7gothic's picture
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I just saw an ad on the sidebar for a major university offering a Master's Degree in...(get this)..."ATHLETIC ADMINISTRATION" and "COACHING EDUCATION".
In other words, this university is offering a $50,000 degree in worthlessness, and anybody stupid enough to go to college to be a coach of anything deserves everything they get---which won't be much if you're keeping track in dollars. You may as well get a Master's Degree in Lottery Ticket Scratching.
LOL....I mean, what fucking team, professional or otherwise, would hire some kid just out of college with a degree in "coaching". Are you fucking serious?
If you're a young person and thinking of going to college in order to make more than just enough money to keep you in smokes, gear and an occasional piece of ass, then go get a degree in something tech related. DO NOT go for Business Administration...Art History....Education....Psychology....Social Work....or anything else that doesn't produce a product or in some way create something.
I talked to a guy the other day who was majoring in THEOLOGY ---That's the study of God and the Bible. THERE'S and guy with a bright future. You know what the difference between a Doctor of Medicine and a Doctor of Theology is???---One prescribes drugs...and the other one may as well BE on drugs.
The global economy is changing and it's going to be all about goods, not services. Service-related fields are about to fall in like a house of cards. Anyone who makes money by producing nothing will find themselves in deeeeeep shit soon. Real-Estate...Stock Traders....Loan Officers.....Anybody who makes money from money is in the business of going out of business. It's just a matter of time my friends.
Good day, and have a happy Rapture.

TGENOVESE's picture

Just buy counterfeit transcripts and a diploma like the guy who got in Harvard and had transcripts from mit and perfect sat scores, finally got busted after a professor read a plagiarized report, big businesss in people who take lsat,sat,mcat for other people. I still owe $50,000 for student loans should of spent $1000 on the fake shit

DBG's picture

HAHA...yeah, I saw some shit like that on Dateline or 20/20...one of those shows were some kid was taking all these tests for other people...and he was KILLING it!!

ac89's picture

Wonder if there will ever be a degree in steroidology

DBG's picture

Thank you sir!! I was just talking with somebody today about the worthlessness of certain college degrees and what suckers people are anymore. Honestly, I feel that if you aren't going to school for anything but some sort of medical profession, lawyer, teacher, or research scientist or chemistry, etc. OR a technical degree, such as real life needs as a plumber, electrician, welder, and on and on-that you are basically wasting your time. I mean seriously now, small business management?...get the fuck outta here!! Anyone can figure out how to run a business without some shitty college degree. Fuck!!

jimboe85's picture

Hm, whatabout health care? That's service. Pretty sure my job ain't going NOWHERE, I have unlimited OT literally. And will have a job in any town any state and get paid top dollar no matter where. Manufacturing isn't the future dawg, other countries are leaps and bounds ahead of us in that. Now...the MILITARY might be the future industry to get into...just sayin...

WashingtonsGreedy's picture

great points. just something to add to it because im a big believer in a free market, whenever government creates there cost analysis e.g. healthcare cost for Affordable Healthcare Act, its always ALWAYS undershot by a large margin. this repetitive failure is getting irritating, and im ready for political positions/influence to be reduced dramatically. love this country, hate this government.

WashingtonsGreedy's picture

yea...we need to cut the head off the snake. there are too many people out there who just dont give a dam, and voice their opinion based ignorance and what they can get for free. these are the same people who bitch about anything and everything just bc they are unhappy with themselves and their crappy lifestyle they have chosen filled with laziness. we live in an entitlement society where the idea of working hard for a living is almost nonexistent. i agree that at this point on a revolution would handle this crazed out of control government, but that would be dreaming.

DBG's picture

I couldn't agree with you more...a revolution is what NEEDS to happen, but is it going to?? Hard to say since the good ole' boys crack down on anything when it seems the 'common folk' are getting too restless, such as with all the Occupy protests. They let it go for a little while, but noticed how they quashed it so easy and without too much resistance. It's really sad cause I really think the government has the people exactly where they want us - they have everyone so 'pussy whipped' for lack of a better description. Case in point, I remember several years ago they had the G20 protests and the dickbeaters were all in swat/riot gear rolling in tanks down city streets telling people to disperse and that they were part of an "illegal demonstration"...what the fuck is that? Since when did protesting become illegal and when the hell did you need a permit to do so?!?!?!? Isn't the right to assemble one of the first ten amendments called the Bill of Rights or am I wrong? Martial law already exists...they are just slipping it into our daily lives an inch at a time. They keep pushing the boundaries to test the waters...seeing how much they can prod the people like a bunch of cattle...they get a response, they back off just al little bit. I swear that if they could incarcertate the country they would, they would love it as it would make thier worthless jobs that much easier!!

7gothic's picture

I'm relatively certain big man is on well over a GRAM of tren a week

LOL...200 mg per day, plus 200 mg test prop per day---not proud of that, but it's the point at which I see side/gains---anything less doesn't even give me a pimple.

Social Security Fund - .... Massive ponzi scheme essentially.

If I were going to site a classic, textbook definition of "Ponzi scheme", I can't think of a better example than Social Security.

Outstanding post, and 100% agreed.

7gothic's picture

I like how as I was writing up my post you edited the bit of tren rage out of your response to jimboe too. Heh

LOLOLOL!!! He's a good kid and I find myself in a very dark place right now as far as temper goes. I mean, I've NEVER had the rage I'm feeling right now. Just going to the post office or grocery store is an adventure. I just look down and try to think about other things. Two more days, and I go from Tren ace to NPP, but will keep the Test.
Dude---you just wouldn't believe what a prick I've been here in the real world, and yes, Grrrl is not happy with me right now.

