hunteron20s's picture
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+ 3 lab work the day before last pin .


Was on a 20 week cycle .currently of the lab test was
300mg test e ×2 week
200mg tren e x2 week
50mg anavar ed .tell me what you guys think and if anyone can see why my liver is high ..

Ordered from: 
MegaT883's picture

Looks like that Quest test read estradiol correctly while on Tren. Which test did you order?

only1cat's picture

Who is this guy?

MegaT883's picture

His test levels are fine. He took this test before his last pin. Read this go to table 2

iintensity's picture

The study you posted clearly states nadir serum levels (at their lowest) 7 days post injection yields results 2400-2500. It also states that serum levels would be higher if bloods were taken earlier in the week.

He claims to pinning twice a week and didn't even hit those numbers while using an AI which will further increase serum testosterone. The product is under dosed without a doubt.

MegaT883's picture

Although an AI will raise test levels while natural it will not raise test levels while on exogenous testosterone. How can it your shut down and there is no LH signal to produce testosterone. If an AI increased testosterone during a cycle we would never have to PCT. Just take an AI and reboot. LOL But of course that's not the case.

MegaT883's picture

Let me ask you something how long does that 3000+ level last after you inject? A day,2days,3 days,4days? Better yet when does it happen? You ever wonder why all medical studies measure on day 7? What is the effect of a 3000+ levels verses his 2300 level? Is he going to gain less. Is it 10lbs,5lbs,1lb of muscle? If I take 2 guys and they eat and train the same is the guy with the 3000+ level going to get bigger verses the guy at 2300 level?

iintensity's picture

More test= more muscle
Less test = less muscle
It's dose dependent.

A 600 mg inject without the use if of anything else that boosts testosterone such as an ai, will yield serum testosterone levels above 3000 for approximately 6 days.

iintensity's picture

More test= more muscle
Less test = less muscle
It's dose dependent.

A 600 mg inject without the use if of anything else that boosts testosterone such as an ai, will yield serum testosterone levels above 3000 for approximately 6 days.

iintensity's picture

Most likely dosed low unless you react strangely to test. It's probably dosed around 70% of pharm grade, so it's not that bad.

iintensity's picture

When were bloods pulled? Final pin?

MegaT883's picture

I'll send you something tonight

builtroidtough's picture

Your liver levels are high due to hard training at the gym. Plus they're not too high...100+ would be worrisome just take previous advice and get on liv52. Should be fine though. +1 for getting bloods I actually just had mine pulled today.

MegaT883's picture