FlexWitIt's picture
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+ 2 Blood Work (Titans)


Blood work pulled before 2nd shot of the week. ~400mg weekly (2x 200mg). Fsh and Lh are low. E2 was sitting at 83pg/ml. Happy with results!

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SeeOhShow's picture

eGFR is calculated from creatinine. Gear + high protein + taking creatine can really skew this data for kidney markers. My eGFR is always fucked because of this. Get a cystatin C test to really see. My normal eGFR with the creatinine calc is like 60. Cyststin C with eGFR test and it’s actually 95.

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya someone else had said they had eGFR of 60 and I was like “OMG your gunna dieee” but like you said I guess its fairly common to see low ones in guys like us on gear. Last time I checked mine was like 80 something but I was off cycle.

SeeOhShow's picture

Take some creatine before your bloodwork and it’ll be 60 or below. Standard eGFR test is just a calculation using other metrics that are already skewed from supplements we take. A cystatin c test is more applicable and accurate for guys like us

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya you can calculate it yourself off your creatinine level. I forget the equation but you can google it and just plug in your number. I had to do mine on my own because on my bloodwork for eGFR it only said “above 60” and so idk if that meant I was 62 or 90.

FlexWitIt's picture

I will add that to the list for the next draw. I was taking creatine at the time but have stopped. Also on large amounts protein. I appreciate your feedback!

Jockstrap's picture

Bloods pulled before 2nd shot and going into kidney disease/failure. Youre gonna die!

Rosschestzip's picture

Test levels are great! But definitely want to work on those kidneys bud, they don’t repair like the liver does, once you ruin your kidneys your fucked. Your levels aren’t crazy bad but with your EGFR it does fall on the range of mild kidney damage. You also have low ferritin, which is iron, do you feel tired? And did you do this with a DR or just on your own? Low ferritin can be a sign of intestinal bleeding, when my moms was low, it turned out to be an internal bleed. Idk if they can tell by just how low if it is a bleed or not, that’s why I asked if a doctor went over this with you. Idk but just some things to think about. Your liver looks great tho!! +1 for being responsible and doing bloodwork my man!!

FlexWitIt's picture

Thanks for your input brother. Sorry to hear about your mom, perhaps I need to get a Gi endo done or something. I’ve started iron supplements so I will see what the next bloods look like. I don’t feel too tired, I also work almost 7 days a week. I appreciate your post!

Drexyl's picture

Don’t take any additional supplements right now, increase your water intake by a lot. As said by @Rosschestzip your only very slightly over, there’s definitely levels you can be over by a little and be perfectly fine. I’ve spoken with people who feel better with their hemoglobin/hematocrit being high, I’m not sure what would feel different, but more than one person has said this to me. Kidneys are a different ball game, the first thing I’d ask is are you hypertensive and/or have a history of high blood pressure?

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FlexWitIt's picture

No history of high BP for me; close family have elevated but nothing extreme. I have since increased water intake. Thanks for your feedback!

Rosschestzip's picture

I know when my hemoglobin was crazy low I could hardly get up I was so exhausted. So maybe they feel more energized when it’s high? Also maybe more oxygen moving through the blood stream? Or maybe thats RBC?

Drexyl's picture

Makes sense, it’s both. Just never thought of it being “feelable”. Thanks broski, I appreciate gaining knowledge, I owe ya one.

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Rosschestzip's picture

I love learning more and more about the human body and different systems and functions, and I’ve learned plenty from you as well. And ya I think some people are way more in tune or something, there’s things people say they feel and I don’t notice a thing. Idk if there more sensitive or just “placebo-ing” themselves

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya those are extremes, if you don’t have a reason to think your bleeding then your probably not, and like you said just keep an eye on your bloodwork next time

Rosschestzip's picture

@press1 wrote up a great thing about kidney and liver supplements a sun just a general kidney mega post lol. You may find it helpful if you wanna help your kidneys


FlexWitIt's picture


press1's picture

I also run a Kidney Donor Farm and am doing a Special Buy 1 get 1 free deal currently - Let me know asap as I am due to go out farming later on today and need to know numbers I am sourcing ideally beforehand LMAO

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FlexWitIt's picture

Lol! Yeah, I hope not brotha. Thanks for the guide by the way. I will be adding these into my regimen.

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