7gothic's picture
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Well, it's Sunday again, and that means it's time for anyone held hostage by religion to fork over cash so your pastor can keep himself in coke, rentboys and the huge mansion he's worked so hard for.
Of course some of you who can't afford expensive clothes may choose to skip the drive to church, and buy your salvation directly from T.V.---you know, from those televangelists who tell you how rich you'll be if you just simply have the faith to send them a $1,000 "seed".

That's right; If you "sow" a $1,000 "seed", God will return it to you tenfold. A check will just show up in the mail. Your marriage will be saved no matter how many guys you've serviced in sleazy bus stations, and that cancer that the doctor told you was stage 4, will disappear.
Praise Jesus.
But for some reason, you're not able to actually send the money to Jesus because he doesn't take Pay Pal...or anything else apparently. Not to worry; the maggot on your T.V. screen with the gold rings and tacky hair has a direct line to God and will make sure your cash will be taken care of.
But anyway, as I was channel-surfing this morning looking for skinimax, I stumbled across one of these shitkickers, and I got to thinking..... If God is willing to help good people do good things, then maybe he'd be willing to help eroids. I mean, we do a lot of good shit here, and some of us actually are good people. Besides, God has to like anyone willing to do steroids to improve on the shitty work he did when he created 12 inch biceps.
So here's what I want you to do: If you REALLY believe in eroids and the work we do, then go to your phone right NOW and call. Sow a $1,000 love gift, and I promise you your gains will come twice as quick, and you'll be twice as big. But do it now ... don't put it off so you'll have time to come to your fucking senses---do it NOW. 1-800-1SUCKER.
Don't let this opportunity pass you by. God hates pussys...and anyone else who has a mind of their own.

7gothic's picture

I grew up in church sgt...I'm willing to bet I know the Bible better than most people here and I've certainly done a lot of praying in my time.
I simply decided to question things.

smokenu2's picture

next we will have someone posting on race and sex H**nky n***er, W***ack. Not kewl to open them can of worms goth. This is a forum for helping each other not causing religious or racial conflict, and yes they are both the same. That is regardless of my stance on either matter.

7gothic's picture

next we will have someone posting on race and sex H**nky n***er,

No we won't, because race is not a state of choice......religion is. Race is real...religion is based on magic. Race has never been proven to cause people to act a certain way....religion has, and does every day.
Religious people complaining about being made fun of is like a street thug who calls the police when his victims fight back.

smokenu2's picture

Two words bro michael jackson it cause him to be black and white lol.

I'm done with this like I said I wouldn't have opened them can of worms.

Next week you mods will be banning someone for speaking against or talking trash (Bashing as you have called it). You know it's happened. It's not about my position. We all have the right to believe what we believe that the freedom we have.

HllwdBdBoy's picture

For someone who is "done" you seem to keep coming back... Its like you are excercising your right to "CHOICE"

and YES we BAN members who are outrightly attacking other members... and YES there are special post privlages given to MODS. We all must have been absent that day when they were teaching that life was fair : (

7gothic's picture

We all have the right to believe what we believe that the freedom we have.

Which is exactly why I have the freedom to express my opinion about people who want to take away my freedom to watch porn, drink booze and take steroids.
And yes, we will ban anyone who bashes a specific person here. I haven't bashed a person, I've bashed a silly belief in magical, invisible men who know your every thought, feeling and action.
Big difference. If you're offended, then quit going out of your way to be offended and skip this post.
Simple solution.

smokenu2's picture

Which is exactly why I have the freedom to express my opinion

yes you do. Have you heard me say you didn't have the right? Next week when someone starts talking trash about your gay friend or trashing you or one of your friends openly in a form remember what you just typed man. I JUST SAID I WOULDN'T HAVE OPENED UP THE SUBJECT IS ALL. You are a mod a highly respected one at that.

