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teamroids 278

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Worldwide : 5-31 days / US DOMESTIC : 3-7 days.

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We offer you top notch products, prices and service!

TeamRoids - the best team ever!

sephiroth's picture

Promo landed really fast. Ty teamroids. Posted a pic on my profile.

Big_Bossman's picture

Holy hell this promo gear is gonna land stupid fast

johnsbike's picture

thanks teamroids!! insanely fast shipping.

Owes a Review × 1
Larsbrahh's picture

Hello guys!

Test-400 of dragonpharma does it contain 400mg test-E? Or 200mg enanthate / 200 mg cypionate?

Online I see differend reactions / result about what it should contain.

suny11's picture

Damm the pip... is it that bad bro?

wanted's picture

Sounds like the sust. It kicks in the next day and fee it for 2 more. But it is amazing

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 1
ynot's picture

Wtf 1 gram a week i would hope your bloods are through the roof. Idk why you would need that much but to each is own

Big_Bossman's picture

Believe it or not i know a guy that competes from my local gym and thinks he is some god to bodybuilding he does 2 grams a week, And he is in his late 20s he is gonna be fucked down the road

ynot's picture

Yes he is that's just way too much gear you only have so many receptors after they are all occupied everything else you squeeze into your body gotta go some where and converts to estrogen

Big_Bossman's picture

ya i am honestly not a fan of high dosed cycles, i have honestly had some of my best gains and looked the best i have ever when i ran some tbol during a cruise of mine

herpjunkie111's picture

I've been reading alot about pulsing orals during cruise and it yielding great results. Some tbol and provi sounds like a winner for a summer or fall cruise....

ynot's picture

I know i was just going over your labs some nice numbers your Def running your shit right

Larsbrahh's picture

Alright! Thanks

Big_Bossman's picture

Pack landed thanks TR

jabbar's picture

sorry guys new to the site.

jabbar's picture

never used WU before I did the payment confirmed my payment how long does it normally take for the site to get your payment, says payment progress

teamroids's picture

FR sent.

jabbar's picture

great site team roids is awesome.

Crazyj90's picture

Take ur comment about donation down!

Ward223's picture

Uploaded pic of promo that I received

suny11's picture

Anyone use dp dbol brfore? How did it go for you?

Bonedriven's picture

Yes sir I have. Went very well.

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