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Do you Luer Lock or Luer Slip?!


When ordering barrels I often use to see this choice when choosing what to buy but never really gave it much thought as to what it actually meant, I thought it was just some fancy French word Lol (no renditions please Mol lol)

During my first 5 years of using gear I always used Luer Slip's as I thought why would anyone want to waste time screwing needles on and off the barrel - especially when you over tighten the green used for drawing oil's and it becomes a pig to get off to change it for the needle you want to plunge with.

Then all of a sudden despite heating my barrels up to make the oil thinner I was finding that around 1 in 20 would simply become a Harpoon cannon!! Oh yes - that lovely feeling when the pressure builds too high in the barrel and the needle fires off deep into your arse or quad embedding itself in the nearest vein as you cringe in severe pain whilst you survey all the oil that has blown out all over the bathroom floor!!

So if like me you mix multiple compounds at once you've just lost a load of money's worth in spilt hormones and in 10 seconds time most likely a load of blood as it ejects out of the needle hole. All in all an awful experience.

This is when one realised this is exactly what Luer Locks are for, to make sure this cannot happen. The Lock needles I buy cost three times more just for the screw mechanism on the end but the way I see it is if I am loosing 5 barrels worth out of a hundred then it works out cheaper vs. oil lost and in all honesty I am happy to pay the difference just for piece of mind that the bugger doesn't fly off whilst doing the ab twist pinning glutes Lol

I know there is less need for them if you inject with greens or blues as the oil flows freely as opposed to 25g needles but I prefer the least amount of pain possible when injecting.

Curious to hear what everyone else uses? Do you prefer Lock safety or like to Slip one in ,,,

crom88's picture

Locks. Always have done right by me and after reading comments about the slips cant' see a reason to change

META99's picture

Luer lock for life's picture

Well I lock on to her hair and then I slip in .

But in a seriousness I use Luer lock , The Lock seems to work better under Pressure I've never had a problem with them over the years .

But the luer slip I've had those fly off and spray gear everywhere.

Roider007's picture

Used slips and 21g 1.5s for a few years in glutes back in the days till i got access to locks and more diff gauges oh man made huge difference and never went back.

Halsey's picture

I always used slips, never had a problem.

SL's picture

Locks 25 1” 3cc BD’s

0newheelup's picture

Always locked and loaded brother.

jrod91384's picture

Lock all day. 25's in the glute. Slow to push in but manageable. Besides the times your twisted and cramp up. Then its panic awkward feeling.

press1's picture

Yep when the Obliques and lats cramp up - Awful feeling. I use to get it in my hands and fingers too when plunging hard - have to push them back out against the wall Lol

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Roman124's picture

Lure lock all day. About 40-50 cents per syringe w needle if you purchase a box of 100.

Scroungy_Phukker's picture

Never tried slip, and definitely never will now! Thanks for heads up.

ECinfidel's picture

Always the locks. Never even tried the slips for exactly the reasons you stated.

Pale's picture

I use the locks. My stockpile is pretty impressive lol

press1's picture

They are one of those things you can never have too many of, I ordered 2 boxes of them today which is a first Lol

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GrowMore's picture

I’ll use whatever the lovely people at the needle exchange have in stock. Usually a mixture of locks and lips but I haven’t ran into any of the horror stories I’ve read on here about the slips so I’m happy to use either.

I couldn’t imagine injecting with a 23 gauge blue again, that looks like a whale harpoon. 25/27 all the way.

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Pale's picture

I use the 23's in the glutes. They really aren't bad

GrowMore's picture

There was an old school lad who told me back in the day he would use veterinary grade 16 gauge needles as that’s all he had access to. That’s dedication.

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ECinfidel's picture

Same. It's weird position for me so I'd rather not be there all day.

press1's picture

You pin with a 16g?!

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ECinfidel's picture

Nah man. Who the fuck would do that? I posted 4 minutes before growmore my man.

press1's picture

Aah Damn yes I misread it!! LOL

I was thinking you never sound that insane!

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ECinfidel's picture

25 years ago maybe. But not these days brother. I do like the 23s for the glutes though. 25s just take way too long being all twisted up and such. I'm also blind in one eye. So it's hard to see what's going on back there.

press1's picture

I'm with you on that mate, twisted round its almost like a torture stress position after a while isn't it. Can make you feel nauseous and winded, have to keep taking brakes with the thinner needles.

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ECinfidel's picture

Balanced on one leg as well. Have you ever put weight on the leg under the glute your pinning? It feels like the pins gonna break off in your ass.

Pale's picture

For awhile now I have only been injecting 1/2ml a week of test so strictly glutes. The more you do left and right the better you get at it. I think many guys try to go too far behind when there really is no need to. When I go back to a higher dosage I add back in shoulders, 27g 5/8" pin.

press1's picture

Have you never had a pin shoot off a slip when injecting? Its truly a pleasurable experience as it embeds right up to the plastic part Lmao

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GrowMore's picture

Haven’t had that pleasure even when I’m attempting to inject some big shards of test.

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Jayzgainz's picture

Never really gave it mucb thought. Ive always just used luer lock

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press1's picture

Bud you've reminded me of one time that went gruesomely wrong LMao I often use to pin my teardrops without any probs at all - worst that would happen was at times I'd hit that nerve that makes you kick up! Well I'd just sunk a Big protein shake so feeling a bit sickly as it was and pinned my Teardrop. Pulled out and my man I just felt this river of liquid run down the inside of my leg. I look down to see what looked like half a pint of blood gushing out and pooling on my leather sofa Lmao Obv I managed to stop it eventually but I'd gone through one of the main arteries that runs down there with a big needle. I almost threw up it was so bad and had to go lie down for 10 minutes in bed it made me feel so ill. Needles to say I never pinned Drops again ....

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press1's picture

Mol I think for any of us commenting on this page 105 is Extremely optimistic considering we are pinning multiple cycles Lol I think to reach 70 having cycled many times you are doing Very well, not meaning to put a downer on things but how many have you seen that have used gear and still been well and healthy beyond 70? I think Stallone and Arnie are ticking timebombs waiting to happen now, particularly Arnie.

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press1's picture

Shit yeah, I keep forgetting you deal with Dr. Death on a daily basis don't ya. Yep my grandfather made it into his mid eighties also - pissed every single night of the week on neat whiskey, wine, gin and a CHRONIC smoker from 16 till death. Unbelievable yet steroid deaths tend to be much younger on average, I think its because of the high pressure we put on our hearts more than anything, its constant 24hrs a day when on. Alchy's don't have this and if they do its nowhere near as high is it. Its a Lorry Bud LMAO

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Serrajitsu0876's picture

I’ve always used lock with a 25g. Never any issues.

Makwa's picture

I use 25 and 27 to inject. Sometimes the pressure I need to put on those to get it all in would send a slip shooting straight through my body. No way I would trust a slip.

press1's picture

Hey stranger - You alright Bud? Smile

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press1's picture

It turns your stomach over when you realize what its just cost you doesn't it, especially when one of the compounds was your last shot!

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