7gothic's picture
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BIGGER FASTER STRONGER----entire movie here


If you have not watched this, then you probably have no business doing steroids. Be sure to watch all 10 parts.




kirkles21's picture

If anyone has netflix you can get it on the streaming service.

7gothic's picture

The entire doc has been posted by numerous users.
I'll try to post a new link.

JOEDIEZ's picture

WELL BROTHER IF I COULD GIVE YOU points for the educational information i would. people reaaly need to research, ask questions and all before they jump in because although i think to each his own, we all must understand that as with anything you are doing to yourself you should at least know what you are doing before you do it. the benefits could be great if done properly but there are horror stories from abuse, and the abuse is unnecessary. thanks

BigK91's picture

Couldn't agree more, HUGE difference between steroid use and steroid abuse. That being said for the average user who abuses the risks exceed the benefits by a huge margin, but on the other hand you have abusers (Such as competitors and pro competitors) who are taking huge risks losing years off there life, but at the same time they're living there lives to the fullest, doing what they love at any cost, are are the risks are huge, but want to BE FREAKS. Crazy shit, but once again I restate that is not for the average person, thats for genetic freaks that wanna enhance them selves 1000000x more than they already are. I know about this abuse because I know a couple guys that compete (few have pro cards) and a ton of people would be shocked if they knew the amount of juice these guys use....unreal

7gothic's picture

Please define abuse, and please tell me what the health risks are.
I take 1200 mg. of Test per week, 700 mg. Tren per week, and cycle orals every 6 weeks. Some people would call that abuse. For me it's perfectly fine. I would challenge anyone to show me a case of life-threatening side effects that have been officially, medically documented from dosages like that. If IFBB pros were in that much danger, there would be guys dropping like flies, considering that for every IFBB pro, there are THOUSANDS who are dosing the same amnount, hungry for that pro card.

7gothic's picture

As you obviously know, my father gets TRT also...and it is a joke as well considering the small amount they give him.

BigK91's picture

Never said there were bodies droppin gothic. One thing about roids is everyone has a different experience on them. Im young 19 years old, A lot of people would call that abuse itself. Personally I dont think so and I dont give a FUCK (GET BIG) but besides the point. I categorize abuse as like Bodiez said jumpin into something at a ridiculous dose with a) little experience, or b) no clue about the substances you are taking. An example is I know a guy, good build, huge etc, PRO Card endorsed Bodybuilder. He sometimes takes Dbol 50mg and up, and abombs 50mg and up at the same time, plus test, etc. His blood pressure has gotten up to 200 (emergency visit is recommended at like 160-170 I believe) To him it is worth it, after all its his job and passion. But you cannot tell me even he cannot tell me it is not a risk and an abuse of these substances. And if pros do this, imagine all the fuckers that take these products without any research, they could, COULD be inducing some health problems down the road. Steroids do not kill people I will never say that. But they are know to increase chances of cancer, organ failure, heart disease, prostate problems, etc. Props to your dosing and cycles tho, My body cannot handle those dosages haha. if only they could..... maybe I would be a future pro haha

7gothic's picture

That's my point---abuse is dependant upon the person. What woked at 17-20, doesn't work at 48. You'll toloerate, as well as need, much more 20 years from now. But you can't look at high doses as automatically abusive. There are many people who could tolerate much more ridiulous levels. That's not necessarily abuse.

BigK91's picture

Yeah man I agree with you, tolerance is huge. I wouldnt try a dose like yours for years. Currently running 500-600 test, 400 deca, 50 var, soon adding in GH for a year ( PUMPED). But yeah high dose doesnt mean abuse. like I said everyone has a different experience. In the end only you know you body, and only you know your limits. Point I was making is steroid use doesnt depend on the dose, depends on how everything is used, how you come off of it, how smart you are about the product. Steroid abuse is when you use products incorrectly, cycle to long, cycle things that are not meant to be together like abomb and dbol (like the example) Two drugs know to burst your blood pressure through the roof. Also abuse depends on the person and tolerance. To you 1200 mg of test is great, to me My balls are not existent and my heart is bursting outside my chest ha.

kwabby6's picture

alot of what you're saying is true such as ALOT of these people on here aren't researching what they are actually injecting. They just found the site, found a good source, hear you get big with this + this roid and grow and eat a lil here and there. alot of us as well as you know that is far from the truth.Hate to say it but Just wait till all the ED and fucked up horomone forums posts start popping up....it will be very soon....also who said you cant cycle abombs and dbol together? lol ALOT of people actually do this because little did you know they have a synergestic effect Smile

