7gothic's picture
  • 750



As most of you know, we have a point system here on eroids that allows members to award points to others based on how helpful comments were to them. This system is clearly being abused and it's no secret who's doing the abusing. I've seen members get awarded points for insightful and brilliant one-liners such as "lol"...."LMFAO", and "No Homo", just to name a few.
When other members see guys getting points for such intelligence, it's degrading to them...especially when they've just spent an hour trying to construct a meaningful, helpful response to the question of a new member seeking desperately needed advice. In turn, they lose interest in making anymore responses because they feel like it isn't appreciated. It seems like more and more, ignorance and trivial remarks are rewarded with recognition...not to mention the fact that fanboys reward other fanboys of a particular supplier simply for singing his praise. Somebody please tell me how it's "helpful" to you to see YET ANOTHER "it's gtg" after seeing the first 50.
Starting NOW, if MODs see you with points that weren't legitimately earned, you WILL lose them, and YES, WE get to decide if they were legitimately earned. We realize you have no control over somebody else giving you points, but that doesn't mean you get to keep them...especially when they were given for bullshit. If you feel we are wrong, shoot us a PM and we'll discuss it. But the days of point-whoring are over.
Members handing out rep points like Obama handing out stimulus checks will be warned.....then point-docked....then banned, if need be.
Lets keep integrity of eroids intact.

mastercommand's picture

Whats up Nate? OF?

mastercommand's picture

Everything that can happen will. The points are like everything else. If you are the popular one you get the best from everyone around. When you are a nerd you only get what little your circle has to offer.I am just glad to have what few friends I have on EROIDS and give thanks for someone trying to run a great service.Thanks for looking out for the vets trying to help out the ones looking to build the prefect body.Some of this guys and girls do not get what they have earned trying to help us out. But such is life little is fare anymore. Points to the ones that have tryed to help and answer my questions.Thanks for all your work.

HllwdBdBoy's picture

here lies one of the(BIG) problems... this system (and site)is NOT designed to be like fucking high school and the abuse of 'friends repping friends' is a major reason for revamping the system... I have significant points and I am, well... lets just say I'm probably the least lovable MOD but I have logged countless hours contributing to the community. NOT cracking jokes and being clever but genuinely trying to help my brethren with the limited experiences and know how that I have... THAT (IMO) is Eroids primary purpose and anything other than that merely muddys the waters
my .02

Gsxr1000spanker's picture

Well I'm safe then, I don't have any friends on here. But just in case, fuck the lot of ya! ;)

mastercommand's picture

Thanks Bro

1sttimer's picture

That being the case it might be an idea to remove the cool and funny voting options. That way folks can only vote for what matters ie helpfull. If it's possible to get points being funny then you can't blame folks for voting when others crack a joke. Not trying to be a smart arse either. People will always have banter or make cool remarks anyway but do they need to have points for doing so?

mastercommand's picture

Thanks for your time in helping others.

bigdaddy1690's picture

out of curiosity can you explain exactly how to add points etc

bigdaddy1690's picture

ok thanks im trying to award you some but laptop isnt letting me

1sttimer's picture

That was very helpfull grrrl. But guess what? Sorry no fat cigar this time! I know that was funny but please dont give me any rep points I'm nearly bursting at the seems with 41 already anyways Smile