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press1's picture

Try and keep cholesterol down with 2 grams of high strength Cod Liver oil every day mate. How come you are going for EQ instead of Deca? That will raise ya hemacrit you know

KMI's picture

I am very familiar with boldenone and very careful when trying something else, hence i stacked equi instead of decca.

2g of cod. Thanks got it. Love forums with greater info. Much appreciated mate

Pushing Iron 87's picture

Anyone tried the Hemi pharma steroid range yet?

In a promo × 1
press1's picture

Just seen this now - Who are these guy's AIS? Smile

aisgood's picture


This is a new brand with great lab results from our very trusted source. ( We sent them for testing )

So far looks great and good feedback.

Give it a try, shall not be disappointed.

Thank you everyone Smile

press1's picture

I am Extremely Saddened to hear today that Kibby has sadly passed :-(

I thought here would be a good place to let other members know as I am aware he was friends with many of us on this si. He was a Brilliant friend to me on here and was one of the first ever guys to reach out to me via FR and chat to me about training and the lifestyle we all love. He was Big hearted, honest, genuine and just a great lad to talk to about literally anything - whether it was tough times or great times you were going through he always had an ear to listen and genuinely cared for your well being.

Very very sorely missed Kibby, God has gained a Good Guy up there.

hugeandstrong's picture

I am so sadened and shocked to read this.

I have received a lot of great advice from him too over the past few years. I have not been to active in the past year too much due to health/personal issues and was actually thinking to message him literally now and then I saw this.

I honestly feel as I lost a close friend. I never met him in real life, but as press1 said he was indeed a good hearted and genuine person.

My sincere condoleances to his family and friends from eroids.

Rest in Peace dear Kibby.

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 1
press1's picture

Thankyou for your kind words mate, I think everyone that knew him and had interaction with him on here felt this way. I had this happen to another good friend on here and its shocking how much of an impact it has on you even though you have never met them in person or probably would have done. Good and kind people you can just sense through their messages, in their words and effort they make with you. Always makes me wish I spent more time speaking to them through the years but none of us ever knows what tomorrow will bring do we. I Hope your health has improved now pal

press1's picture

It's very sad Sad

Can we get this 'owes a review' tag removed from his name?

JohnConner1776's picture

Damn Kibby was a great guy. Bill now Kibby --

Owes a Review × 3
neavri's picture

damn that was sad to hear, he was a good and a funny guy, always helpful with answers. r.i.p kibby

aisgood's picture



Do not even know what to say. Very sad news he has been with us since our day 1 and will remain with us. May HE Rest In Peace and strength to his family!

Truly sad news...

Prees Thank you for informing us Sir.

Everyone stay safe, love and care for each other!

Pushing Iron 87's picture

That's really sad news m8. I talked to him handful of times on here and he was always keen to help if he could seemed like a good lad. Noticed he hadn't been on in a while which was unlike him.

We just never know when our time will come treasure the ones you love in life and the time we have on this planet. RIP Kibby

In a promo × 1
press1's picture

He was one of the nicest lads you could wish to meet and speak to, the more of life that I live the more I realise absolutely nothing is guaranteed for tomorrow Sad

MilesTaran's picture

Hi SS, when Intex pharma ment-50 will back in stock?

BigZee's picture

Latest order for the dimension labs promo landed, very happy with the extremely fast delivery and overall smooth transaction.

Pushing Iron 87's picture

Any chance you could stock Raloxifene m8?

In a promo × 1
SB23's picture

Hey guys, looking to get some Anadrol. Which lab(s) would you recommend? Thanks

MilesTaran's picture

Hi, My first go was with intex, and Because of very good experience I decided to carry on with them, also my guys From gym advice me to buy intex drol as they have 25mg/tab, easier to dose.
Good luck

SB23's picture

Thanks for the input. I was looking at intex as well, as I've used a few of their products. Decisions decisions..--

press1's picture

Damn it looks like Press's word doesn't count for much anymore Cray 2 LOL

SB23's picture

Hey dude, just thought I would update you on the pharmaqo anadrol; amazing! Thanks for the recommendation.

press1's picture

Awesome Buddy - Glad you like it! Yahoo

SB23's picture

Haha, not at all my man, your opinion is greatly appreciated. I am leaning towards pharmaqo, as it's for pre-work out and I'd get 30x workouts with phramaqp vs 20x with intex. 100mg pre of course;). I'll keep you updated.

press1's picture

I did a big stint on Pharmaqo Adrol last year and it was great - there is also Cenzo which I am sure will be good too.

SB23's picture

Thanks for the reply. I've used a few pharmaqo oils and they were great. Looks like I give their Androl a shot.

Sheitlipz93's picture

Do you guys ship to US

press1's picture

I ordered some Test prop from them beginning of the year for a pal on here as a source let him down (because I am an Awesome friend like that LMAO) and had it sent to America for him and he got it quick so I am assuming they still do Yes 3

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