KizerSozay's picture
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New acct user --. im borderline diabetic can I start somatotropin & sus 250?


I’m in my 50s 40lbs overweight due to debilitating inuries ( necrotizing faciitis) acute care long term hospitalization & now I’m on the road back
My doc recently said I’m borderline diabetic pushed metformin but I didn’t start taking it … I opted for carnivore diet to drop my A1C and lose BFat etc
I dropped 20lbs… I have a couple boxes of goldtrope gh
I’m conflicted on mixed data on GH? Am I being reckless starting GH with Borderline diabetes? I’m getting new blood labs and A1C next week?
I been eating clean and doing cardio the usual push pull movements in gym
*** I started 1 iu m w f of somatropin and plan to fire in enanthate 200mgs wk
Is tricana t3 necessary?

I know this is a can of worms here but I’m confused on the GH & sugar
I’m 55 been outside the loop since 2006 and my last cycle was jintropin sus 250 stromba tabs and loved it --

Thanks for navigating this one ----

Week/ProductTestosterone EnanthatePCTDianabol
2GH 1 iu m w f
KizerSozay's picture

I agree on grinding it out in the gym versus just depending on gear but I’m not at full speed yet.. I had a debilitating infection that took me down long term acute care hospitalization (necrotizing faciitis) they took every bit of tissue fr top of my foot.. days after surgery I could see all bones in the foot. That was Nov 2023 the doc gave me the ok to hit the gym I get around on crutches on bad days. But I can’t put lotta weight on the foot so I do stationary bike cardio and typical push pull movements dumbbells barbells.. I’m recovering getting my strength n endurance back.. that’s the boring background bs on my circumstances.. so I’m limited on really goin full strength in the gym until this foot heals. I started goldtrope (somatotropin) slowly 1 iu m w f which others found pointless but I always start GH slowly as in the past anything over 1iu daily would cause the usual carpal tunnel limbs asleep.. I respond well to GH I guess.. plus I’m borderline diabetic and wasn’t sure how it would tweak my blood sugar. The GH I figured would be fantastic to help healing the skin tissue in the foot.. my blood labs indicated 212 testosterone so definitely deficient maybe from all the massive opioids pain meds I been on.. oxycodone IR 15mgs 6x a day.. so I’m supposed to see a urologist for TRT .. i discontinued the GH so the urologist didn’t get spooked on my urine blood testing.. so that’s the rationale behind everything thank you for responding-- .. I’m 55 and been outside the loop since 2006.. i was blessed as kid to live close to the Mendenhall brothers gym.. I joined just about the time Matt Mendenhall was training there for the America against Haney .. back then it was dball deca enanthate if u competed u we’re lucky to catch someone with a 50c bottle of Winnie.. GH was insanely expensive so we never did it..

Jockstrap's picture

Listen to dr and lose 20lbs first

KizerSozay's picture

Thank you --

anvil's picture

1 iu m/w/f is a terrible idea. 2 iu per day is considered antiaging/longevity dose. 3 iu per day will start help with fat lose. Low dose GH doesn't normally make you more insulin resistant although if you are already prediabetic you should consult a doctor.
If you are prescribed metformin you should take it but it will counteract GH, it will inhibit androgen-induced IGF-1R gene transcription.
Do not mess with T3. It would be better if you were lean and couldn't get last few lbs off.
Why sust 250? if you are looking to start out use 200 Test E or C.

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KizerSozay's picture

Thanks --

Pumped_'s picture

Is that 1 i.u. a day and only 3 times a week? If it is i dont think its even enough to replace your natural production. You would just be wasting it in my opinion. I could be wrong but you could utilize those 3 boxes so its actually effective.

scoobydoo's picture

What is your A1C? Doctors in the US can't prescribe Metformin unless you're diabetic. Unless it has been prescribed off label for weight loss. If that's what your doctor did, then you have a good doctor. I've been prediabetic for about 15 years and have never been offered Metformin. I put myself on Metformin over 5 years ago.

Gh will increase your insulin resistance, especially if taken in the morning. Before Metformin when I was doing 4iu split, 2iu morning/night, it caused me to gain fat. I didn't seem to have a problem with 2iu at night.

You should get an igf-1 blood test to see what your level is at.

Goodstud's picture

That is not true. I have many people prescribed Metformin who are considered pre diabetic. It is a cheap cheap drug and insurance companies would rather have you get on it early and prevent patients from going on insulin or any other diabetic drugs. You just have an bad doctor if you have asked and have never been prescribed. I don't want to neg you for that but I apologize you were never offered metformin for being pre diabetic. Any good doctor will prescribe that with one borderline A1c number. Especially if it runs in your family and if that doctor doesn't that is and can be considered malpractice. Not saying they will lose their license but they can go in front of a board or have to take education classes for how diabetes work and the medications used. Also not saying all doctors will have to go this route but if I had a doctor who knew my A1c was borderline and didn't offer metformin I would not trust that doctor to care for me as that is just ignorance by that doctor.

scoobydoo's picture

Metformin is not FDA approved for prediabetes and probably never will be. The original patent holder, Bristol Myers Squibb, would have to initiate the FDA approval for prediabetes and they no longer manufacture metformin. A doctor in the US would never be accused of medical malpractice for not prescribing a drug that is not FDA approved. Taking metformin for prediabetes is an off-label use of the medication. I've never been offered metformin from about 4 different doctors. I got the same story. You need to diet and exercise. That hasn't cut it for me and that's why I put myself on metformin. And it's only been about 3 years that I've been taking metformin and not 5 as previously stated.

