Licinius's picture
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Quick libido fix required


I'm 55 & been using a reliable brand of test from a reliable seller for 6 months now. Recently my latest batch has shown no sides. I normally get sensitive nipples & huge libido increase (600mg test + 200mg tren weekly).

Also pinning HCG every other day but I've got deccadick! My Mrs is 23 years younger than me so this needs fixing quickly.

I've ordered fresh supplies from a different supplier but wondering if I should up the test doseage as a temporary measure?

Greg's picture

Six months on cycle with those dosages? Less is more.
BP, prolactin, and estrogen are your problems.

I'd get some caber, drop the Tren and cut back on the test to 100mg/week until you get your dick back.

You don't want to be over the upper end of normal for any length of time. That's why you CYCLE.
Your cruise dose should keep you in normal range... no sensitive nipples (high estrogen), no high BP, normal libido, and no ED.

It's going to take about a month or more to correct... hope you're good at oral.

Joey M's picture

Check your SBH, mine was through the roof and was halting the free test even though everything was high as hell at 47. They told me anavar cyp hcg. Anyone have any suggestion to lower SBH and I think its your issue to or maybe the dosage mines just natural.

Takerz3's picture

Cold plunge under 48 degrees in the am, for min 3 min, right after to warm up workout , warm you body up by working out, data shows increase in test over 50% and libido.

Andyvrs's picture

Surely you can find out the root cause with a blood test as most have said? You don't want a quick fix, you want it done right. Good luck.

simonmagus84's picture

I didn’t read the other comments but high estrogen or prolactin can interfere with that. 600 mgs isn’t a colossal dose but enough raise estro significantly. Make sure your numbers are in check. I’m a huge fan of running low dose test with proviron every cycle. Consider it.

sandman3698's picture

I have to run my test deca at 2:1 otherwise I get the deca dick.... But not sure about your post, are you having deca dick or tren dick?

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AK80's picture

Your estrogen is too high. Confirm that for us with bloodwork.

ForeverFitBod1's picture


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Wildling's picture

You need to go see an endocrinologist as these actions may have made things worse here. You stated you want to keep things simple, yet you started gear for the first time last year, pinning 600mg a week for an unknown amount of time, already have used deca & tren... that's not keeping it simple. That's borderline stupid, & most of that is lack of knowledge on your part.

Also, you are conflating two things. Libido & erectile dysfunction are two separate things. It sounds like you are horny but you have limp dick which is common for your age group & may have nothing to do with your testosterone levels.

Black90tsi's picture

There's the obvious of trying some cialis or tadalifil for immediate help. Just arbitrarily upping your dose would be stupid. You need to go get some blood work done to figure out what's actually going on here. Nobody here is going to be able to give you the correct solution unless it's by dumb luck without any of the information needed to pin point the problem.

Were you running 600/200 for 6 months straight? That would be insane to do.

Licinius's picture

Ok perhaps I didn't have enough detail in my original post. I'm 55 & only started gear middle of last year. At that stage I was dependent on blue pills. Testosterone changed that, at age 55 my natural levels are rock bottom, pinning 600mg a week meant no need for blue pills (other than a brief trial of Decca).

I've run a pct & got my balls back to normal size again. During pct obviously my libido dropped again n the blue pills came out.

Now having started pinning test again I was expecting the libido to kick in & also the sensitive nipples. But have neither. I firmly believe in the expression keep it simple & others here are thinking too complicated. I genuinely believe I have a dodgy batch of test. I'll report back in a few days when a fresh batch arrives & see if there are changes

Licinius's picture

The problem is people jumping to conclusions & not reading my question which was did I have a bad batch of Test. No one has questioned my source which should be the first port of call.

Having run pct my Test levels needed to build up again (which they have) & everything is working as it should again. You need to have sides to see where your tolerance levels are, sensitive nipples 2 days ago so I'll scale back the doseage to find my own sweet spot.

I'm happy now that I don't have a bad batch & didn't need this post in the first place. More glad that I didn't slate a good supplier & brand.

All I can say to most people above is KISS Keep It Simple Stupid. Stop trying to think technical when most of the answers are the simple ones.

Black90tsi's picture

It's great that you got it figured out. But I'm still going to say that getting blood work would have been the better choice to try and get this sorted out rather than just upping your dose. Your test could have been doing great but your prolactin could have been through the roof causing you to not be able to get it up. If your estrogen could have been elevated. You had questions about whether your gear was bad but you upped the dose anyways. You do what you want. But that doesn't sound like the safest option to me. You're in your 50s. Your body isn't going to forgive mistakes like it used to.