7gothic's picture

Next week when someone starts talking trash about your gay friend or trashing you or one of your friends

I say once again...anyone unjustly attacking a PERSON will be banned.
Gay sources like NG from Canada will be flamed severely---sorry, that's just how it is....:)

7gothic's picture

LOL....one of grrrls (and mine) best friends is the minister who married us.
I have a LOT of Christian friends, and unfortunately my easy-going attitude about religion doesn't come across in print.
I have no problem with Jesus being someone's personal Savior---as long as he stays "personal---as long as they aren't out trying to influence my life (laws) in some way.
Unfortunately, organized religion is out to control people---just like it always has.

7gothic's picture

HA!!!! I've thought about that for a long time. Contacted NASA to develop me some Prop for just that occasion....but as hot as I hear your wife is, doubt I'll need it.

7gothic's picture

This is a forum for helping each other not causing religious or racial conflict

This forum is for a lot of different things, and healthy debate is one of them.
Religion has been one of the primary factors behind the government's efforts to ban porn, booze, pot, abortion, businesses operating on Sundays, and yes,.. steroids. It also is the major reason why the world is about to be blown to kingdom-come....except there is no kingdom that's going to come---it's already here and this is the only dream-life we get. Let's make the most of it, and not spend time fighting over who's imaginary god is the right one.
There are a LOT of guys on this forum who would like nothing more than to be left alone by religion. Unfortunately, organized religion isn't going to leave people alone, so any abuse religion gets, I'd say it deserves 10 times over.

Greg's picture

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

7gothic's picture

Too bad John, Paul, Ringo and George were'nt able to get that memo far enough east.

smokenu2's picture

I know the alarm went off goth sorry bro

thundercats0's picture

Fucking awesome! +1

manlytt's picture

Suicidal tendencies did a song about televavagelism in the early nineties, called send me your money

HllwdBdBoy's picture

Jesus Goth (Ohhhh, the irony), now look what you've done... you gotten a Christian Education banner going at the bottom of the post ((LOL!))

7gothic's picture

HA HA....I saw that, and just about shit my pants. Makes me wonder if there isn't something to this omnipotent thing afterall.

7gothic's picture

LOL...silly bastard.

Greg's picture

When I think about it Goth isn't saying anything different than what Jesus said when he tossed all of the money grabbers out of the temple. Jesus was a Jew. He wasn't trying to start a new religion but was trying to reclaim a religion that had become corrupted by the Torah thumping crowd of that era.

...Things haven't changed much in 2000 years.

7gothic's picture

That's exactly right.....America is a little too Christian for Jesus now. His message has been completely corrupted and altered.

CaptainInsano's picture

Never mind what he says In all the posts below. Look at your first sentence, then his last above.

7gothic's picture

God hates pussys...and anyone else who has a mind of their own.

That's the last sentence in my post, and you think that's not true???
People who don't have a mind of their own don't question the validity of the Bible---they take it on faith....no matter how ridiculous the stories in it may be. Walking on water, rising from the dead, a talking snake, flying horses, invisible men who know what you're thinking, being tortured with fire forever, a flood that couldn't have possibly have happened, etc, etc......
At what point does reality and rational thinking begin to set in with you?

HllwdBdBoy's picture

ALL misinterpretations of Alien encounters... I'm tellng ya...

thundercats0's picture

Want alien encounters, check out mormonism.

Nitti's picture

I read a lot about Scientology on "Crazyshit.com". Those mufukers are fried! Gone! Out there!

7gothic's picture

I'm actually far more willing to believe that than the magic theory...at least that is somewhat plausible, albeit unlikely.

Greg's picture

Goth is defining god as he is portrayed by the money grabbers. That is a false god. And like Jesus, he is being called blasphemous by the money grabbers and they want to crucify him. Goth has a personal, Gnostic, relationship with a higher power. As, when we step back from our religion just a bit, we all do. I.e. Goth is not evil.

The problem as I see it, you're letting yourself get baited by his remarks. But if you take pause and think it through you can see he has a point. His tactic is not unlike a "shock jock" rousing your emotions as well as your intellect.

7gothic's picture

The problem as I see it, you're letting yourself get baited by his remarks. But if you take pause and think it through you can see he has a point. His tactic is not unlike a "shock jock" rousing your emotions as well as your intellect.