BigK91's picture

Yeah man I agree, people need to do research. It's not smart just to take shit you have no idea what the sides are, or half these people dont even understand the benefits. I've seen people on here say they buy test e, deca, etc. Then they ask is test e used to put on mass? Like are you fucking kidding me do research and stop being an idiot. As i stated earlier though everyone has a diff experience. dbol abombs are synergistic they are both serious mass gainers. But for one person, like the dude i gave an example of, it puts his blood pressure thru the roof. Everyone has diff experiences on roids, mine will be different from yours, and different from others as well. If the benefits out weigh the risk in your own opinion, and your educated, then I believe it is not abuse. Haters will always hate, A huge portion of people think we are cheaters, and abusers. When really we are just smarter than them, have more balls (maybe not literally ha, ex-teste atrophy haha), and are educated users.

kwabby6's picture

Haha def agree. I think me and you are the exception as far as other peers in our age group. If I could still 1+up I would :(

BigK91's picture

Haha yeah man I just turned 20. I wanted to do AAS when I was 16. Decided to hold off until I was over 18. Researched almost everyday for those 2 years ha! I dont understand rep points I feel like I will be at 5 forever hahah. How old are you? Got a couple real nice cycles under my belt, running a pretty mean one now. Im currently 5'9 210 10 percent bf. Trying to get to 225 while dropping down to around 8 percent. diet has been flawless, although I cut out cardio for the past few weeks.

JOEDIEZ's picture

i think abuse is simple bro, when some one jumps in without informing himself and doesnt know what he's doing and begins mixing things that can cause serious injury to health or dangerous side effects that would be abuse in my eyes. i agree that their are no bodies droppin like they are from cocain, heroin, even alcohal but i am sure there are people out there that have harmed themselves because of misuse, likely due to lack of knowledge. eg. T-4, im reasearching now because i plan on adding to my cycle but MUST be sure its the right thing to to before i do it. if i dont know and dont infom myself i would consider that abuse???? make sense???

kwabby6's picture

agree to this as well. Also I believe the bodies aren't dropping because AAS rears a different ugly head instead of death. more along the lines of permanent messed up horomone levels.

7gothic's picture

Obviously ignorance is abusive...but I'm referring to dosages.

JOEDIEZ's picture

i agree with that and thats my point. if you know what you are doing and "know" what to expect its a conscious decision. if your to stupid to research and let joe blow tell you what you should do its ignorant abuse. we are here gathering info from eachother so as not to make ignorant mistakes.
as far as dosages, to each his own. we ask our doctors for a higher dse of valum. we know why we ask and he gives it to us because its on us at that point. with all meds you have to weigh the good and bad and THEN make a conscious decision. we have decided this on our own.

7gothic's picture

@spud, kirk, and Big...could'nt agree more. This movie exposes so many lies and bullshit on so many levels.
RIP Mad Dog Mike Bell.

BigK91's picture

Movie should've won an Oscar, I think we can all agree haha

kirkles21's picture

I watch this at least once a month. Great movie, now if we could just get the rest of the world to watch it and see things the right way.

spudlk's picture

wow best movie ever thanks for link

Trenabolic's picture


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7gothic's picture

Dman right...one of my favorite movies.

7gothic's picture

Yeah...lol, and keep in mind that in the movie, little Bell benched 500 pounds when he went against his brother. Not saying you can't do that naturally, but it sure looks suspicious.lol

7gothic's picture

Yeah, the only thing I can think of was that he was trying to play the Devil's Advocate in order to make the documentary appear more objective.
Valentino was EPIC in his part...LOL

kwabby6's picture

sad thing is valentino actually had a SICK ASS PHYSIQUE before he thought it would be good to try synthol. Also the thing that bothers me with valentino is he claims he "never used synthol and was still natural in the below pics:





kwabby6's picture

Haha seriously tho, the fool said he never injected synthol. I believe he said it was test cyp or something and it was a bad injection lol yeah ok.

7gothic's picture

YES. His arms were soley the result of synthol. It's always easy to spot synthol.
Guys must be out of their mind to mess with that stuff.

Trenabolic's picture

Ive watched it probably over 10x.

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7gothic's picture

That's your homie!!
I feel sorry for Ben...he got fucked big-time.
Carl Lewis, on the other hand, is a total bitch.

Assbrown's picture

carl lewis is a homosexual

KMC's picture

That's not true,........I heard he likes white men just as much as black men. It's asians he doesn't like.

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KMC's picture

Ben was actually from Jamaica, he move to Canada when he was young.

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KMC's picture

LOL, I remember one Olympic's, the Italian ice hockey team was all Canadians,.......... with Italian Grand Parents.

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