7gothic's picture
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NIGHTMARES...NIGHT SWEATS...NIGHT COURT---and the wonderfully wicked world of Tren


Well, thanks to the inspiration of a certain MOD here on eroids, I chose several weeks back to board the Tren Train, with all it's beautiful sights, sounds, and insanity. And while I'm fairly certain that Hlwdboy is only joking when he says he wants to see me dead, I'm starting to wonder.
This is NOT a steroid you want to play with if you're new to the game. This is Witches Brew...the Devils Dope. And if you think you can run this stuff at a high dose at your first rodeo, you need to seriously reconsider the hobby you love so much--or get some REAL Tren.
Going to sleep at night has been an adventure---WHEN I sleep, that is. And of course when slumber does eventually come, (usually around 5 A.M.) eroids goes from a website I visit during the day to a horror fantasy straight out of "Elm Street", where all the dickheads I see on here actually come to life...avatars moving...characters speaking...and forums morphing into physical rooms where unspeakable atrocities are committed.
In the late morning, I'm guaranteed to be 10 pounds lighter from the GALLON of sweat lost, and sex has become something I remember from a long time ago, with the exception of the celebratory blowjob I got over my wife becoming a MOD.
My Rage is in full force and it's only a matter of time before I GO THE FUCK OFF..and no, I don't care if a wheelchair or cane is involved.
On the upside, I'm seeing gains----SERIOUS gains...and side-effects like acne that have never been a problem until now.
But the worst part of this, is the part that's hardest to explain:: It's the mental part. The Tren Train takes you to a dark place..anger, paranoia, fear, and a subtle sense of anxiety. Nothing over the top, but it's there. Combined with the aches and pains of Winny, and a healthy load of Test, this trip is just getting started after 3 weeks, and I'm starting to see a beast in the mirror. I'm 6 weeks into HGH as well, and my clothes are rapidly becoming polishing rags for grrrl's Cobra.
My Christmas present to myself will be my last Tren injection on December 25th. Until then, I'm gonna hang on and hope I can ride this bull...he's pissed and pumped.

UPDATE:1-7-12 ---as many of you may know, I never made it to the end of my Tren cycle due to illness, and I'm just as happy that I didn't. I'm not mad at Tren---he didn't do anything he wasn't supposed to do. But if I ever do Tren again, it will be low-dose and short-ester. There's just too many mental games this drug will play with you, and if you have ANY kind of temper, I suggest you keep a stash of bail money on hand.

Mitch22's picture

I've been doing a gram of tren and 2.4 g of test a week for two yrs straight. Blood work every 3 months and the GP is amazed. BP is on ave 125/75 protein levels are below 200 combined(300 is where u should take notice) resting HR is 58 with cholesterol at 104/37. If you are drinking/rec drugs and not eating clean you WILL have problems!! I tend to sweat a shitload if I have cheated but that is rare, the sweating I mean. The wife will tell you zero personality change!! That would be a career killer for me. It may be genetics but two close brothas have been the same for even longer and with the same results. This is just my own personal experience! Sorry to hear it was a bad one for you. Oh, and sex, well not an issue if my wife says YES every night! Lol

7gothic's picture

Everyone is different. I seem to handle a ml of Tren Ace ED rather nicely while running 3 g of Test E and 1400mg of EQ. I think the Winny was not working well with the Tren---it could have been the synergistic effect of the two together.
Have to go about 6 weeks with nothing at all now----time to clear receptors..lol

OdyOdd's picture

tren a is easier on sides. i understand the sides can be a bit annoying but people always whine to much about tren while only running 400 mg a week.... lol try 1g + a week

flip187's picture

Wow, 1g a week. I don't see how you sleep. Right now I'm in week two. Tonight is the first night of the hot flashes, crazy dreams of chicks I haven't though about in years and It's fucking 4am and I've been tossing and turning since 3am. Even the CJC-1295 and GHRP-2 are helping with the sleep tonight. I've taken Tren-A before by itself and never got the effects of Tren-E. Totally different animal. I took Tren-A for 12 weeks and at the end I had some ED. That was the only bad side I ever got from that and I was running 100mg EOD.

7gothic's picture

Everyone is different and responds differently. What may only be a "bit annoying" to you may be super-high blood pressure and chest pains to another.
There are pro BBs who would laugh at your measly 1 gram of Tren per week, as they are taking well over 2 grams per week.

OdyOdd's picture

I know there are some pro BBers that take much more lol. Hell I know someone that took 300mg a day before. I could try to take that. But dont really want to lol. True everyone responds different. Didnt mean to sound like an asshole.

7gothic's picture

Here is a typical regemine from a BB who posted this recently.
A little extreme for me, but then again, I won't be stepping on an Olympia stage anytime soon....

Weeks 1-12
4,000mg testosterone in various esters
200mg TNE pre workout
100mg dbol pre workout
100mg anadrol pre workout
1,050mg trenbolone acetate per week
2,000mg equipoise
1,050mg npp
1,000mg deca durabolin
32iu serostim daily
IM 15iu humalog prior to every meal
IM 30iu humalog prior to training
120mcg IGF-1 injected bilaterally in muscles trained

Weeks 13-16
2,000mg testosterone in various esters
16iu serostim daily
1,000mg equipoise
1,000mg deca durabolin

flip187's picture

Holy shit! How do they keep their receptor sites open? I've heard after a while they get clogged up and your body won't respond to it like it should. I also heard Dorian's cycle was 1g test/wk, 500mg deca/wk, 500mg Tren/wk and sometimes throw in some Masteron. I also heard he never went above 15i.u.'s GH/day. It amazes me how these guys' bodies can take it. I guess that's why alot of them are having heart surgery or dying like Greg Kovacks. I heard Kai Green in prep for the Olympia last year was running 28i.u.'s GH/day! How much test would you have to run to keep the gonad axis equal and keep from pissing out half your gear? Sorry I'm rambling but the measily 550mg Tren I'm running is kicking my ass and it's 4am!