7gothic's picture

watch out for that K9 bro tren won't save you Smile

Yep, and it's a Dutch----crazy ass dog..lol
I like the results, and the energy level. But I see evil-doesr everywhere, and I've been making it my mission to go after them----anybody who fucks people over. I feel like so many people are out to fuck other people for their own personal gain---probably the reason for this post---some college trying to make a buck from someone's stupidity.
Today, I was driving on the freeway and got super-pissed because some FAT-ass lady was driving a car all decked-out with graphics that said..."THE WORLD'S MOST ADVANCE FORMULA FOR ACCELERATED WEIGHT LOSS---ASK ME FOR SAMPLES".
I wanted to strangle that con-artist bitch for selling snake oil.
That was incident #17 out of 43----for TODAY.

7gothic's picture

NO society can stand on providing a service to it's own people in a global economy.
In fact, it's YOUR industry that is playing a major role in the total collapse of this economy---and when that happens, you're as fucked as anyone else.
Charging $10 per aspirin in a hospital....$5 for a cotton swab. And you think that's sustainable??? When the shit hits the fan, there will be no jobs...there will be no law and order, and there be nobody to protect you from the hoarding masses who will be coming by the hundreds to burn you from your home and take what you think you're going to keep. Who do you think pays you the wage you get? When the money runs out (and it is---quickly), it's game-over for the health field.
That's not something I wanna see---trust me.

1sttimer's picture

Several years ago I started a manufacturing company. People told me I was fucking crazy. People don't want that shit anymore you need to be able to build websites and do tech stuff. I looked at everyone from school kids to adults in further education banging the same old drum (or should I say keyboard?). Now here we are in the middle of global melt down and recession and my company is thriving! Sorry I dont have any job vacancies for little Johny who's a wizz on the keyboard but hasn't got the practical skills to tie his own freakin shoe laces.

finafan's picture

I am in same boat. My business has taking off like crazy. Main tool in my business is a shovel.

1sttimer's picture

While people keep shitting there will always be shit to shovel :-)

finafan's picture

funny you say that because I know alot about shit.

1sttimer's picture

Me too buddy. Also spent some time shoveling shit in my life too :-)

finafan's picture

Shit is my business and business is good

7gothic's picture

I hope you survive Bro. Good to hear business is brisk.....Grrrl and I own a popular eating establishment in our town, and I'm firmly convinced there is no answer for what's coming except to start over. We are doing well right now, but at some point all this phony digital currency is going to evaporate, and when it does, there will be no denying that the game is over.
The dollar will crash at some point, and people tied into the stock market are fucked. What amazes me is that people are denial about what has become obvious to anyone who simply looks around.

1sttimer's picture

Thank you. I hope you and I do too. The Big Bubble is gonna burst sometime. I've worked for myself nearly all my working life and am very adaptable. Folks will always need something we just need to work out what it is and get on it

finafan's picture

I think the dollar will crash but not crazy bad as long as oil is traded in US dollars

7gothic's picture

LOL....that's funny as hell.

Pelon's picture

Its about to show you all of 7s stash spots around the house hahaha

manlytt's picture

My steel toe boots are my degree. I'm a tradesman and when you flip on a light in your house you can thank me a highly skilled tradesman. I can go anywhere in the world and my skills are needed. Oh yea, I only wear american made steel toes.

7gothic's picture

Guys who can build, fix, improvise and construct will be the survivors in this world.
I look at a lot of these younger guys---riding in the car with their "bitch" because they don't have a license----have to be supported by their "bithch" because they don't have a job---have to ask their daddy to fix things because they don't have any skills----and have to stay high all the time because they don't have the balls to face the world's reality.

Pelon's picture

But how many girls do we know that support these type of guys and seem to only be attracted to them? they will put up with everything including being cheated on, beat on, w.e all for these guys

7gothic's picture

Good point, and that's another reason we are fucked---we have young girls now who have lost thier sense of worth and are pre-occupied with stupid shit as well.

Pelon's picture

Preach on to that! you know what though. i thought it was only this generation until i got older. then i realized old women are on the same shit. these girls got it from their moms sometimes. This might stem from the old days where the women were supposed to just shut up and do what they were told. Idk but man these girls are fucking stupid! to make things even worse, dudes are acting like the girls these days the younger ones and these girls are off acting like the men we speak of

thank the lord for lifting weights because that's why i don't even talk to many people any more. i can do it by myself

Beachbdygrl's picture

Ain't nothing wrong with a sugar momma taking care of her young trophy husband. It's a good life. Ask TX. Lol.... I'm just kidding. I would consider my mom a trophy wife, so I tease TX between the gym and tanning their daily routine isn't much different. He does spend the remainder of his days working while I'm sure my mom is off shopping. I guess it's a little different. ; )

Pelon's picture

Electricity is no joke neither. very dangerous but from what i have witnessed not too hard to do...

manlytt's picture

Nope different trade, but I've worked around electricians

jimboe85's picture

Hahahaha yo ur comments are funny as fuck...

7gothic's picture

You know guys who run cults get all the pussy.
Anyway, grrrl is in the city at her dog-training class (K-9 protection and Law Enforcement/detection)....I never go, because being surrounded by all those police dogs makes me feel like any moment some pissed-off Sheppard is going to freak the fuck out over the smell of weed coming through my pores.

Pelon's picture

Lol and lol to the original post