Rbravo's picture
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Cutting water using hydrochlorothiazide


I’m currently in prep for my 7th bodybuilding show and was thinking of using hydrochlorothiazide for the last week of water depletion. Does anyone know a good dosing regimen using this. All of my other shows I competed in I used spirilonoactone to help drop the water, so I have no experience with hydrochlorothiazide.

steelrunner's picture

Dude, I don't recommend you try it, and also how much water are you keeping? It might be a cyclical thing.

BlindAlligators's picture

I want to try something I've never done. What will happen?

  • wrong time to try something new.
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JakeKO's picture

Completely agree. Too late to TRY something if you worked your ass off up to this point. What if it ruins everything? Fuck that! Stick to what you know.

AlexDavis43's picture

Rbravo needs a real-time coach for this. Can't be making these critical last minute changes based on an anonymous online poll of mainly weirdos and retards (myself in both).

Maybe a pro can tell you what worked for THEM, but an experienced coach who worked with a lot of athletes in your situation and knows your history has to be way better.

Rbravo's picture

Not necessarily wanting to, just can’t get any sprilonoactone in time

Bearded_muscle's picture

I did 1/4 of a trianseril the night before weigh ins with a Benadryl before bed. Woke up 6 pounds lighter the next day. It’s strong stuff, less is more.

anvil's picture

A coach would best to advise you because you base it on how much water you holding, 12.5 mg per day is normal but it would be seriously dangerous to advise without looking at pics and knowing water intake.

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