nighhill's picture
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First cycle anavar and test enan 400


Please don’t judge this is something I’ve spent quite a long time debating on and have made up my mind

I’m 24, about 18-20% body fat, somewhat muscle mass. I already ordered the anavar and test. Looking for any advice or pointers. I used to be extremely lean, but put on quite a few pounds after a a couple year stint of alcoholism. Made the decision a couple months ago to hit the gym like I used to and I’ve seen some progress so far, but I’m looking to gain more, and this is something I’ve seen myself eventually going towards anyways as my dad has been a bodybuilder his whole life and openly used supplements, I’ve talked to him about what to do, he initially tried to steer me away, and at this point I made it clear that I’m going to do it whether anybody supports me or not, which he has stated that he’ll help guide me on what to do because of that. I originally ordered Tren already aware of the dangers and was willing to take that risk but was talked out of it by him, and he recommended test and anavar. I’m reading conflicting stories on anavar, and since my dad is now at the age to where he gets his injections legally due to age I’m looking for second opinions and advice on how to go about this journey

anvil's picture

If you have made up your mind, why post this? Anavar will not benefit you at 20% BF, a diet would. The journey will start with proper eating and training, dedicate to getting to 15% or below then lets talk gear.........

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schecterc1h's picture

You’ll enjoy steroids way more if you’re healthy AND know how to diet and train first. If you look amazing when you’re natural, you’ll probably look amazing when you’re on. If you look like 20% body fat and “somewhat muscle mass,” you’re still going to look like shit but with some undesirable side effects on top, like high blood pressure, acne, gyno, and hair loss.

I see dudes all the time who are obviously on gear but look like shit in the gym. Maybe their arms grew but they have no balance to their physique, no chest, back, legs, no posture. It looks dumb as fuck when people who aren’t fit use steroids. And the general population agrees with me when they see people like that.

Don’t be one of them. At 24, go kill it in the gym. Study training and nutrition. Focus on being as healthy as possible. You will look awesome and healthy.

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Drexyl's picture

You don’t need drugs.

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Wildling's picture

@Rosschestzip more stupidity

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Rosschestzip's picture

The eclipse messed with peoples head or something man, this is like post after post after post of craziness, the last few days was good entertainment tho lol

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Pumped_'s picture

YOLO! Its all fun and games till you drop dead at 35!

robb's picture

Lose some of that body fat first, do it the right way.

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Chad P's picture

You need some serious dedicated training, diet and discipline under your belt before you even think about dishing into AAS. You are super young and honestly mentioning Tren and not knowing anything about supplementation necessary to certain compounds makes me feel you are on a path to harming yourself. I know you’re gonna do whatever you want although nobody here is gonna tell you what you want to hear. This lifestyle is a full on commitment and undeniable health risk, even to the most seasoned and prepared guys on this board. Do not be reckless with your health and future because you want to take a shortcut and need instant gratification. You’re gonna be disappointed when you come to the realization this stuff is not magic.

sandman3698's picture

What they said. If you dont train passed your newbie gainz and learn how to actually make progress with your body then your probably just going to become a yoyo steroid user. You take some gear, see results, come off, lose results, get frustrated, go back on gear, see results, come off, lose results, get frustrated, etc. And then you order dangerous shit like tren to see better results.. But the loop continues.
Like theyve said already, give it about another 2 years, figure out how YOUR body handles certain splits and diets, and then make your decision.

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press1's picture


I originally ordered Tren already aware of the dangers and was willing to take that risk


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NWApatches's picture

Gotta get big bro

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nighhill's picture

I was willing to take that risk, I have the mentality of thinking I won’t become a statistic and I’m trying my best not to think that way when it comes to this and to do it right if I’m going to take this route

press1's picture

First off you need to completely quit the drinking, steroids and drinking do not mix and if you are not committed to being sober then don't be starting AAS yet - don't even go near them as you are not disciplined enough yet. Second you are too young to have an account on here at 24 years old, you need to be 25 minimum. If you have only been in the gym for 2 months then starting Steroids right now is beyond ridiculous - People run steroids when they have been going to the gym for 2 years week in week out, not because they have watched a few Tossers on Youtube telling you how to lift weights and run steroids.

