Trenbolone-e 200 ( Trenbolone)

Trenbolone-e 200 product specifications
Common name Trenbolone
Manufacturer Pharmaqo
Substance Trenbolone Enanthate
Packaging 10ml Vial (200mg/ml)
Drug class anabolic steroids
Drug Type Injectable Steroids
Typical dosage 300-500 mg/week
Half-Life 5-7 days
Acne Rarely
Hepatotoxicity Yes
Aromatization No
Water retention Yes
Skinnyboy63's picture

I have a friend that's been running tren e for the past 7 weeks and somebody either stole his vial or his wife threw it away or hid it his last pin was Wednesday he wants to finish out his cycle with deca how long should he wait before he starts pinning the DECA it's been 3 days if any of y'all vets would chime in and let me know so I can tell him thanks

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Serjj99's picture

let him start already. DECA has a long half-life. TREN E has the same thing. Theoretically, it will be possible to smoothly change the drug.

steelrunner's picture

How are the results, gentlemen?

NYButwhy's picture

This is a great brand and have see significant results with that specific formula.

Sirjtmorgan's picture

Tren did the same for me. No raging, good sex, good gain.

Muff's picture

I tried this product. my self-esteem and confidence went through the roof. my sex drive right behind those has been a blessing. ive only done 1 cycle. I can't say i've experienced any side effects. I would most definitely recommend TRENBOLONE to anyone....

aunchiee's picture

How did you buy??

Boa's picture

i have used trenbolone e for many cycles, when I started it grave no sides effects, justo good muscle gain and increased My lifts si much, after many cycles it happend to make me lose hair and some acne behind My neck. Pretty rare. Afterwards i love this compound but it's no jokes, it's very strong and when using it You have to track for side effects and control them.

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Firefight205's picture

I've been taking this for about 3 weeks now. I've taken a lot of tren in my days and this by far is probably the best I've ever had. I always have the sweating and my sex drive always goes up. But never has my dick been so hard as it is with this. Like liquid cialis. My strength has went up. I definitely recommend.

LondonGeordie's picture

I’ve tried this tren mysefl, I have to agree it’s very good!

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Mdark14's picture

I'll have to try this out now. Thanks for the input mate

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