Ragnarok.PL's picture
  • 39

+ 1 Driada's products


At first i ordered 2 boxes of cypilos (20 vials of 250mg/mL testosterone cypionate), in the second order various stuff (2 boxes of LGD 4033, RAD-140, 3 of Anavar, 2 of Dbol, Exemestane and Finasteride) and same in the last one (2 boxes of telmisartan, Primobolan, Testosterone enanthate and one more of RAD).

Order 1: ordered on 13/07/22 - received 25/07/22
Order 2: ordered on 19/11/22 - received 29/11/22
Order 3: ordered on 10/01/23 - received 20/01/23

Ordered from: 
ECinfidel's picture

Holy shit! Someone actually took their driada gear out of the box for a gear pic.