BeastMoDe33's picture
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Bad acne all over during cycle


So my brother is having issues with acne really bad on gear. Is there anything over the counter or not he can buy to clean this up? Hrs trying to hide it from his wife lol Sorry if this is a repeated topic.

Jockstrap's picture

So much missing info here. Cycle, pinning style/time, showers, sun, chlorine, ai, bloods, etc etc...i could write 20 parsgraphs on questions.

Mis-pinning etc etc etc causes it.

simonmagus84's picture

What are his compounds and doses ?

JakeKO's picture

Tell him to buy baby powder with corn starch , and make sure he’s washing his bed sheets at least once per week. Tell him not to use TIDE brand detergent. His estrogen may be flaring up as well, so get him some Arimadex right away

NWApatches's picture

95% it's estrogen. Happens to me when I let mine really go

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JakeKO's picture

Same here. If I get one pimple on my face, I pop an Arimadex, Lol

KonstantViktory's picture

Hard to fully diagnose here.

Biggest steps that can be taken right away,

  1. Always wear clean laundry. You may need to add disinfectant to the washer.
  2. Sleep on clean sheets. May need to spray disinfectant.
  3. Always shower after working out and switch into clean clothes. This made a big difference for me.

Some other easy implements

  1. Strong disinfectant soap. Try dish soap.
  2. Try sprayable acne prevention products for easy application.
  3. Clean the diet up. Too much processed crap without clean eats will clog you up. You need to flush and stay clean and fill up with rice and veggies and olive oil. Then you can consider adding back in the fun foods. Hydrogenated fats, when built up, can be hell to deal with.

Lastly, it could be part of the journey. Sometimes acne is unavoidable on certain compounds and protocols.

You can consider accutane treatment but I won't recommend it unless you can get bloodwork and skincare diagnostics. It's been renowned for it's immediate and incredibly effects at killing acne but also for it's very potent and even permanent side effects.

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Chad P's picture

I think THE biggest issue with accutane is physicians prescribing it an insanely high dosage. I used 120 day protocol at 10mg and it completely cleared me up of some moderate to heavy cystic and nodular acne on my arms and chest. I’ve heard of 80mg dosage which in my mind is unbelievably over the top and very dangerous, that’s where the stories of bad side effects come in. Topical solutions are redundant, if he didn’t have breakout issues before the gear, it’s definitely a result of the gear.

SilverSun's picture

I started low and slow with accutane to gauge my bodies response. I am currently up to 80mg per day, divided into two doses morning and night. The only side effects I’ve been getting are chapped lips and dry skin. Ive only been on for about a month, and it has been more effective than anything I’ve tried. And I exhausted every medicine, cream, wash, antibiotic, routine, etc. some times potential side effects are worth the risk to clear up a persistent condition. Luckily, i am not getting any harsh side effects.

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Chad P's picture

I’m curious why you bumped all the way up to 80? It’s a slow process that steadily shrinks the glands and eliminates all the clogging that caused the breakouts. At 10mg I noticed good effects at around the 2 month mark, at 4 months I was completely cleared up. At that dosage taken a minimum of 4 months, it can have extreme effects on your liver and kidneys.

SilverSun's picture

I was just going based off the recommended .5-1mg per kg body weight and reading/watching different people’s experience. Higher = faster clearance is what I’ve gathered from all my research. I am definitely going to look into the liver toxicity. No one had mentioned anything along those lines. Might end up cutting back now. Thanks for the input.

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Stokes500's picture

It depends on the size of the person and the situation. For some one who’s constantly using gear either TRT or blasting and cruising your going need a proper 6 month course depending on the weight of the person 40-80mg daily split into 2 doses. Same person could probably clear it up to a degree on 20mg daily but as soon as they stop taking it it’s coming back instantly so you need to weigh up 20mg daily none stop or a 6 month course at 40+ mg and it won’t come back for 12 + months after the course.
Now if your cycling on and off and you suffer just while in cycle then 20mg daily just while on will do the trick but in that case it’s going to clear up when you come off anyway, so is it worth it ? For vanity issues or to hide it from his mrs like he wants to , then maybe it is.
I can’t post my supplier here but I have a load on route from a supplier on here and I’ll post touch down pics when it lands , his is quality and I’ve cleared many guys up with it in no time with no issues many times

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Chad P's picture

If the issue is androgen induced, excess sebum production causing the breakouts and accutane’s long term resolution is to permanently shrink the sebaceous glands, and the user has finished the duration protocol, how is the problem gonna reoccur? Im genuinely curious, as I haven’t had a single breakout even being back on cycle, while I was susceptible to issues even on low dose test prior.

Rosschestzip's picture

Maybe a lower dose or shorter duration of use only cause temporary shrinkage? Because I was also under the impression that it’s permanent but that’s in people who don’t use gear so idk

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Stokes500's picture

It’s definitely not permanent even in controlled groups who don’t take gear, I think recurrence in 12-18months after stopping treatment is around 50% but I could be wrong. With gear users in my experience it’s a lot higher. I know lads who have had 2 or 3 courses of treatment over the years

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Chad P's picture

Put simply, Accutane permanently shrinks your oil glands. Because people with acne produce more sebum than necessary, the elimination of the excess causes your skin to stay clear because your pores no longer get clogged. The pill works from the inside and essentially dries out the body (see side effects below).

