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teamroids 278

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Dope's picture

Guys anyone used DP primo 100 ?



In a promo × 2
sunamcaxa's picture

what haha))

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teamroids's picture

replied mate!

Blueman0143's picture

Whats this promo all about anyone

Juicedup2themax's picture

Whats the TR promo say now? Phone cuts off most of the banner.

steroidmen's picture

Test E have a colour same as tren it's really test ?

Gymjunkie01's picture

Color has nothing to do with the hormone inside.. it could be clear or yellow or orange it’s the oil and the brewing process

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steroidmen's picture

Yes i know but for sure i decied ask for it .

steroidmen's picture

My test e pp orange .

Plumberscrack13's picture

Dang bad timing was going to drop my review from some products I got back in March but I'll wait till promo is over don't wanna look like I'm whoring lol .. great products and very fast shipping guys keep it up

johnsbike's picture

all taking care of !thanks..

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Jameshobbis's picture

Boom so the promo arrived 2 days ago! Thanks guys! Pics will be posted when I get a second! Quick question guys do you only do the PP and DP clen? Also does anyone have any reviews on the 2 labs clen?

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wanted's picture

Who has ran dragon pharma cutmix.

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Cade35's picture

Hey man, I sold my boy 6 bottles. He's running 4ml ew. He's added in additional tren E and a small amount of test E which hasn't even taken full effect yet. He just texted me yesterday saying he's got viens sticking out like never before. Saw him.about a week ago and he's looking great. Vascular, tight and lean. Said he has really enjoyed the dp custack so far. Been on it for abt 5 weeks now, so I'm sure it'll only get better
Hope that helps

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wanted's picture

That definetly helps. Thanks man

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wanted's picture

Is that a yes lol

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RSN34's picture

Thanks for the quick delivery

teamroids's picture

you're welcome and thanks for sharing Smile

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