Test and Anavar is not a First cycle, you run Test only for your first cycle and learn the ropes on that. Anyway, you need to go to the gym and lift weights for 2 years first and learn how to follow training programs correctly, eat correctly for muscle gain, learn how to structure training for the week and incorporating rest days, seeing how much sleep you need on a night to recover adequately. When you have exhausted all these options and put on at least 30lbs naturally, you will then need to learn how to run a steroid cycle and all the ancillaries required in case of things like uncontrollable blood pressure, prolactin too high, estrogen too high, injection problems, where to pin, how to rotate injection sites, how to deal with erectile dysfunction, how to stop your hair falling out and which compounds to avoid etc. Then you need to learn how to run a PCT course to regain your natural testosterone levels which you are about to totally change/possibly ruin for the rest of your life at only 24 years old 'because you are willing to take that risk', what to do if you cannot get your Test levels back, how to counteract erectile dysfunction months after running a steroid course. Nobody said it was easy being a Gym Bro.

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nighhill's picture

I have been sober for over a year, and have fully dedicated myself to that. I should also probably mention that although I got test 400 I’m not planning on running 400 a week, the most I might run is 200 a week, and 5-10mg of the anavar a day, I’m not going into this thinking I’m going to come out of my first cycle with significant gains, I’m only trying to give myself a slight edge/push in getting back to where I was, I have trained before, and as I know I’m going to eventually give in to this path eventually I would like to start now

press1's picture

Congratulations on the 1 year Sobriety - that's a Great accomplishment Good

You should have gone for Test E 250 or 300mg/ml as the high dosed 400mg/ml is very likely to give you Post injection pain and lumps since you have never injected steroids before. Higher concentration gear is designed for advanced users who's muscle has adapted to being injected with oil, it also saves space in the barrel when pinning multiple compounds. I can't agree with any of what you are doing I'm afraid and I also think by the way you are talking you can gain much more without the use of AAS yet.

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23Sparta's picture

Well said Press

23Sparta's picture

You didn’t mention anything about bloodwork, pct, aromatase inhibitors, ancillary supplementation, or nutrition. Have you considered these? If so, please outline your proposed cycle and include as much information as possible regarding what I just mentioned.

nighhill's picture

I’ve also looked into aromatase inhibitors. Are they essential for a first cycle? I know they’re important but I would like more info on how to go about them.

23Sparta's picture

An AI is essential to have on hand before you start your first cycle of testosterone. Whether you need to use it or not, will be dependent on bloodwork and how you respond to elevated levels of estrogen in your body

nighhill's picture

I haven’t had bloodwork done, I plan on getting it done in the next week before I start, I’m unsure on what ancillary supplementation is, and nutrition to go off of besides my normal diet. I’ve tried looking into everything but seems that either I’m looking in the wrong places or people don’t touch on these subjects thoroughly. I believe my dad would go over this with me and I feel he hasn’t because he may think I’m not going to be able to get my hands on any of the aforementioned

Rosschestzip's picture

No offense but just cause your dad used steriods doesn’t mean he knows much about them. Most guys who use steriods now and in the past, know almost nothing about them. The difference between what guys in the past knew versus what we know now is like wright brothers vs NASA. The difference between what you know and what you should know before you start is like a caveman versus Einstein. It seems like the only thing you know is “it’s bad” and since you don’t care that it can be a bad idea you’ve just skipped over all the info. It’s like not learning how to drive a car because you don’t care if you die in a crash, you still need to learn how to drive it.

Your looking for someone to co-sign your bullshit and say “go get ‘em kid” but it won’t happen here

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23Sparta's picture

Blood work is extremely important

Supplements and micro nutrients such as fish oil, NAC, Tudca, vitamin D, alpha lipoic acid, vitamin k, the list goes on. Things that can help combat negative side effects and are good for your general health

23Sparta's picture

I think you should do more research before you start