gymaholic's picture
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Stopping my cycle. Need opinions guys!?


34 years old, taking 250mg/week test E, started taking 0.5mg anastrozole EOD from the 3rd week. Was planning to cycle 12-14 weeks. Currently in 5th week.
Have to go through surgery around late June (maybe early July), so going to end my cycle after week 6 now.
Thinking about continuing anastrozole 0.5 EOD for a week after last shot and after that run PCT for 2 weeks. I might take a test booster after 6th week.

sapperrn's picture

99% of "test boosters" are bunk, would not waste your time or money on that

Jockstrap's picture

Yes, stop your cycle and pct in 2 weeks. Steroids can affect clotting and healing. Pct alone can affect clotting greatly. Knowing the type of surgery can give better info. Read the sides on pct...clots. testosterone also lowers your ability to fight off germs, colds etc....lowers the immunity. All searcheable on medical sites.

Pumped_'s picture

Id stop the .5mg eod before you end up regretting it and its too late. Stay on the 250mg. Shouldnt it help with your healing? Unless you are getting surgery on your quads, glutes and delts and dont have anywhere to inject.

gymaholic's picture

first cycle so being cautious I guess. I did think about continuing till the surgery. I'm getting it on or in my jaw. Guess I should read more about AI.

sandman3698's picture

I thought the same thing but wasnt sure.

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Stokes500's picture

I would carry on and run the cycle no point putting your self through the hormonal crash while recovering from surgery. 250mg is only just over TRT just run it bro … are you sure you need anastrozole on suck low dosage of test most wouldn’t need it on 250mg tbh

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gymaholic's picture

it's my first cycle and just being cautious from gyno and stuff. I did think about not stopping the cycle and continuing till to the surgery.

Rosschestzip's picture

Why are you taking the anastrazole? Did you have symptoms or is it just precautionary?

gymaholic's picture

it's precautionary.

Drexyl's picture

Weird right? If he had low levels I could understand this, but it’s not a cycle but it’s too heavy for TRT. Then adding an AI? It’s just strange to me. I have to give it the people’s eyebrow.

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Rosschestzip's picture

Lol, my guess is that everyone told him he needs an AI on cycle, and all over the internet it says it too. I get that guys try and educate new guys with the important stuff like AI and pct but what they should be doing is telling them how to tell when they even l need an AI, what feelings and symptoms to look out for.

I was telling a guy this the other day, he messed up his cycle half way through and didn’t know which option to go with. I told him I don’t mind answering a million questions but he should learn why I’d recommend certain things and how it all works so he can make those calls for himself in the future.

Stokes500's picture

They should just wait a couple weeks into there cycles then watch titanic if they cry over jack drowning then take an anti e if they smack one out over Kate winslets fine arse then there good without ….. that’s a joke btw for any newbies chiming in

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press1's picture

I want you to draw me like you do one of your French Girls Jack - wearing this, and only this .....

Amazing how you managed to untie and take your shoes off all whilst the girl was hanging off the back of the ship .....

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Rosschestzip's picture

You ever seen Pearl Harbor? I remember that one got me to shed a tear or two. I don’t remember if I was on cycle or not tho. You probably wouldn’t understand cus your not from The great US of A

press1's picture

Ooohh Kate Beckinsale ya Sexy Cunt ...

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Stokes500's picture

I do understand bro , pearl harbour was a great film very emotional

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Rosschestzip's picture

Ya I was just playing and if I remember correctly the sad parts weren’t even anything really American pride like. I gotta watch that again, I think I only saw it once but it was great

press1's picture

The Ultimate Tear Jerker is The Guardian with Kevin Kostner ....

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Drexyl's picture

Masteron and B6 should play a part in almost every cycle. Doesn’t take much

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Rosschestzip's picture

Ya masteron will always be in every cycle of mine

Drexyl's picture
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Drexyl's picture

Not sure why you’d be stopping what’s essentially a heavy TRT dose. Did you have bloodwork done and your numbers were low? Bloodwork will be the only way to know but 5 weeks at 250mg isn’t likely to cause long term issues.

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gymaholic's picture

Got the bloodwork done, and it was low. Just above the minimum normal.