i20bpm's picture
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+ 17 IMPORTANT: heating up your gear in syringe, why you should maybe think twice


I think its safe to assume that most if not nearly all of us heat our gear up when its in the syringe chamber, but maybe we should think twice about this. As some of you may know when you heat certain plastics up the BPA and other unknown chemicals can have negative and harmful effects on the human body. BPA also acts as an environmental estrogen and can disrupt the function of the endocrine system. Yeah that's right estrogen, and our body interperets that as actual estrogen. Now you can imagine how that might cause a slew of problems, right. But there's more, when your body comes into contact with this pseudo estrogen repeatedly it can lead to prostate cancer in men and ovarian cancer in women there is slso fear that exposure to BPA can cause birth defects and developmental problems. In addition, exposure to BPA has been blamed for a variety of other problems, including cancer, diabetes, obesity and attention-deficit disorder. With all this considered I think I will either try not heating my gear or if I must, then heat it up in the glass vial. By no means am I saying these things will happen but rather, it can. Just looking out for my BB'ing brothers and contributing to the community as a whole. After all yeah overuse of steroids is unhealthy but we don't do this to be unhealthy, we do it to be healthy and fit and looking good so why not try an eliminate some risks, right. Stay healthy bro's and get swole.

GrowMore's picture

I'm pretty sure he's the only one heating the syringe not the vial..

Owes a Review × 1
Lilbear's picture

Lol probably heating both

i20bpm's picture

Alot of ppl heat the syringe chamber

i20bpm's picture

Like I was saying just making ppl aware but actually it can happen without heating with certain plastics but on a smaller scale but the release of BPA's happens on a much greater scale when heated. Obviously you will not know if this is happening with your brand of syringes unless you send it out for testing like one study did do.

juiceball8082's picture

Good read bro!

i20bpm's picture

Thanks bro at least someone appreciates it lol

Pauly B Train's picture

Same here bro. I go nice and steady when pinning.