JustAMate's picture
  • 230

+ 6 Bloody Blood Clots


Hi Mates.

Welcome to another stint of hospital stay for me.

Been having a throbbing pain in the left calf muscle, to which got so painful whenever I stood up, I had to grip a hold of something and shake the leg vigorously just so I could walk on it and stop the pain. After 3 days of this I went to the doctor and he discovered I have a 4cm blood clot. (YAY ME!!!)

So it's another load of hospital bed rest, injections of pain meds and Coumadin to help break down the clot for me. Glad I've already got a mesh implanted just above the belly button from previous clot issues to help catch anything before it hits the heart, lung and/or brain.

HERE'S A TIP FOR YOU: IF you have a nagging pain in the calf muscles, that you have to shake your leg/s like you're doing the rumba, DON'T WAIT, get it checked out.

Best regards ALL Smile

Ordered from: 
JustAMate's picture

Thank you, Mate.

You know I appreciate it.

bigccs's picture

Keep your head up brother wish you the best and speedy recovery

JustAMate's picture

Thanks, Mate

JustAMate's picture

Thank you, Mate.

markymark's picture

get well soon sir

JustAMate's picture

I will Mate. Need to annoy the Mrs on a daily basis so the sooner rather than later.

Colossus_fit's picture

i'm sorry for you bro,
this experience will make you more strong

JustAMate's picture

It'll certainly make me more aware about noticing the signs of blood clots, Mate. (LOL)

Best regards

Catalyst's picture

Speedy recover bruv.

JustAMate's picture

Thank you, Mate

oldhead73's picture

That sucks do they know why your clot easily? Factor v Leiden? or some other genetic clotting issue? Just curious , get well soon!

JustAMate's picture

I contracted Polycythemia Vera because of an issue I had with a bad batch of EQ from a not so reputable source about 18 months ago. My blood can now produce 400% more red blood cells at a moments notice, WITHOUT ANY WARNING. That's why I never put 2 and 2 together with the pains in the calf muscle and the complications it can bring.

oldhead73's picture

Damn your young for that! Now I'll be paranoid about running eq.. Lol

JustAMate's picture

I USED to love the stuff. I'd run EQ on every cycle, Mate. FOR ME: Besides the appetite increase it used to provide, it also used to feel like I'd injected the nectar of the God's directly into my joints. It took all of the aches and pains away and left me feeling like an 18 year old again. Now, obviously I daren't risk it anymore. So I just ache all over and haven't been able to find ANYTHING, even remotely as good as EQ.

JustAMate's picture

As always, Mate. Thank you

Theophany's picture

Wishing you a speedy recovery brother! Thanks always for your optimism amidst life's hardships! Warmest regards brother and know we are all pulling for you!

JustAMate's picture

VERY much appreciated, Mate. Thank you

Pale's picture

Get well brother. Thanks for the heads up as well.

JustAMate's picture

Thanks, Mate. We all get aches and pains we disregard as, "Just one of those day/things". But in the calf, from now on? I won't be.

Green Ranger's picture

Best wishes on a safe recovery

JustAMate's picture

Thank you, Mate.

Emperor's picture

Jesus Mate,
hope you'll recover soon !
And it won't hit anything else. Keep strong brother!

JustAMate's picture

Thank you. I'll be back on my feet in no time, Mate.