soso99's picture
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Hey guys


Okay guys so I need some opinions . Been natural my whole life recently had surgery in October .. so now I'm in my getting back to where I was phase .. I was thinking of doing my first cycle which consists of test prop and anavar .. aromason On cycle and nolvadex for pt .. now my question is .. is my body fat to high ( based on pictures below) should I spent some time more natty to get body fat down then start cycle or am I good to start now .. PLEASE IGNORE THE TABLE BELOW ,sorry about that guys .. just focus on question and pictures . And also the two pictures are only a few days apart

Testosterone EnanthatePregnylNolvadex
helloBrooklyn's picture

Sure you’re not jumping into steroids just a little too soon? Have you hit advanced numbers on all the big lifts on the common standardized weight-dependent strength charts? If not, there’s no way you’ve reached your natural potential yet. It doesn’t matter if strength isn’t your goal, either; when you’re 100% natural, size and strength are directly correlated (barring rare genetic freaks with crazy advantageous levers and moment arms), so you can pretty accurately tell if you’ve hit your potential by looking at those charts on strengthlevels or ExRx or something like that.

If you haven’t, I’d say shelf the idea of steroids until you’ve built your base naturally. You’ll get so much more out of a first cycle then.

Hell, I’ll even do the legwork for ya and look it up. If you cannot, as of this time at your current body weight (all in lbs, all for one repetition):

Bench press 275 with a pause on your chest

Deadlift 440 with either conventional or sumo style to full lockout without hitching

Strict standing overhead press 165 from a dead stop off your upper chest to full lockout

Back squat 370 to depth

…Then you should hold off until you can, IMO.

sosothegreat's picture

Hey brother idk if you’ve read it thoroughly , I haven’t used any steroids a day in my life , read again when you get time .. thanks for feedback , also stated I haven’t been lifting I just recently got out of surgery .. , you just looked at the pictures then called me pregnant lmaoooo , but thanks brother !! I’ll get back , the natural way !

Makwa's picture

How come you have 2 accounts now?

GizmoDuck's picture

Sir. Don’t wanna focus on the pics. No throw up a hot Latina with a nice booty. Yea. That will get my focus

soso99's picture

Fair enough brother lol

Primo_Build's picture

I agree with what ATP said below brother. You’re only 26 and, God willing, have lots of time here on this Earth. Take your time and build it proper. You’ve got a strong base and that’s literally half the battle. Diet and exercise will do wonders for you.

In a promo × 1
soso99's picture

Yup thanks brother agree with you both going to work hard keep it natural until I reach my peak then think steroids

Primo_Build's picture

During that time, I’d geek out and read up. Research and study on AAS. The more you know, the more you’ll grow. Best wishes man.

In a promo × 1's picture

keep it natty bro, you can make much more progress with diet and gym time. I know its tempting to jump on something , but the more progress you make with out gear the more progress you can make with gear.

soso99's picture

Okay thanks for input brother I agree I was thinking let's go another year , or at least 6 months get that body fat % under 15% then I can start thinking about cycling

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