Littleginger's picture
  • 434

+ 14 Happy fourth and thanks


Happy Fourth!! Big thanks to all the sources below. Currently cut down to about 195 so much lighter than I used to but also don’t use the same compounds and cycles are usually always light on mg side!!

Hope everyone has a great one and huge thanks to the whole Eroids community. Cheers and have a safe one

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exoticnfit's picture

Looking Fantastic!!!

Littleginger's picture

Thanks so much pounds!! Hope things are going well with you and the fam as well. Last couple months have been little rocky but all good. Trying to just keep my focus and outlet in the gym. Certainly thing primo is a game changer and honestly changed my thought on it forever. Hit me up in PM to chat

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Makwa's picture

Liking the back and delts New russian
What are you on now?

Littleginger's picture

Primo 600mg
Test Cyp 300mg
50mg Proviron

Just added 30mg anavar to cycle to finish off. Absolutely love primo

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Makwa's picture

I want to give primo another run. Been lurking some of these sources with 200mg/ml and trying to decide.

Sam I Am's picture


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Littleginger's picture

Thanks bro trying to keep up with you!!

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Bigcory802's picture

I can see your ass in the phone. Lol. Looking good my man.

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Littleginger's picture

Lol yea I was trying to do the community a favor by cropping my ass out lol

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Littleginger's picture

Ok I don’t know how to tag multiple sources anymore since this update so see below and thanks for their support and service:

Armani (new us domestic line)

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