7gothic's picture
  • 750



If any of you happen to see my avi running around with another user by the name of rustnail, please call the nearest MOD, or animal control officer (same thing these days....you fucking dogs lol). He's about 5" tall, light brown coat, and answers to the name Winston. He was stolen by this pupophile named rustnail, and I fear for his safety....as well as his virginity ( I SWEAR, I never touched the little guy----except for that accident when I was rubbing his belly).

Seriously..... If you create an account on eroids and have to take the avatar of another member, youre a pice of shit. Ive had Winston since the day I joined here, several YEARS ago, and it's not cool to see a guy who was previously banned to come in and hi-jack my avi.

rustnail..... I hope Winston bites the SHIT outa you.

CBBurrr's picture

There are so many options still out there, lol
Ripped Rat
Shredded Shrew
Muscular Marmot
Robust Rabbit
Vascular Vole

7gothic's picture

LOL..... I've seen a lot of changes over the years here. That's why it's important to attract members who are positive and drama-free.

7gothic's picture

Thanks brother... I knew I could count on you... lol

7gothic's picture

Yep.... I used to get a kick out of turning assholes into gay shit by changing their avis lol

ReadyToKillIt's picture

Multiple accounts is a bannable offense.

ReadyToKillIt's picture

You're a dumb name.

Pale's picture

Gotta give a point to Steve on that one bro,Lmao!

rolltide3's picture

It's even better they both have the same avatar lmao

7gothic's picture


7gothic's picture

LOL...All that's missing is the syringe.
And I agree with you on the name...:)

Hustle28's picture

Dude I did notice that lol confront him goth lol tell u have copyrights lol

CBBurrr's picture

I've been trying to teach my cat to carry a syringe while looking evil. no luck yet

Engineereddisaster's picture

I think in support of our dear Gothic, we should all change our avi's to Winston.

Fearless's picture

This is a brilliant idea. It's like breast cancer awareness

Fred G.Sanford's picture


7gothic's picture


zeb0312's picture


fusebox's picture

I saw that a couple days ago and didn't think it was very cool

scoobydoo's picture

There was a person on here that had my avatar and my handle with one more "o" at the end.Don't know if they're still here.I was a little confused when I saw a post and I was like "wholly fuck!I do not remember posting that!"lol

cdyrdes's picture

Let see if all the guys with the same Arnold avi follow this....lol......

7gothic's picture

Thats equivalent to haveing the "anonymous" silloette......done to death.

Greg's picture

found your dog... traded him for a duck

7gothic's picture

LMFAO....thanks Greg!

Greg's picture

looks like rustnail just disappeared without a trace

konig's picture

Saw that earlier... Figured it wouldn't last.. Close enough to a bannable offense if you ask me Lmao

7gothic's picture

Yeah.... that's like somebody taking your shark.....and turning it into Flipper....or Nemo.

WhiteSight's picture

Outrageous.. there can be only one syringe-dog-guy

7gothic's picture


Pale's picture

I spotted it. And agree, not cool.