7gothic's picture
  • 750



Pics may now be submitted for the Spring EBC HERE (SUBMIT -> Submit EBC menu).

Starting early can only help guys----7 weeks is a short time, so lets get this party started. Be sure to label your post "SPRING EBC", and post them in the EBC section, where we will review and approve them.

  • Photographs must include one taken with a USA TODAY newspaper

  • Photographs must include the following poses from the waist up::

1) Double front biceps pose--fully flexed
2) Double rear biceps pose---fully flexed
3) Relaxed front
4) Relaxed rear
5) Most Muscular---fully flexed
6) Competitor's choice---may include legs, calves, hamstrings, or any pose chosen by the competitor
7) ONE relaxed pose with the competitor holding a clearly visible and current copy of USA TODAY. This photo will be the only one with a newspaper...the others are to show only the body our loving God was so kind to curse you with.

  • Deadline for photo submissions is April 30th, with May 2nd being the deadline for corrections/returns.

  • Any competitor who is not clear on how to perform these basic, compulsory poses should visit You Tube, or ask one of our Pro-tag members like Viking---a guy who has done a few in his time.

  • Any photos that do not meet the above criteria will rejected and the competitor will resubmit them upon corrections.

  • Photos that are blurry, distant, ambiguous, or otherwise of poor quality due to poor lighting or poor photography, may be rejected.

  • Pics should be taken with a good camera. Don't take your before photos with your Dollar Store cell phone, and then call Steven Spielberg in to create a 3-D extravaganza for your after photos-----use your damn phone for talking.

  • When we say "flexed" poses---we mean flexed.

Carlos Danger's picture

Not sure exactly how this is working Goth but if u need anything from me just let me know. I wanted to say a word to the competitors:
Congrats to all of the gladiators who put their money where their mouths is. Making a comittment like all of you have is honestly a beautiful thing to see and I have the upmost admiration for all of you who made it to the picture day. We salute u and applaud all of your efforts. No matter the reults all of you have given of yourselves and given credibility to Eroids and the Sources who have sponsored you all. The EBC has brought our site together as commrades. EBC is here to stay and as long as I'm a MOD Goth and all of you can count on me to make sure this event is a cornerstone of Eroids for years to come. Cogratulations men, women, Gladiators!!


humpnpump's picture

Thank you!! Its things like this EBC challenge and seasoned moderators and sources that make eroids the best place to be.

Gorillafit's picture

Well said! These EBCs have helped motivate me and others to do more, and keep doing it, til there's nothing left! Congratulations to you all!

eire77's picture

Some serious work put in this ebc guys massive gains ,great gear and a total blast watchin pics roll in ,well done to all you big scary bastards :-)

7gothic's picture

The end is near guys.....are lookin good????

D.A.'s picture

When is the next EBC and what is it gonna be?!

eire77's picture

really enjoyed this bulk ' put on some nice size ' not all clean ' needed to alter my diet a couple of times Smile but the motivation this ebc brings keeps me pushin forward

Gorillafit's picture

If I could find a camera that shows what i see..... these guys wouldn't have a chance! LOL ;-P
BTW How much Glute can I show without being banned? LOL ;-P
Cause that's where I made the most progress I think, and my wife tends to concur!!!!

shrapnel's picture

Hard for me to judge myself...... but i think ive kicked some ass this go round'!

Cheatnnature's picture

Any updates on upcoming ebc?

Gorillafit's picture

Should be 2 weeks or so. The Summer EBC has final pics date of 10/13/12.

jhendo's picture

hows the defending champ doin?.. i think im goin to get in this next one.

Owes a Review × 1
Gorillafit's picture

I been traveling all last month, my tans fading, vascularity is down this week, but my glutes and quads are amazing!!! LOL ;-P
Its in the bag, I was on the elevator yesterday and 3, 20 something girls got on and one looks at me and says "Your really muscular!" So I'm a winner! LOL ;-P
She did have a drink in her hand, but wasn't that drunk yet!

jhendo's picture

NICE! i remember them compliments when i first started now its just like yeah whatever. lol.. but honestly tho you made an amazing transformation. i was looking at your first ebc photos compared to now and its like two different people... oh and im sure you know alot of younger girls love older guys so you without a doubt had a chance at that.. neverless the attention feels good tho.

Owes a Review × 1
Gorillafit's picture

Thanks jhendo, I wish I had pics before that with the skinny body and beer belly! Didn't take a lot of pictures back then! It doesn't stop there, I'm in Chicago now for a show and a woman again on an elevator asks if I'm running in the Marathon! 2 years ago that would not have been a thought in her head! Can't wait to see you in the next one!

jhendo's picture

Gotta love this game were in it really is a life saver.... Its amazing what diet exercise and commitment can do..

Owes a Review × 1
Gorillafit's picture

No kidding, 2 years ago I was drunk everyday. Now I'm, "Do I really need another rest day? I rested last Tuesday!" LOL ;-P

Cheatnnature's picture

Right on man thanks for the update!

Cheatnnature's picture

Can I take my pics now for the upcoming ebc and submit when it starts?Or do I wait to take pics day of?

shrapnel's picture

No you cant lol. That would be cheating anyhow lol.

Cheatnnature's picture

Ok cool wasn't sure wanted to make sure I Understood the rules.

DiabloStrong's picture

I'm in for the next EBC! it'll be my 2nd cycle so hopefully the gains won't be intensely difficult

Cheatnnature's picture

When is next ebc?

Gorillafit's picture

Probably mid to late October after the Summer EBC is over.

Cheatnnature's picture

Right on thanks brotha!

hulkman9920's picture

Is there going to be a fall contest? if so when does it begin?

Gorillafit's picture

The Summer EBC started on July 7th, I think? So ending around Oct 7th maybe later cause of some late starts. Not sure. Mid October should be a safe guess though.

Eminemsroyaltys's picture

Can I get in

Gorillafit's picture

The Spring EBC is over, and the Summer Bulk is 5-6 weeks in already.

girlrilla's picture

When is the last day of the ebc

girlrilla's picture

I've been thinking the same thing but haven't seen it elsewhere yet.

shrapnel's picture

Yeah id like to know for sure myself as well.

shrapnel's picture

Shiit bro.. just hanging in there like a hair in a biscuit lol. Well its been like 2 weeks.... ive dropped carbs 2-3 times and still just barely losing.... think i dont hve much left to lose... may have to step it up to hardcore mode this last few weeks..

shrapnel's picture

Still confused on the Grapefruit thing. Know it lowers insulin.. but is it worth the sugar?? how often to eat an when aare optimal times.... and amounts? Do you use your grapefruit with the Kai greene method lol lol lmao?

shrapnel's picture

I do get up at 5 am to do fasted cardio. as of now i just do half a grapefruit before bed

girlrilla's picture

Thanks, we have half a grapefruit in our diet already :-) btw...you're lookin real good Phil.

Gorillafit's picture

7 Weeks would make it June 18th unofficially! LOL ;-P

eire77's picture

as the pot grows Smile the compeditors fall off ' the strong favorites gone?

shrapnel's picture

Im stil;l here;) So are you and granite!

eire77's picture

Ah dam it you are :-) no man im def not granite, started good but im little stuck now ,i hate cardio :-) :-)

shrapnel's picture

Do somw hiit cardio. if that aint working add in a couple evening sessions. if that isnt working then more than likely your diet is outta wack

eire77's picture

I hear ya :-):-)

shrapnel's picture

woodster as well!