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gen3's picture

Doesn't seem like there is very much confidence here and nothing from source. If anyone down below pulled the trigger let me know. Almost tempted by prices in primo but you usually get what you pay for.

iFit's picture

Be smart and do your research. Source is not an active member and if you look carefully his entire account and thread history is gone. That should be all the info you need.

massa's picture

Hi! Anyone used those guys recently?

JT113's picture

Great prices, but that website is unusable

Sluggerp123's picture

is this source good to go?

Hulkman124's picture

Can you express a pack? In need for some AI so I can continue my cycle. Been waiting over 2-1/2 weeks from another source and hasn’t even shipped yet. Thanks

bigA1726's picture

"Elixir Fusion - Ingredients: Classified." Yeah, not too sure how many guys are going to inject something that they're clueless as to what it is.

IrishWOLFhound's picture

Very stupid , who would buy that !

Icarus's picture

Has anyone tried the Blue White British Dragon from his site?

dark-soul's picture

Does anyone order pfizer cartridge gh ?the price is so damn cheap!!!!

Bigtalldavo2016-'s picture

I bought from him Simplexx cartridges cheap a while ago and I checked out the batch number and it was fake, it's cheap for a reason, don't waste your money, I now sell bits myself, test, deca, Dianabol, anadrol, genotropin, lilly humatrope 72iu, but at least with me you know there genuine!

Big tony's picture

I will second that statement.

Roider007's picture

Most likely fakes bro..

dark-soul's picture

Yea i guess so!! Theres no review on the stuff yet so i wont gamble with my income haha

Bigtalldavo2016-'s picture is 100% reliable, I've used him a few times and he's never let me down,assoon as I've paid he sends me tracking number and i get my order within 1-2 days max,very fast,allso he has good decent prices on certain products,I've used his axio deca 275,axio tri-tren 200,alphapharma testosterone enanthate 250,sustanon amps ect and all did the job,good quality, so i highly recommend this guy

hudia2's picture

Hey, what do you think about the 100iu Hygetropin brown top kits? Not any description and seems a bit to cheap but if legit, awesome....Thanks for your input!!

Bigtalldavo2016-'s picture

I now sell real pharmaceutical grade Pfizer genotropin 36iu and lilly humatrope 72iu private message me

Bigtalldavo2016-'s picture

His gear is shit, he paid me to make a false review

alex073's picture

hi mate,

I sent your question to him,he will be back.Very good source.

In a promo × 1
Skomando's picture

I agree. Best source around without a doubt.

DanEws20's picture

Might be able to shed some light on this one..

Just starting my first cycle after months of reading around and just generally researching different compounds etc.. one thing I didn't research was where to buy. was the first site I found, had a great range of most well known labs as well a great Alpha Pharma range. (I thought I'd stuck with AP as I know they're a big lab just to be on the safe side)

Anyway, purchased the first half of my cycle due to not wanting to buy it all and then later finding out the website might not be legit. So I purchased:

2500mg of Testobolin (Alpha Pharma Test E 250) which is 10 ampoules
500mg of Alphabol (Alpha Pharma Dianabol) 50x 10mg tabs
30 tabs of 20mg tamoxifen (Nolvadex)
And 10 viagra pills.. thought I'd give em a go ;)

About an hour after confirming my order I received an email from the owner of the website asking if I still wanted to proceed, confirmed my delivery address etc. Then I rather nervously transferred the money across to the bank account he instructed me to.

The next day we sent several emails back and forth (all which he responded to within an hour) then gave me the tracking number for the package he'd spent by special next day delivery, and as promised, the package arrived the next day.

The first thing I did when opening the package was get on to check-alpha to make sure he gear was all legitimate and both the test E and Dianabol came up with the green tick.

My only criticism is that I was looking for Aromasin and Letrozole to have on hand for this cycle and unfortunately he didnt have that on his website, so I bought those from RX Cart. He does offer arimidex, chlomid and a good host of other necessary things like HCG.

So on an ending note, I'll be starting my cycle a week Monday, and two weeks from then I'll be buying the 2nd half of my cycle with confidence.

Great service, friendly, fantastic communication and will definitely use this site for good. And questions or anyone looking for proof, please respond to this or get in touch and I'll send you some evidence that it's a trustworthy source.


Legfarmer's picture

Lol b.s what?I was just wring a post as i received my goodies and am very happy.Who stole the jam out of your donut miyagi,it wasn't me.I'm new on here so would you like to elaborate?

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