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teamroids 278

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Worldwide : 5-31 days / US DOMESTIC : 3-7 days.

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We offer you top notch products, prices and service!

TeamRoids - the best team ever!

banginblue's picture

Anyone try dragon pharma winstrol 50 mg

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wanted's picture

There was a review i read that said they were very good

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banginblue's picture

What scares me is look at the review on os.gear ...dragon pharma

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banginblue's picture

Thanks I wasn’t aware of that . I should have worded it differently .

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banginblue's picture

Thank you

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banginblue's picture

Okay I’m on day nine . Hoping for the best .

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wanted's picture

Are you Taking 50 mg. All at once thats how the review said
Also the var took about 14 days to start seeing results in the mirror. Not feeling them. But the results came on strong after that

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banginblue's picture

A little update day 13 and I increased the dose to 62.5 yesterday

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banginblue's picture

Day 15 and nothing . I can’t believe the luck I’m having with these international sources . Anyways increased dose to 100 mg for past two days . I should have been leery when they sent me double packages and it was during the sale . Entirely too cheap for winstrol . I’ll give it another week then if I still feel nothing I’m discontinuing.
Anyways I keep making mistakes . Lol
I guess you only get better from making them .

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Big_Bossman's picture

Of anavar? Anavar is not a fast acting steroid for me its always taken me 3 to 4 weeks to get it fully going and to notice the gains

banginblue's picture

No winstrol . Winny is my go to and I feel it’s affects at day 10 normally . Anyways it is what it is .

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Big_Bossman's picture

Joints dried out at all? Sorry I missed what brand it was

banginblue's picture

No man . Nothing at all . It’s not looking good . I really hate reporting this, but I feel obligated to the community. DP is putting out inconsistent batches . Like I said I’ll give it another week at 100 mg even though I’m pretty sure it’s no good

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Big_Bossman's picture

That's not good to hear just got my boys some DP winny from here

banginblue's picture

Yea 50 mg in morning

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inzer777's picture

Wtf team roids gets over the pond faster then domestic guys ship!!!

In a promo × 1
Cade35's picture

Lol I know right.

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shawn0712's picture

My promo pack landed today. I honestly couldn’t believe it came that fast. I didn’t bother with tracking because I assumed it would be a good long while. I’ve always shied away from international thinking it would be a hassle, and haven’t ordered anything other than domestic since it was from the back pages of magazines. I’m impressed.
I just wanted to say thanks. It’s definitely a generous promo. More than enough to actually see the quality of the products. This is the first promo I’ve participated in during my entire time here. I always felt like it would be difficult to give an honest review running a small amount of anything.
I look forward to trying it out, and will definitely update.

Thanks again.

wanted's picture

I can say that PAID orders have landed just as fast. Its amazingly fast.

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Elijah 777's picture

Promo delivered fast as hell. Will be making an order real soon. Thanks TR!

robb's picture

Zentech sust goes in nice and smooth. A 2ml shot in the gluts is almost unnoticeable. A steady hand and taking one's time will always keep pip at bay.

Gorilla200521's picture

did you get any bloods on it? was there any pip at all? im super sensitive

matt1781's picture

This is a new source for me and i always worry about getting bunk stuff.Is the para pharma test good to go? Also, are there any discount codes out there?

Thanks in advance.

Cade35's picture

Bro, 40% off is as good as ur gonna find my man, and NO, no promo codes. Yep PP has been good to me in the past.
TR is my favorite INT src. Always deliver and if they make any kind of mistake, they more than compensate for it. Almost feel guilty, like your taking advantage of them. I had alot of hiccups on a few orders which is rare and they took care of me so much I turned down they're last store credit they gave me. It was too much and I had everything I needed.
Defo a good src

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Elijah 777's picture

Go in on the promo on the 12th, tracked pckg is already in my hometown as of yesterday. Damn fast shipping! Thanks TR!

Diggitty's picture

This shipping stuff is crazy sometimes. Ordered PP cut stack and anavar, along with ancillaries this go-round. After 3 days of processing, the order shipped out headed to the states. Watched my package tracking immediately. After 1 week, my package still said "origin post is preparing shipment", so I thought this was gonna take another week or 2. Next day, I get a knock on my door and my order has arrived. Never tracked through customs or anything. Frigging crazy; never had that happen before. 8 days to the states is ridiculously fast!!! Thanks TR!!!

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