NoKarma's picture
  • 85

+ 14 16 Week Cycle


Been a minute...Life Happens...did a 16 week cycle. First time using 1g of Test (Test E) and used Tren Hex 2cc a week. Been lifting for 17 yrs, hit the big 4-0 this year. Used DC's Test and Tren Hex and PureAnabolic (No Exuses). Been on Eroids since 2011 (Buddhabody) then switched to NoKarma, the real OGs on here know me.... running 50mg Winstrol/250mg Test a week now then will figure out what I wanna do....any questions just ask

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killakam's picture

You look good bru. Those quads look dangerous. You look like you can rep 500lbs no sweat.

Jrblh2's picture

Wow solid physique big back big shoulders and arms
Your putting in that work. Kinda look like a pro football player. Keep it up

laxman3221's picture

That's what hard work looks like!

In a promo × 2
NoKarma's picture

Thanks boss. Training saved my life and has helped me in ways I have never envisioned!!!

Relou's picture

Damn !!!!!!! Looking huge... Are you using HGH? if yes generics or pharma?

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NoKarma's picture

Never have used hgh in my life. Want to tho.

SDABPT's picture

I thought you looked good from the front then saw the back pics! Solid all the way around! Great work!

Big Tone36's picture

Looking good bro

NoKarma's picture

Muthafuccn Big Tone....always good to see you brother. Always appreciate the love

Makwa's picture

Always looking solid Good

NoKarma's picture

Always appreciate brother. Hoping you are doing well and still crushing shit, I already know you are

MEXVOL's picture

Lool great bro,good genetic and hard work

NoKarma's picture

The gym is my church! Thats all I do brother. Glad you are still around!! Hoping you are enjoying the New Year

DeeMan's picture

+1 good point

NoKarma's picture

Lol I am well aware of what happened. But I am transparent and it was his gear I used. All gear was purchased no later than Nov 2021. Also posted that info on the SI thread with private messages where I confronted the source over bunk halo!

NoKarma's picture


Ccacc's picture

Jacked…. great Job

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Onetimehitta's picture

+1 look phenomenal

NWApatches's picture

Good look!

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simonmagus84's picture

Looking phenomenal brother. How did you like the Tren Hex va something like Tren Enth? I’ve heard Hex has less sides but that can be subjective.

DeeMan's picture

I've never used Tren but I wonder why less sides though? Probably because the ester is a bit longer than Enanthate ester I'm guessing, so more of a slower release.

simonmagus84's picture

I’m not quite sure why but I will say this, I ran a very reputable brand of Hex in late May and jumped off after about 6 weeks. I didn’t feel a thing. I know it doesn’t kick in until 10-12 weeks but to not have any side effects ? If I run Tren again which shouldn’t, I’m using acetate. Perhaps it is the slower release.

DeeMan's picture doesn't kick in till 10-12 weeks? I would think sooner than that. I think I know which src you're talking about. They were fairly new right? Nice looking labels?

simonmagus84's picture

Nope. International brand one of the most well known international brands. You can pm me and I’ll tell you.

When I questioned it, some of the vets told me to wait until week 10/12 then the ester doesn’t clear the system for another 5 weeks to fully utilize the benefits. I stopped it and hoped on Tren enth and felt like my schizo self as usual.

DeeMan's picture

O ok. That ester much be on Decanoate level or a little shorter. I see now

NoKarma's picture

Hard to tell the difference, felt like I got similar results. Sides were minimal, ran 2cc per week so dose was not crazy high!!!!