Licinius's picture

No mate didn't up the dose cos thought the gear was bad so no point.

Black90tsi's picture

Have you done any blood work to see where all your markers are? I would expect your libido to come back when you hopped back on test but it isn't an overnight thing. Which ester is going to dictate how long it takes to get into your system. Test P is going to get into your system and fully saturated well before test c or e would. Also how you administer it will have an effect on how long it takes to get into your system. Doing sub q shots don't absorb as fast as intramuscular.

I have to ask if you're levels were so bad you decided to hop on test why not go and get on actual trt? You could still make great gains and large increases to your quality of life on just trt. Then maybe throw in a bigger blast 1-2 times a year. Working with a doctor would be the safest way to get all of these issues worked out. Even if you don't wan to go that route you need to get bloodwork done before anything else. You really need to be getting blood work pre blast, mid blast and post pct every time. There's no other way to know exactly what is going on inside of you.

Goodstud's picture

Get bloods to make sure all your levels are normal. Proviron is the best thing to fix those problems and add some Cialis or Viagra. But need those bloods done so you know what to fix and how to fix!!!

Drexyl's picture

Sloppy seconds and gangbang porn usually do it for me. Lately I’ve been watching Arab and Indian though. It came from nowhere, but now? I really want a middle eastern woman.

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DeeMan's picture

Russian woman...that accent

eighty7's picture

PT141, PRP Penis injection.

iFit's picture

Smartest answer… cut out everything. Go to an endocrinologist. Or do what most do... turn to the internet for mostly guesses and broscience, through more potentially harmful meds at the issue and hope for a miracle.

Jockstrap's picture

Your cycle is made to create massive estrogen sides. Why? Tren is stronger and hoardes the receptors. Test floats the system in excess and converts to estrogen. Then hcg converts to estrogen. Estrogen then raises prolactin. Poor construct. Get bloods stat.

6 months now

if cycled 6mo and included tren your pct failed.

anvil's picture

Tren is a 19nor so it could be prolactin is your issue, and upping test and hgc my be increasing estro to high. Blood work is the way to go. Do not up dosage to correct this issue.

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Licinius's picture

I should have said I've just finished PCT. Only one week into my new cycle so certain estrogen or prolactin not too high

Nick87's picture

What do you mean just finished pct? If it’s your first week on cycle you really shouldn’t have any side effects yet. What esters are you using? What made you run Hcg eod from the start? I have so many questions. I would get blood work ASAP and drop the Tren and hcg.

anvil's picture

I would agree with Jockstrap here, what was your protocol? HCG might not be enough to get you back online. Estro can rebound after a cycle ends also.

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DeeMan's picture

@anvil @Jockstrap I do think hcg maybe his issue especially if he's using at a high amount....and along with 600mg testosterone that is possibley displaced by Tren!!..and at 55 yrs old! Increased aromatization

anvil's picture

Yeah he clarified further on that he just resumed on cycle after a PCT.

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DeeMan's picture

Ok cool

Rosschestzip's picture

It sounds like he finished his first cycle, did some type of pct and is immediately starting this cycle? If that’s true, who knows what’s out of wack, usually you can hypothesize, but with this one it looks like bloodwork’s gunna be the only option

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Wildling's picture

I’m not saying he’s one of these guys, but lately there have been ludacris, non intelligent cycles run through here. People just taking massive amounts of heat for long time frames with “no negative side effects” at the moment. This is the example of long term issues that pops up, but hey…. At least they felt good in the moment.

Rosschestzip's picture

Dude I was just messaging someone about that. For the past like two weeks I’ve been feeling like an asshole, being rude all the time. I’m losing my patience with all this insane, first and second cycles from mars.
Dudes on 200mg of anadrol a day, another one on 400 tren and months of Anavar and wants to bump it up cus not enough gains and was in the ER last week. This one ran first cycle,pct, second cycle with no break and many different compounds. And those three were all just today!!! It’s like the twilight zone. I bet it happens every spring, dudes wanna get in shape for summer, they’ll quit soon enough, I hope they don’t but realistically they will

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Wildling's picture

There are guys who have been skirting the basics for a LONG time.

Jockstrap's picture

Agree to both statements. He might have fried his axis and no options left but only bloodwork can tell. And then back into a cycle is going to cause some serious issues other than axis.

DeeMan's picture

Fried as fried like a McDonald's french fry?
Nahh no way!

How is life? Plans for mummy day?