Brolly6898's picture
  • 155

+ 20 4D delts


Whoever said we had 3 delts? I see 4...? I upped the hgh 15 i.u .hyperplasia? Who knows . But I'm able to train 2-3 days out of the week vs 5-6 days and still maintain a Harder physique

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UncleYoked's picture

name checks out

Brolly6898's picture

I love your gear btw and oderred some npp this last oder

Brolly6898's picture

Thank you guys for all your wonderful comments, hopefully I can bring my chest up to development after 2 left pec tears
1st pec tear benching 315 and on the 17th rep it just tore
2nd tear 185
So I'm stuck with 135 lbs for life

Drol 250's picture

Damn right bro. Getting busy in the gym!

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ForeverFitBod1's picture

Excellent separation going on. That's what's up. I remember when I turned 40. I was like that's it I'm not playing around anymore. You want it. Go all out to get it

Nice job

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Brolly6898's picture

Well when you up the hgh dose you can do less work and grow more. Which is great at my age

Pumped_'s picture

Those arms are SWO! What do they measure? Have you measured them? +1

Brolly6898's picture

18 inches

Pumped_'s picture


Brolly6898's picture

After a back workout I like to grab an ez curl bar 40-50 lbs and do 4 sets of 25 reps close grib, wide grip, close grin ect.

Drexyl's picture

This is a man that puts in the work!

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Pushing Iron 87's picture

Delts and arms looking good my man. Must be like going to cinema every night on that 15iu highest I went was 6iu and me dreams where vivid as fuck was great fun lol.

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Brolly6898's picture

You seen the movie Aliens thats how I wake with drool every morning lol

Pushing Iron 87's picture

Yeah m8 they are so real mine are always like being in an action movie I love it dream some mad shit like.

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MurderHornet2020's picture

Death Star delts!

Makwa's picture

Yep. Nice delts Good

Legion of Doom's picture

U look awesome brother the hard work shows for sure.

Diesel77's picture

Super Saiyan for real bro. Respect Good

Brolly6898's picture

Trying to reach brolly super saiyan GOD mode

simonmagus84's picture

Great job

Brolly6898's picture

Thanx , you guys are very supportive and encourage me to improve further

press1's picture

Lookin Wicked mate - Great arms!!

In a promo × 1
Mac12769's picture

Right. Gotta new goal lol. +1
Impressive bro. At 50 and just finding this, gotta lot of work to do.

Brolly6898's picture

Much thanks -- at 40yrs old there is always room for improvement

Shitforbrains's picture

Your fuckin 40?!? Man keep killing it bro. You look awesome. Great arms!! Seems like bros just get better with age these days. There’s hope for me lol

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press1's picture

Oh come on man - You already look in great shape and you have barely been on cycle. Respect Bro!!!

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Shitforbrains's picture

You make me blush you beautiful fucker you. If I could just get the fackin chest you got mate I would be 100%

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press1's picture

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. My Man Lmfao

Still can't get over the Utter Desperation some people will go to ROFL

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Shitforbrains's picture

Desperate housewives that whine and complain about everyone. Like a big grown vagina. Lmao!!

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 1
press1's picture

12 year old Karen's more like ..... Hey you Hater!!!! Lmao

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press1's picture

LOL 43 here bud!!!

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alekaras's picture

Looking good buddy!!

In a promo × 1
Brolly6898's picture

Thanx bro

Brolly6898's picture

Current cycle
50mgs test p / day
50 mgs tren ace / day
35 mgs tren base / day
200 mgs mast e per week
50 mgs dhb / day
I just started anavar 50 mgs / day

Pumped_'s picture

Damn, looking good. How many times a day you pin? All in one pin?

Brolly6898's picture

0.5mgs dhb
0.5 mgs tren ace
0.5 mgs tren base
0.5mgs test p
Mon and Fridays I pinn mast e
Using mast p would be too much oil a day
Which I rotate spots
Mon I pin delts left side
Tues chest
Wed gluten
Thurs legs
Repeat on the right side of body

Diesel77's picture

Nice, solid cycle bro. That tren base is something serious isn't it? I mix tren base with test suspension for pre-workout every now and again. Best tren base I've came across is water based but is so finely micronized it passes through 25g with no clogging issues. PM me if you want

ECinfidel's picture

Curious as to your thinking w/the Enenthate ester up in the mix. Generally on a run like this prop would be the go to. Looking good btw. *no homo

Brolly6898's picture

Less oil but the prop hits harder and makes the physique harder
Same hormone but hits better

simonmagus84's picture

Agreed, I haven’t looked the same since I stopped using the prop ester. It was all I used before and then I got tired of pinning.

Brolly6898's picture

Hgh 5 i.u a day for 6 months
Upped the hgh 15 i.u this past month

Brolly6898's picture

Bro with irionlion Labs you don't they always have promos buy 1 get 1 free
It Aldo helps being single lol no gf/wife $$

Mac12769's picture

I’m all over the Iron. Up to 4 iu daily now.
How the fuck can you tolerate 15 Lol
Redundant. Don’t need to know lol.

Brolly6898's picture

Well I've been on hgh for yrs first month painful migraines everyday carpet tunnel syndrome here n there but improved when I upped the dose. Paradox idk

Mac12769's picture

Nice. Once I hit 5, my hands are bricks, dropping shit. Although when I pin IM, the lethargy is easier to manage. Been going on it now about 6-7 months I think now. Have to look.