Yep...just trying to get people to talk and exchange ideas. I certainly wouldn't try to change anyone's views, because that's almost impossible with religion. I think that's why we are in such a difficult position in the middle east right now...there are a lot of people in those countries who feel that anyone who isn't a Muslim should die, and NO amount of military force is going to change that.

7gothic's picture


Nitti's picture

Let me say this, since I also posted I this thread something that someone else may not like. Let me make clear that every single one of you reading this has nothing but respect from me. Unless you've given me a reason to feel otherwise, I respect people and what they choose to believe. My problem (as I stated in my post) is the pushing of the issue upon those of us who choose to believe something different. If we are basing our arguments off the same idea (that it's essential to respect one another despite beliefs) then why are the majority of religious people looking at me and speaking to me as If they are better than me and they know that I'm wrong?? They KNOW they're right about their beliefs?? That in my opinion is where the delusion sets in. As stated by someone below ,faith is the confident belief in something you can not prove. So when my step father who I love dearly, tells me that I am going to burn in eternal fire for not following the one true god, I can't help but smirk! I tend to leave this topic alone because it can get nasty. As with politics, religion is a never ending argument. A friend of mine showed me a video that pretty much sums up how I feel once people cross the line of keeping their faith to themselves.
What is said in this video may be offensive to some people, but IT SHOULDN'T BE! As you have the right to believe what you wish, so do I. Can't we coexist and get along just the same as if this topic never came up? Why does this topic always offend so many people? Better yet, why do MY BELIEFS offend people?? I don't push them on people. I don't get worked up and offended when you dont share my view . I get worked up and offended when you tell me I'm WRONG!

This video pretty much sums up how I feel. Does that make me wrong?
Now with that, let me say I respect each of you and your opinions/views until you infringe on mine. We have a common interest, it's like a brotherhood of the AAS community. We have a common goal, we have experiences to share. Does my belief make offend you to the point that you won't be able to interact with someone with my views, Even if I have something to offer the community in terms of advice, friendship and everything else that comes with it? Nobody has personally attacked me, but I feel like my beliefs were under attack in a post in this thread. If I saw something posted that I jut didn't believe in ,I would keep on moving. If there were a post about being Christian or Muslim , I'd say "that doesn't concern me, on to the next one"! I don't know. My words are becoming redundant. Time to stop typing.

7gothic's picture

LOL....one of the better videos Pat has done. He lays waste to religion like no other.

CaptainInsano's picture

Thanks for standing up bro. That is why I am confused. I don't see the other side on here. Never had anyone preach to me, just don't expect to see open bigotry against Christians. Thanks again.

7gothic's picture

Not sure where you see bigotry.
Would you be considered a bigot is you laughed at me for believing in the Tooth Fairy? I don't think so.
Relax and have a little fun. Better yet, try to make a case for yourself so that I might find the error of my ways and come to Jesus. You wouldn't want me to burn forever would you? (on second thought, don't answer that---most Christians HATE my guts and want to see me die a slow painful death).

CaptainInsano's picture

I don't go to church man. I don't think you are going to burn in hell. I think that you are very offensive here. Lots of my friends are atheists, but none with a chip on their shoulder thinking they are being attacked by Christians. I wish you the best. You may be a great guy. I think the way you are going about this is wrong. You are a mod and whether it is fair or not, I link your words to Eroids and I cannot help to be offended for everyone on here that are religious, but also for most of my friends and family.

Taken from wikipedia:

A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs. The predominant usage in modern English refers to persons hostile to those of differing sex, race, ethnicity, religious belief or spirituality, political alignment, nationality, language, sexual orientation, and age; and to those from a different region, with non-normative gender identity, those who are homeless, and those with various medical disorders, particularly behavioural and addictive disorders.

Gorillafit's picture

Never mind, I don't wanna play.

7gothic's picture

And where am I being intolerant?
You're mad because I'm asking questions that you keep avoiding.
Again, please explain how religion is any different from belief in the Tooth Fairy.