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+ 1 First cycle. Any help is appreciated.


6ft 1 195. Athletic. Legs are skinny. Upper body is beefy. I was 260 10 years ago. 4 years ago 230. Last 2 years fluctuate 185-205. I play with my caloric intake. Anywhere from low sugar low carb high protein 2500 calories up to 6000 a day for weeks. My metabolism seems to be extremely fast. My job is fast pace, I’m
Always moving, I don’t sit still, I can be very motivated. I work out 4-7 days a week. I have a mini gym at home and hit 20 min workouts in even. I know how to cook, I like to cook. I have a basic understanding of nutrition. I’m very open with my dr. Not yet about this. I’ve had two test labs done. One was like 250/ 5 free and second was like 320/15 free. Spent 100 hours reading about this first cycle the last couple weeks. I’m going to go hard and focus 100%. I want to blow my legs up and tune in my upper.

Currently pinning cjc and ipamorelin. 4 weeks in. Changes are very minimal. But I have been slowly body comping for years. Dabbled with 5 weeks of tirzepatide. That stuff is insane. Lost 12 pounds of fat. Wanted my appetite back to build muscle. I would guess my bf at around 15%.

First cycle. Plan to do 375 mg for 16 weeks.
Extreme focus on diet
Build my legs
Labs every month.
Have nolva/clomid/ and arimidex.
Take it easy on upper as I already hurt In a lot of areas.
Workout every day plus hard work. Great sleep now. I get on average 7-9 hours.
I also have anavar. It’s so tempting. I know they say test only but at 9 weeks I feel like I should have a good idea of what’s going on.
Any pointers? Any other needed info?

34 have a vasectomy. Don’t want no more kids.

UncleYoked's picture

16 weeks is probably overkill on a first cycle, go for 12 week on the test, add the var in at week 8-14 and the begin PCT right after.
I think its better to go a little more conservative on a first cycle but that's just me

Modzer1's picture

Even if my gains are progressing? And I’m committed on my nutrition and gym time still stop? From my understanding the t won’t really take effect for 3-4 weeks. Then gains. I want it to be worth it. Anavar till 2 weeks after t injections because the test will still be in effect? Then they kinda half life out together? Thank you for the reply.

UncleYoked's picture

basically yes to all