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Australian G.P pct/hcg/ai prescritions 'legally'


Hi guys ive read about a few fellow aussies claiming theyve been able to get their pct pills via their own doctor?! What excuses could i come up with to get a doctor to prescribe me aromasin , arimidex, nolva, clomid, triptorelin etc?! Ive no doubt if i fkt up my pct and grew tits and killed my own natural test production theyd consider helping me get back ok track but who wants to go through that crap! If anyone knows any 'legal' ways to obtain these goods in australia pls help. Altho it may be a matter of finding the right, easy go lucky gp, im asking if theyre legally obliged to help out considering it is a health issue! Self inflicted or not its a matter of health right!?

mujeriego's picture

Virtually impossible mate. Unless you got a legitimate condition that needs these drugs for treatment then you'll have to be lucky enough to know and be close with a dodgy doctor/chemist.

mujeriego's picture

They'll help you out, but only if they see a issue like raised oestrogen. Which you would have to go through blood tests etc, not worth the risk of a potential fuck up.