order and was taken of very promptly leaving no room for any issue whatsoever.

Products, effectiveness and results

Ultima Test Cyp and Ultima Dbol.
Both very effective, the Test Cyp used at for TRT at 200mg per 7 days and and good mood , solid workouts and better sleep on this.
Dbol was used for 4 weeks and i got some crazy pumps, 100 percent gained some mass and strength also and was very strong generally.
happy customer here!

Customer service

simple communication really not needed other than place order, make payment and hear back with update

Shipping and Delivery

tight packaing, well discrete and not issue with breakages etc. good delivery time for an international order

Price to performance
Additional comments

pleased to come across osgear and will be back again

I recommend shopping here!
Jessebadboy's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

First time ordering and everything went quite smoothly. I ordered 1 Sust 500 and 1 box of Clomid. It was BOGO so I got double my order. They all threw in a free box of Winstrol. Its been 8 weeks and I feel great. I've put on muscle and have lost a fair amount of weight. I am currently on a cut, and even with the reduced calories my arms, chest and shoulders have blown up. I plan on getting my labs checked soon.

Products, effectiveness and results
  • Sustanon 500
  • Clomid

Everything seems to be working great. I pin twice a week 250mg. The pip isnt as bad as I had feared. I feel like a beast at the gym, and I'm crushing it at work. Libido is off the charts and my D looks like it did in high school lol

Customer service

Didn't have a reason to contact them. Ordering process was smooth.

Shipping and Delivery

Was provided a tracking number once shipped. It came from an international warehouse so it took a lil while to arrive. 20 days total.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
mujeriego's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always happy with Osgear. I literally make 1 or 2 orders a fortnight with them without fail as they just consistently deliver for me in both service and products. Living in a shit country for this sort of thing, they just have one of the best services for me and I can just rely on them. Some people might call me a fanboy, but that's the reality of the situation and if a source consistently delivers for you then it's only fair that you support them so they can keep that service up.

Osgear is just so easy to order from. I very rarely have to get in touch with them as you just place the order and then they take care of it promptly. Their prices are also always very good with some of the discounts they have on their website at times.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Have ordered many products over the last few months, however, this review is specifically for the Ultima HGH.

It's my first time running HGH in a few years now. Have used pharma in the form of both Genotropin and Humatrope so still have good experience to compare.

This HGH is definitely legit. As soon as I started using it the hands and feet started tingling within the first night. Weight jumped up 2kg pretty much over the first week with the water and fullness that it added. Luckily with being fairly lean, it was still good weight gain and didn't look sloppy. If you are higher BF% then take that into consideration and start low.

I jumped right into 8iu as I have experience and have stuck with this dose throughout as I feel it's the sweet spot for me at the moment. Though I will most likely up the dose a little bit more to like 10iu to finish my cycle off before going into a health phase.

At 8iu the most notable things were definitely the fullness. Just that tight, skin ripping feeling all the time. With pumps at the gym being awesome and vascularity increasing tenfold.

Sleep has been great, although to be fair sleep has never really been an issue for me. But I definitely feel I sleep deeper and my dreams are definitely more vivid. This is especially noticeable as I take my whole dose before bed.

Nails, hair and skin are looking all great. With hair growing way too quick as usual when I use HGH. Have to almost trim my body hair weekly at this point, especially the back lol.

Overall I couldn't be happier with the HGH so far. I will definitely be getting bloodwork soon and posting that up when I do, but I feel like it's doing it's job really well so far. I feel like there aren't many reviews on the Ultima HGH so hopefully this helps some people as generic HGH can be so hit and miss at times.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service is always great. I don't really need to get in touch with them most of the time. But when you put a support ticket through the website they are always quick to reply and take care of you.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Packaging and delivery are excellent. Delivery is usually around 2 weeks internationally and packaging is always discreet and secure. They always put in a little gift as well, usually some form of oral like winny or dbol.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Just an excellent source all around.

I recommend shopping here!
zorro2021's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

It is time to review after one more experience with this great source and tried a new lab. I have done business some sources to order from and they give me fast and easy experience to go, this source is one of my favorites hands down, Never let me down on questions and do their job without asking.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Order sust Tex mix from beligas laboratories, is no joke, test mix is potent and strong, no pip after injection, good pumps and strength on top. It keeps me through the diet and muscle roundness noticeable. Test mix side effects as usual but it depends on every individual. It kept my sex drive on point, stamina from it was great. I like this source so much, Results from it and good diet are great, lab is serious (from package presentation to oil effectiveness.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service and the ordering process is simple and fast. Site is easy to use and simple how it should be for this kind of sources. Serious. Very very pleased.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery time is fast.
Packaging is discreet and safe as always.

Price to performance
Additional comments

totally recommend source. They are on top top top
Great people to do business with.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/18/2024 - 21:38
Woogs's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great! Have received several orders…both promo and non promo. I’ve always had a positive experience.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ultima Test C- quality Testosterone.Used at 200mg a week for TRT. Never been disappointed pinning Test C from Ultima. Solid mood, sleep, sex drive etc.

