Jameshobbis's picture
  • 142

+ 10 Extra 50g of carbs and 25mg anavar a day seems to be doing the trick


Decided to add in 50g extra carbs a day 25mg of anavar also added in this week.
600 test e
400 tren e
80mcg clen
50mg anavar
300p 270c 50f

1 hour Steady State cardio post workout + 14,000 steps a day 12 days left of digging to see where we can take this before a nice 2 weeks holiday break with the family before looking at next year's show plans.

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press1's picture

Great work buddy - Looks like a cool gym to train in also!!!

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Jameshobbis's picture

Thanks bud!! Yeahh great gym mate alot of Hammer Strength equipment which load the muscle at the perfect points! Proper bodybuilding gym

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bigred250's picture


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Jameshobbis's picture

Getting there bro slowly but surely!

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Chad P's picture

Amazing physique bro. That’s discipline and hard work. Enjoy the home stretch and your well deserved break with the family.

Jameshobbis's picture

Appreciate the kind words brother cant wait to kick back, relax and then get back down to business and push on!! Always working never satisfied haha

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JakeKO's picture

Looking amazing! Great job.

Jameshobbis's picture

Thanks brother its been a slog. Going to need to bring better condition when it comes to show time but very happy at this weight and condition as it stands

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