7gothic's picture

Personally, I think you can clear a lot of receptor sites in as little as 6 weeks with absolutely no steroid usage if you cut calories way down, hit cardio, and rest properly...These guys probably take a few weeks off here and there.
No wonder Arnold looks like shit now.

OdyOdd's picture

Normally I run about 700 mg. But I run 1400 when I go heavier into cycles.
Cutting or bulking doesnt matter lol because you will gain muscle any ways. While getting leaner at the same time. Excellent for cutting but also one of the best mass steroid.

1g+ is more for advanced cycles. Most been on is 1400 mg. The changes that occurs is amazing. I think for most people though staying at 700 is probably the best.

When I first did tren a I did 450 a week and slowly increased it every 8-12 weeks untill I got to 700 a week and stayed there for a long time.

Im on tren all year long. Sometimes I take small breaks from it. Best steroid IMO. You will gain more LEAN muscle mass from tren a in 2 weeks then you will from test e in 12 weeks. Its just simply an amazing steroid.

OdyOdd's picture

Offcourse you can put 2 other compounds with it. Dosage depends on cycle history + bodyweight and bodyfat. Yes im all for gaining size + staying lean all year round. Dont understand why you would do cycles as a bodybuilder if you're not going to look like one. Besides when you're lean you grow easier and notice the difference quicker. If you need any help just message me or can ask here offcourse.

flip187's picture

Well I decided to jump on the Tren train with both feet.
Just started last week.
EOD .5 Tren-E @125mg total 375/wk
EOD .5 Tren-A @50mg total 150/wk
EOD .5 Test P @50mg total 150/wk
ED 40mg D-bol
All Veryon labs.
Wish me luck!!!

eastcoastmuscle's picture

Gothic, ever get back on the tren? if so how are you making out?

7gothic's picture

I'll warn you one time and one time only....do not post email or phone numbers on here....I don't care if you're James Cameron doing a remake of Avatar---you make one more attempt at extracting personal info from members here and you're gone...account, computer, and IP.
You feel me, cover girl??

ravishing65's picture

Not bring funny (well maybe I am) Laura but exactly who do you think is going to go on national television (OK BBC3...maybe a couple of hundred people watching...but still TV) and talk about their use of illegal substances!!? I probably have a better chance of displacing Wayne Rooney from the Manchester United starting 11 at weekend than you have of getting interviewees.

Theshadow001's picture

You make it sound like the gas that scarecrow uses on batman where all his fears come true.

TheRobDawg's picture

I must be sick in the head because this story encourages me to try it.

vocor's picture

Probably not sick. You may be going into a "tren trance".
That happens when you realize that Tren is the baddest AAS, and that has a lot of appeal, let's admit it.
It's effect is pretty incredible but the sides are twisted.

TheRobDawg's picture

Yeah I'm going to take a shit load of caber and xanax.

sweatnosejackso's picture

What she said. That stuff is bad fuckin news. It is the shit of the streets. I have lost some good friends from using that crap.

TheRobDawg's picture

If you only knew the amounts of drugs or kinds of drugs I've used grrl lol. I should of been dead a long time ago.

7gothic's picture

If you're fairly new to gear, you can make INCREDIBLE gains on a D-bol/Test/Deca stack. That combo has built a lot of great bodies.

vocor's picture

I've heard that referred to as "The Bread and Butter" of mass building. For good reason.

sweatnosejackso's picture

Reading this post is what pushed me to the Ace side of the The Tren Train. I have been very happy right at 75mgs eod.

7gothic's picture

Good decision jackso.... the ace is much more manageable.

PyroFighterLA's picture

Right here is what turns me from tren and stick with good old test only and maybe an oral in for good measure.

7gothic's picture

If you're doing a long-estered Tren, then your party is just getting started.
Good luck sir.... You may find out what a panic attack is at some point.
Tren Ace is the only Tren I'll dabble with now....and only in small doses.
Keep us posted!

7gothic's picture

It's oil based, but all three compounds are fast-acting esters. About 4 hours later and blood plasma levels are up.

samurai's picture

Take a look at my 16 week cycle Lixus (Forums Steroid cyles). The amount of tren I was doing (TRI-Tren/Tren-Ace and Tren-E) could be considered dangerous. Yes I was more aggressive/short tempered however my dreams were very vivid. Also got the tren cough and cardio sucked but my strength went up and the veins in my arms/legs were popping mad. Next time Tren Ace only. Blood pressure was way up too. Cheers

7gothic's picture

Yep.... I like that Rip Blend From lixus...my favorite Tren product, with a little mast and test thrown in.

Cassiousclay's picture

Sounds good to me. What else could you want. Tren makes you a fire breathing dragon. Run some prop according to your sex life and all is good. The sweat is the laziness and weakness leaving your body. Embrace it and take it to its full potential.
Call me conductor Cassius.

ch4el5onnen's picture

I have to say the LIxus rip blend has always looked good to me. How does tren do with cardio and endurance? Is there alot of pump?