Toproll's picture
  • 92

+ 5 First Time Donating


Finally decided to donate blood. I've read nothing but good things about how healthy it can be to do if you are cycling. Also thought it would help with the slight pressure I've been having in my head. My tren and drol lovers will definitely know what I'm talking about lol. I was surprised how massive the needle was (i swear it was like 16g, but it actually felt more comfortable than my regular 23g IM pin. Immediately afterward i felt much better. I could literally feel the decrease in blood pressure. My head hasn't been achy at all the past few days, and also feels great to know i'm giving blood to someone who needs it.

As a powerlifter, i was a little concerned about how it might affect my strength level and training in the following week, but glad to say I had my heavy workout the next day and killed it. Still felt crazy strong.

Definitely recommend everyone do this regularly as it provides nothing but benefits, to you and others as well.

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franco82's picture

Good job bro. I go every 8 weeks. And yea it 110% helps with your blood pressure ,headaches and fatigue . Also cinnamon caps, magnesium b4 bed ( natural blood pressure meds) and baby aspirin.

Sumaver's picture


UncleYoked's picture

Blood donation is something every guy should do, even if they don't cycle regularly.
On an EQ cycle I feel I have to dump blood every 6 weeks or my eyeballs will pop out of my head.

Mexican's picture

good job !

Sam I Am's picture


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bundlz's picture

Nice +

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