Goodstud's picture

Then you have not had the right doctors as I am a person who prescribes metformin almost all my colleagues I have talked to prescribe it as to prevent or help prevent you from becoming diabetic and we all say the same thing it isn't a magic pill you still have to diet and exercise. First time users in the prediabetic range of their A1c reading usually get 500 to 750mgs of Metformin but I prefer the ER type as it has less GI issues. But of course every doctor will and has to say exercise and diet. Just like we have to tell all smokers to quit smoking and offer information on the risks of smoking. Most insurances would rather pay 5 dollars for metformin to help you not be one a diabetic then wait for you to be ome one and put a patient eventually on insulin which is way more expensive. Metformin is one of the cheapest medications made.
Go to an Endocrinologist would be the better choice as they are more knowledgeable about these issues. Also make sure you get your B12 levels checked and other vitamin levels as metformin is known to cause a B-12 deficiency.

scoobydoo's picture

Dude, the last time I went to the doctor, about three years ago, it was a new doctor. My other doctor retired. The new doctor went through my family history, mom had breast cancer, dad had prostate cancer and type II diabetes. She wanted to do some bloodwork. She didn't t have my PSA tested. I never went back. I have yet to find a decent doctor.

Edit: What reason do you use for prescribing metformin for prediabetes?

Goodstud's picture

It is all up to the patient if they want it. But studies show most people who become pre diabetic have type 2 diabetes in 5 years. It is a cheap and easy way to help people get their A1c levels down and get into the normal range if they eat right and exercise. Pretty much a way to help people to not become diabetic and in turn their overall health improves. In turn it keeps their insurance cheaper and in the long run saves everyone money.
But If they don't do that it helps them at least stay pre diabetic longer and hopefully keeps them from becoming a diabetic sooner rather than later if they don't change their lifestyle. Also some people will get it in conjunction other meds if a diabetic. It also if I am not mistaken the most prescribed drug in the US last I knew.
Metformin has many off label uses. It has been effective if you get COVID in preventing long haul symptoms. Was on 60 minutes for its use in anti-aging. It also is cheap and has very few sides except for the GI issues. Overall it is a pretty safe prescription drug. Only thing I tell pt. If they do take it, I suggest taking a B12 vitamin specifically due to the fact in a lot of people I see it affects their levels.

KizerSozay's picture

Thanks for replying, -- question? My pcp did blood labs and found my T levels low 212 so I’m on deck to see a urologist for TRT.. should I ask this new doc for IGF1 levels?


Goodstud's picture

Should be sending you to Endocrine doc. Not urologist for TRT and being pre diabetic.

AK80's picture

Post your lab test results in here after you cross out your name and other personal information. We will help you.

scoobydoo's picture

It wouldn't hurt to get baseline igf-1 levels.

anvil's picture

I have a family member you was prescribed it as a prediabetic in the US. I would find a different medication as it will inhibit androgen-induced IGF-1R gene transcription. GH is then nullified.

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scoobydoo's picture

I get more benefit running metformin with my gh than I did without. The metformin has worked really well for me. I'm kind of leary of trying something else. I'll be doing an igf-1 test in a month or so. I'll see how much my igf-1 gets elevated while running metformin with my gh. My blood sugar never really got that high before metformin, but it would go up to 180-220 and hold there for 2 or 3 hours.

Rosschestzip's picture

So you think you got more benefit out of the hgh, using it with metformin, like did the hgh make the metformin stronger or do you think the metformin made the hgh stronger?

Goodstud's picture

Metformin will inhibit muscle growth. If you goal is to still gain muscle and not just lose fat then skip the Metformin

scoobydoo's picture

I definitely got more benefit out of the gh with metformin, being prediabetic. The metformin kept my blood sugar down. Metformin increases insulin sensitivity. I use the ReliOn Premier COMPACT Blood Glucose Monitoring Kit. The test strips are cheap. $18 for 100 test strips. I've tried 3 or 4 different meters and the cheap Walmart meter has been more consistent.

Goodstud's picture

Granted it will help you lose fat but if trying to gain muscle then metformin should not be used.

scoobydoo's picture

I'm at an age where gaining muscle is not a top priority. I've actually been trying to reduce muscle mass so I'm not carrying so much weight.

Rosschestzip's picture

Do you know anything that decreases insulin sensitivity or increases resistance . I either create too much insulin or am becoming insulin sensitive, I think it’s one of those two things but idk

Goodstud's picture

Berberine is supposed to work like Metformin without the sides. Make sure you get Dihydorberberine as it is the superior form.

scoobydoo's picture

Are you using gh? That will do it.

Rosschestzip's picture

Yessir, mountains of it lol. But I don’t think it’s working idk

Goodstud's picture

IGF with GH can help correct this or help this. Makwa made a suggestion about it to me and it works. Got shredded and bigger with those two.