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+ 10 Ment E cycle


I really liked the results I got running ment A for short time so I figured I would try some longer ester ment E and see what type of results I can get from it. This will be a bulk obviously. Staying somewhat conservative with the dose I believe and just doing a simple short cycle to get a good feel for the compound. Got some ment e on the way so looking to start this the beginning of December once it arrives. Will be monitoring body composition to get a good indication of how the compound performs. Going to shoot for at least 750 cals above maintenance to start and adjust cals as needed based on body comp results. I may sub some sust in place of the test e since I may be doing a MWF pinning schedule.

WeekSustMent EMast eMent a DHBTbolProvianadrolAromasinCaberHGHPEG-MGFIGF-LR3Mot-C
1120mg330mg270mg300mg25mg Ed50mg Ed300mcg/d5mg EOD
2120mg330mg270mg300mg25mg Ed50mg Ed300mcg/d5mg EOD
3120mg330mg270mg300mg25mg Ed2.5iu25mcg/d5mg EOD
4120mg330mg180mg360mg50mg Ed12.5mg EOD.25mg 2x/wk2.5iu50mcg/d5mg EOD
5120mg330mg180mg360mg50mg Ed50mg Ed12.5mg EOD.25mg 2x/wk2.5iu50mcg/d5mg EOD
6120mg330mg180mg360mg50mg Ed50mg Ed12.5mg EOD.25mg 2x/wk300mcg5mg EOD
7120mg330mg180mg360mg50mg Ed12.5mg EOD.25mg 2x/wk300mcg10mg/wk
8120mg330mg180mg360mg60mg Ed12.5mg EOD.25mg 2x/wk3iu50mcg/d10mg/wk
9120mg330mg180mg360mg60mg Ed12.5mg EOD.25mg 2x/wk3iu50mcg/d10mg/wk
10120mg330mg180mg360mg60mg Ed12.5mg EOD.25mg 2x/wk3iu50mcg/d10mg/wk
11120mg330mg180mg360mg60mg Ed12.5mg EOD.25mg 2x/wk300mcg
12120mg330mg180mg50mg ED360mg60mg Ed12.5mg EOD.25mg 2x/wk300mcg
13120mg330mg180mg50mg ED360mg60mg Ed12.5mg EOD.25mg 2x/wk3iu50mcg/d
14120mg330mg180mg50mg ED360mg60mg Ed12.5mg EOD.25mg 2x/wk3iu50mcg/d
Smitty512's picture

I just want to see your blood work up ----.

press1's picture

When you are running all those different things bud, say like on week 5 - does it not make you feel weird or all over the place or do you just feel well with also having the ancillaries in there?

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Makwa's picture

Ran most of the stuff before so I kind of know what to expect. Generally though, since I am on cycle you get that alpha feeling. None of the stuff here makes me feel funky. Keep the tren and sdrol out of the mix and I am a well oiled machine. Lol The mot-C is something a little different though. I actually liked it. Kind of gave me that dbol type of euphoric feeling for a couple of days after pinning.

laxman3221's picture

How's the ILS doing?

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Makwa's picture

Kind of like flipping a light switch. Now it is just all of a sudden gone. Keeping my fingers crossed. Going to actually go to the gym tonight and try and work out.

laxman3221's picture

Glad to hear that. Good luck and I hope its gone for good.

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Spongebobx's picture

I´m just curious about this compound it seems pretty strong and I read of it more places. Do you experience similar negatives like comparing to tren? Here I am thinkin of the trensomnia, sleeping issues on tren. Is this ment compound side free in that aspect or is it somehow same?

Makwa's picture

I haven't experienced any negative sides, especially none of the tren sides. Only positives. I take that back, I did notice a bump in my BP of about 10 points, but other than that it is awesome.

Juicer80's picture

MENT E intrigues like no other compound these days. Thanks for the log, I'm following closely.

Achak's picture

This cycle is looking insane. You're going to pack on serious size.

Makwa's picture

It is going on pretty quick so far.

Ninja's picture

Other than ILS, which I hope things get better for you, seems like 330/wk of ment e is doing well. You think this is the "sweet spot" for ment e like 400-500/wk of ment a is? What about 400/wk of ment e?

Thanks for the cycle update. If I can pin less but get good results, we are all ears around here.

Makwa's picture

I think 300mg or so seems to be pretty good. This is the most weight I have put on in such a short time frame for a long time. I really don't think it needs to be ran much higher than that. Seems pretty strong. Not battling estro either.

Ninja's picture

Thanks for the response. Taking less for same or better results works for me.

Looking forward to how the rest of your cycle turns out.

Makwa's picture

Up 2lbs and change after week 1. Starting to feel that perma-pump.

Makwa's picture

Up 2 more lbs end of wk 2. 4lbs total so far.
Week 3 is looking to be the magic week if things continue like they have so far this week. This ment e works pretty quick.

Makwa's picture

End of wk 3. Jumped up 4 more lbs this week 8lbs in 3 weeks isn't to shabby for long esters. Never seen longs work so quickly. Big jump in strength and endurance this week. Appetite starting to increase. Maybe why I put on so much weight Lol

Bumping mast down and bumping up DHB to ramp up the anabolism. Going to let the aromasin take care of any estro issues.

Makwa's picture


Makwa's picture

Put on 1 lb and some change end of wk 4. So about 9lbs in total so far. My irritable lung syndrome (ILS) due to covid flared up middle of this week and made training impossible. On cruise mode now until I can get things corrected and start training again. Sad

Makwa's picture

End of Wk 5
Not surprisingly, I didn't put on any weight this week. Didn't lose any either. So kind of wash, but considering I have not been able to workout for the past 10 days due to my ILS things are sitting OK. Kind of just coasted this week, didn't do a damn thing because I really couldn't. Even backed down the dosages to since I knew I wouldn't be working out anyway. Going to try and get back on track this week now.

press1's picture

Damn mate - sorry to hear this Cray 2 Does it make you cough or harder to breathe?

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Makwa's picture

Coughing and can't breathe. Pulse Ox is in low 80's when usually I am in the upper 90's. Can't exert myself or it feels like I am suffocating and can't get enough air.

Mac12769's picture

Bro room air 80’s is not good at all. If that holds at rest, might consider getting some breathing treatments going soon…….

Makwa's picture

They are running all sorts of tests now. CT scan with some kind of dye, xrays, functional breathing test. Next is I think they are going to seal me up in a box with a little CO and test the transfer rate of oxygen from my lungs to blood or something like that. Got me on prednisone, albuterol, antibiotics, benzoate and of course some OTC cough meds.
Nothing seems to be helping very much. Very frustrating to say the least.

ONESICK's picture

Damn bro, hopefully you'll get better soon.

I got hit with pneumonia and was battling that on and off for the last month. Finally getting out of that fucking slump. Felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest I couldn't breathe. Lungs full of fluid and all that fun shit.

Mac12769's picture

All meds are on point. Sometimes it’s a matter of stacking them to get them to work. And yeah they need to watch not just SpO2 but your CO as well to see how well your breathing it off. I’m watching now. Keep me posted. They keeping you on supplement O2 by nasal cannula ?

press1's picture

When Mac brings the new goat round for your wife he can do full lung clean out Mak, he'll bring his toolkit round with rib splitters and give em a good vacuum out.

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Makwa's picture

I am up for about anything at this point Lol

press1's picture

Yeh damn that isn't good at all, when mine is low 90's after sedation for teeth treatment they will not even let me leave until it is higher 90's (I think, I am still out of it then though lol)

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Makwa's picture

Literally feels like I am suffocating although I am breathing normally, Hits me as soon as I do something where I have to breathe a little harder.