Black90tsi's picture
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+ 2 Another Titans TD


Most recent TD from Tittans. More daily cialis & accutane. Some tren a for me to try at some point and some TNE. I've been using their daily cialis and accutane for a few months now. Accutane is the first thing in the last 9+ months that's actually started to reduce the cycstic acne on my back. I tried the TNE pre workout this morning and it was interesting. I was expecting the kind of mental focus you get with a good pre workout. Instead the only thing i really focused on was the actual contractions when moving and a higher than usual drive to add more weight.

I'm def pleased with everything i've used from these guys so far.

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BootyGear's picture

How much accutane you running?

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Black90tsi's picture

25mg morning and night currently. Did 25mg every morning for about 2 months and saw some improvements. So i upped it a couple weeks ago as it seemed to have stalled improvement wise. I wasn't getting any worse. But i wasn't really getting any better either.

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Rosschestzip's picture

Ya I bought like one pack of every oral and they’ve lasted me months, just about to run out of the cialis and will buy it from titans. I really don’t wanna use any other orals from anyone, I use them sublingually so his sugar pills are great lmao

Black90tsi's picture

I use the cialis EOD at best currently and that's plenty to give me a nice pump in the gym on top of the other typical effects. They're the only place i've found that sells 5 mg pills.

I'll do some sublingual anavar pwo occasionally. That's def a different feeling compared to the TNE.

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Banjokid2020's picture

I have been eyeing the 5mg daily tabs. He's the only one I've seen with them as well. Sure, can always break them up if it's a bigger mg tablet. But the 5mg seems pretty convenient

Rosschestzip's picture

I got the 25mg cialis so I break em and take like 6.5mgs at a time or basically 5-8 mgs cus it’s not perfect