Drexyl's picture
This is one of many articles written. Acne can be a presentation of systemic issues. This is why bloodwork is so important. He’s running tren which is extremely toxic to the liver, our bodies simply aren’t designed to tolerate it. Although it’s probably hormonally related, the oily skin, it’s best to not throw more drugs on top of it, especially something as harsh as accutane. Accutane is typically a last ditch medication for extreme cystic acne, it’s very hard on the body. There’s much safer options to explore first such as adjusting dosage amount and frequency of injections. More drugs aren’t always the best option. Best wishes to you bro

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Chad P's picture

I agree it is the last ditch effort. I did everything possible to clear mine beforehand (clean diet, topical solutions, different skin products) and it’s also why I opted for the lowest possible dosage. I’ve always had oily skin, breakouts through puberty etc… it’s why I started experiencing it again not long after my first testosterone run. If the issue is indeed stemming directly from the over active sebaceous glands and clogging under the skin’s surface, there really is no other option aside from discontinuing the gear usage. Like you said though, it could possibly be from the tren itself, he needs cut out the tren and see if it clears up on its own. If it is from the enlarged glands and a successful protocol clears it up, it should not reoccur unless the root problem is something else.

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya I get acne really badly and I’ve found either adjusting doses or taking AI or whatever works best, not really any creams or pills or anything had really helped much. I’ll even drop whatever I’m running completely if I can’t get it under control

@Drexyl it’s funny you post that link, My moms always bugging me about the acne and saying it’s from my liver lol, I guess she may have been right

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Drexyl's picture

It’s not often, Occam’s razor. If you think hooves, think horses. But… anything is possible and certain drugs are liver toxic. Bloodwork.

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Rosschestzip's picture

Well I never take her serious because she thinks everything is my liver or my kidneys or my diet. I remember as a teenager she told me I had ketoacidosis, I forget why, but it was something ridiculous like not sleeping enough or something.

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Stokes500's picture

Like I said there’s a million studies from websites trying to promote or get traffic to there sites and there’s always something different wrote somewhere else. In this case case if you had looked at the next link down under the one you found promoting accutane , you would have seen this on the government health website ……
After discontinuation of oral isotretinoin, a slowly progressive and sometimes variable time course of return of sebum production occurs, usually approaching 60 to 95 percent of pretreatment levels over approximately four months, depending on the dose. › pmc

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Stokes500's picture

You have been lucky then Chad and that’s a result for you. Most of what I post and my experiences and opinions are not from different studies or papers published on the net by people with an agenda trying to either sell you something or promote traffic. What ever you find or ready there will always be another article or study casting doubt on it somewhere.
My experience with accutane is based on real world experience watching many different people use it in different ways both successfully and unsuccessfully, all the people I have seen use it have been using gear. So here’s what I find to be true yes your correct the sebaceous glands shrink but they don’t stay shrunk and depending on the time you were on accutane for and the dosage you were on … well that’s going to have a massive impact on how long they stay shrunk. So low dosage for short burst and there back to full production quicker much quicker. I think they say somewhere around 100 days after taking correct dosage for around 6 months they start to grow back to normal size but then it takes a while for the pours and follicles to become blocked and inflamed and it builds up from there , you do a proper 6 month course you can expect to be clear for a year . Smaller dosage and courses = less time clear.
People can stay clear for ever but these people are probably not on steroids and the treatment is not designed for steroid abuse it’s designed for hormonal fluctuations that happen at the start of puberty/ adolescence or the change in women, that’s the groups where these studies are done. These hormone fluctuations pass after a period of time or are controlled with hormone therapy.
We do not fit these studies or groups because we are constantly fluctuating our hormones changing cycles , blasting , cruising or running pct. I don’t believe the sebaceous glands to be the only way accutane works either or the fits all cause of androgen induced acne because apparently estrogen shrinks the sebaceous but high estrogen seems to be and aggravating factor for many

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Drexyl's picture

What and how much is he taking? If it’s all over, for instance his lower back, stomach, legs, there’s more going on than just oily skin. Are they whiteheads or cystic? Any hard under the skin lumps?

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BeastMoDe33's picture

Only on his back.
150 test - 100 tren ( tren he just started pinning )
Yea sometimes lumps under skin
Sometimes on his face he will get acne but rarely

Bearded_muscle's picture

I’m assuming with a dose like that he’s using test prop and pinning 3 times a week? If so he should be pinning daily to reduce spikes.

Acne is much more common when guys initially start using gear, over time they can utilize anabolics more efficiently and the sides usually decline. When I started 300 mgs would make me break out, now I have no problem with 500-600 without an AI. Also if bodyfat is high it will make the problem worse.

Drexyl's picture

@KonstantViktory has you 100% covered and then some, I’ll give him a thumbs up when mine grow back. He covered all the bases. An AI and some B6 certainly wouldn’t hurt things. It’s when the acne shows up in the “non traditional” areas is when it’s an immediate concern, can be a sign of build up of toxins, compromised organ function, other nasty shit. And the dish soap tip that he gave is gold.

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BeastMoDe33's picture

I'll ask and get back to you

killakam's picture

Be careful with Accutane that shit is dangerous. Tons of side effects including organ damage. Some people are just more prone to side affects on certain compounds. It really depends on his dosage and ancillaries you're taking. Also keeping his blood levels stable makes a difference. I assume you know what the half life of the gear he's taking so I would suggest working to pin in a way that doesn't give him peeks and valleys on his dosages. For example if he's using tren ace EOD from what I've seen that's a bad side waiting to happen. That shit needs to be dosed daily for stabilization. Have him make some adjustments on his doses and give it some time research the results. Also if he is doing tren that could be as simple as him not using caber. There's still a lot of guys out there that don't understand the effects of prolactin in regards to tren. Treat it like a science project and make some changes and pier review that shit for him. It takes effort but I'm confident with some effort you all will figure it out.