Ultima Proviron- Solid product. I usually run either low dose Masteron or Proviron with TRT for mental well-being. I’ve used it in conjunction with Winstrol and had great results also. Harder/dryer muscles. Back acne with all 3. Thinning hair also.

Ultima Nova- I’ve used several different Nolvadex products strictly for existing gyno. Never had success with any. I recently started raloxifene. I personally responded better to that SERM

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Never had an issue, so no reason to reach out. They usually throw in a free Test Prop with my order.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Turn around for US domestic and international both impressive. Tight package/no chance of broken vials.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Highly rated source for a reason!

I recommend shopping here!
conversekidz's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Happy repeat customer - I have yet to have a negative experience with OSgear

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great products, i'm a fan of the Nakon line, for me its been consistent

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Quick to reply to questions, very helpful in answering questions as I have raised them. Free gift is always a nice Smile

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Quick and discrete, what more can I ask for?

Price to performance
Additional comments

Highly recommend them

I recommend shopping here!
daddyfixit's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Great source and to date have made numerous orders with 0 issues. Always packaged well, and nice to sit back and relax and know it is coming.

Products, effectiveness and results

Ultma D-Bol, Ultima Cyp, Ultima Tren A, Utima HCG, Ultima HGH kit. All products have been very effective. Great pumps and I am an old guy. Haven't had a chance to use HGH yet as I am running 4 months of other brand before trying Ultima HGH.

Customer service

Customer service is always very responsive and usually takes around 2 to 4 hours to respond. Had one issue with broken vial of HCG, and they immediately replaced without question once I showed visual proof.

Shipping and Delivery

Turn around is acceptable and I am a very impatient person. Haven't had any issue on amount of time for delivery to date.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Swollenog's picture
+ 1
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

My overall experience with this supplier has been excellent.
From professional services and easy-to-use website to
Navigate through to fast international shipping and discreet packaging. Great quality products at low low

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Nakon Medical products ordered,
1 box Oxymetholone 50mg.
1 box Dbol 50mg.
1 box Dbol 25mg.
1 bottle Stanozolol 50mg.
1 Anadrol 50mg tab hour before workout great strength gains with added lean muscle mass and great vascular veins.
1 Dbol 50mg tab hour before workout great strength gains
Extra water retention, high libido and euphoric feeling of well-being.
2 Dbol 25mg tabs hour before gym increased strength, high libido, feeling of well-being.
1cc Stanozolol 50mg per day, very dry hard looking physic
Great strength gains accompanied with through the roof

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Outstanding customer service and communication with
Prompt responses to questions about products and shipping.
Ordering process is highly professional from their easy-to-use website with many different payment methods.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Domestic and international shipping is lightning fast with
International orders delivered in 2 weeks time.
Packaging is discreet with products wrapped securely in
Bubble wrap as to protect products from breaking.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Excellent products with cheap pricing accompanied by professional services!
I highly recommend ordering from this supplier as I have multiple times and will continue to place future orders.

I recommend shopping here!
Alya92's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

My overall experience with Osgear is great, like all orders at the site until now.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Test Cyp 250mg from Deus Medical
Test used at TRT dose 150mg per week (pinning twice on monday and thursday, 75mg each). Strength is very good and libido is high. Probably staying at this dose until end of May when I start cutting cycle.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Communication went smooth. Great service and support, structured process so no complaints there.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

TA was 6 days after getting tracking number. The packaging was very discreet and well done. No issues with customs.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I will use this source again and again, my go to Source.

I recommend shopping here!
Julian000's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

These people are helpful and respectful and answer every question with pleasure. Excellent service

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ordered some Anavar and Proviron. The Var was great. The pump was sometimes painful but still felt excellent and waist line slimed which you would expect from a good Oxandrolone. The Proviron was used to increase free Testosterone and also for it's anti Estradiol effect. Both were spot on and did what they're supposed to

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As mentioned earlier, customer service was top notch. Very helpful and respectful.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery was fast and discreet which you would expect from a number one source

Price to performance
Additional comments

All in all a very pleasant and easy going experience like always. A definite recommendation.

I recommend shopping here!
  • FrankTheTank12 » Hence why they are #1. Solid source for sure!
ironmuscle89's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Review for osgear early promo.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Product: Pharmacom primobolan
I cruised on low dose test and primo. I am a sensitive and easy aromatizer but thanks to primo my estrogen was in check. Mood wise I felt sensational and even though it did not pack on lot of mass kept me lean and aesthetic. It made my muscle bellies look separated and beautiful without any weight change.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

We had most of communication through pm here and his responses were supportive and fast.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Package arrived neat without any damage.

Price to performance
Additional comments

If you are looking for a well establish source I highly recommend osgear.

I recommend shopping here!