Danrawr80's picture
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Nandrolone P-100


So I ordered some test with Hexy 100 and got Nandro instead of the tren. Never heard of it or know anything about this drug. Taken deca, test blends etc before but not a clue what this is or can I find much online.

wanted's picture

How many bottles

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Danrawr80's picture

2 vials

wanted's picture

I have had good success running NPP AT 300mg with test and sprinkle some masteron on it. You would be suprised you will like it

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Danrawr80's picture

Yeh my last cycle was hexy and test and I had no sides, never felt so good. So wanted to stay with that. What dose would you recommend with just test enanthate 300?

wanted's picture

I like 500.

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NWApatches's picture

500 mg NPP?

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Rosschestzip's picture

To research it, the actual name is “Nandrolone phenyl-propionate” or NPP, or you may know it as “YOU DOWN WITH NPP, YA YOU KNOW ME”

It’s one of the most well documented steroids, basically everything you read about deca will apply to this also, besides the timing, half-life, and molecular weight, so dosing will be slightly different. But the pros and cons should all be about the same. But you should be able to find plenty of info about NPP itself so it shouldn’t be an issue anyways

Danrawr80's picture

weird you type in Nandrolone phenyl-propionate and all I get is a crap wiki, type in NPP and there it is.

Rosschestzip's picture

Humans are lazy, but a lot of the studies may be done on just nandrolone so stuff may come up with just that

Black90tsi's picture

NPP is just Deca with a faster acting ester. It's like using Tren-A instead of Tren-E.

Danrawr80's picture

From what I've seen online it has high water retention and estrogen. Complete opposite to hexy. If it's like deca think I'll pass.

Black90tsi's picture

Water retention and estrogen helps the joints feel great. Nandrolone is one of the best mass builders out there. There are things that can be done to negate the water retention. Even if you don't it will pass not long after you stop using it.

Jockstrap's picture

Npp. Do you have prior cycles to run stacks?

press1's picture

He's run Tren Hex before but has no idea what NPP is SMFH, its gettin worse .....

Remember in a World a Long Long Time ago when guys who ran steroids sounded like they had experience in a Weights room and remotely sounded like they knew what they were talking about??!

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Danrawr80's picture

Just being honest bud, got plenty experience just don't read into things that much. When I do feel like trying different stuff this whole world on the internet says a million different lines of BS and I end up sticking with what I know. I only ran tren last cycle after speaking with close friends from their experience and that took me a long time. I don't give bogus advice and I say when I've not got a scooby.

Danrawr80's picture

What do you mean prior cycles ? Have I stacked before yeh sure just never used or seen this before. Last cycle was test/tren and had no problems just the odd sleepless night

Jockstrap's picture

Had to ask as npp has been around for many decades. I prefer npp over deca. I also prefer dhb over tren. Just depends on the goals, food and gym

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