V0411's picture
  • 158

+ 6 Week 3 of cut


Starting week 3 of my cut, took this last night, sitting at 195 right now,definitely had more BF than I thought, thanks @Drexyl for making me realize that. But love handles are down significantly same with the dreaded bottom of the belly area that I hate so much. Next pictures will be when I finish my cut and I'm going to put my everything in it, love seeing myself leaner in photos I compare, shits addicting.. the diet isn't though ha.

Jameshobbis's picture

Keep grinding brother and you will reap the rewards! I'm currently in the worst part of prep right now and feel drained constantly I cant wait to start growing again. 40mins cardio post workout 13,000 steps a day on 220g carbs I feel like death but the results are 100% worth it when you start to see the changes! No matter how hard it gets keep grinding! I'll be keeping an eye out for your progress!

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Badgoat1's picture

I'd say you started out leaner than me. But one thing I learned with my last cut coming back after alot of covid, mental health and dating weight gain was don't go to hard too fast. I had cut my calories to severely to around 1200 and yea lost 40lbs in the first 2 months after that it plateaued and the guys here helped get my diet in check and upped my calories to about 2300 and it's a slow steady process and you don't always see the results until one day you realize all your clothes are too big and you need a new belt. Then you take a picture and see abs. You got this man just run it slow and steady and put your health and safety first

V0411's picture

Thankfully I've cut before and learned the perfect way for me.

Wildling's picture

If you have access to a stair climber… 20 minutes of that is a game changer. Also walking backwards at a nice incline is a good change of pace and attacks different areas of the legs.

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V0411's picture

My gym does have a stair climber, never used it.

Wildling's picture

I’m a big dude… I think it really helped me break some weight loss plateaus. If you can only do five minutes cool, if you can do a hour… even better.

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V0411's picture

I'll give it a go

anvil's picture

Good work brother!!

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wanted's picture

When and how much cardio are you doing. Be honest

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V0411's picture

Mornings while fasting, 20 minutes every other day. I like to jump rope and shadow box one day for interval cardio and incline jogging on the treadmill the other day for steady state cardio

wanted's picture

I give you credit cause i dont even jog
But instead of lowing calories to much you can always do your fasted cardio mornings. Then add 20 minutes post workout Goodluck cant wait to see the final results

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Drexyl's picture

There ya go buddy, you’ll be there in no time. Keep up the good work!

23Sparta's picture

Damn, you’re doing what I’m supposed to be doing right now. +1 bro, respect. HWPO

V0411's picture

Thanks brother, starting today I drop the calories to 2000 maybey even 1900 if my body let's me, plus adding l-carnitine, sr9011, cardarine, and green tea pills. Also I'm using 3iu of growth a day right now, should be at 5iu when I start my cycle. Told ya I was cutting first and I'm not stopping till I'm at least 15% or lower preferably below 12%, but at least posting here keeps me holding myself to it.

Jameshobbis's picture

Personally I'd say your starting your calories to low I would have your calories slightly higher with your macros at 40% p, 40%c, 20%f. With starting your calories so low you haven't got alot to play with when you do want to make changes and will dig yourself in to a hole when you want to drop more and up expenditure. I personally like to keep my food a little higher and have my output a little higher by aiming for daily steps on top of cardio that way you have more room to play around with food and don't have to eat like a bird when things start to slow down

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V0411's picture

I started at 2250 which for me is 15% lower than my tdee, I'm on week 3 and going 2000.

Eccentric's picture

What are you using to track your macros? I used macrofactor for my cut and had amazing results using the algo. Zero alcohol and only 2 cheat days in the last 90 days though. Its all about being consistent, and not starving. 1900 cals is starving territory IMO and it will only cause issues. A plateau at the very lest, way earlier than it should happen. At worst it will cause you to slide backwards because you get ravenously hungry and then overeat. I am 6' 185 currently and started my cut at 211lbs where I was like 15% bf maybe less, I was already lean. I am eating 2250 calories now and still losing weight for reference. I am probably about 9% bf now and aiming for 7-8% by May 25th. Dexa scan on Saturday this week to get a better idea of where my bf is but the point is you can eat more cals than 1900 and still lose weight fast and avoid stalling out. If you stall out at 1900 cals what is the next move? Lower it more? If you stall out at 2500 or 2400 think about how much room left you have to make adjustments. You don't have those options working from 1900. Just some advice, either way it is a learning experience but hope you have success!

FJB's picture

Well said brother

V0411's picture

I'm old fashioned, I write everything in a notebook

Rosschestzip's picture

Don’t go too low on the calories too early. Ina few weeks when you hit a plateau and your at like 1700 calories, you can’t really go lower than that so your gunna have to like run all day which is almost impossible with that amount of calories.

Just be careful of that, you don’t wanna go too hard too soon when it comes to fat loss. You’ll have to have refeed days or higher carb days, and scheduled cheat meals to bring your metabolism back up. When your that low on calories your body goes into starvation mode and starts storing every single calorie it can as fat, instead of burning like a furnace. Having a little higher calories, small meals often with low carbs plus cardio, can turn you into a furnace, which exactly what you want. Just keep an eye on it brother and keep up the work!! Your doing great! Great attitude Great mindset!!!

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V0411's picture

Yep yep, this will probably be the lowest I go, I have a pretty high bmr and tdee so I need a decent amount of calories either way to function but either way I do t think I'll have like a lean lower frame, I think my body type is more endomorph than I thought

23Sparta's picture

Yeah, it’s not so bad once you get going, the hard part for me is getting going. 1900cal shits getting real right there man. It’s definitely worth it though. Love going into a blast lean and depleted

V0411's picture

Yep, I figure the leaner I got the more I'm going to explode in size.