Skinnyboy63's picture
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Trying to [bulk] pretty fast for a wedding in 17 weeks


Trying to bolt pretty fast but also want to stay away from 19-Nor products this is my fifth cycle
I weigh 185 lb (want to be 230lb) 6'2 and 42 years old I've done test, tren,deca,EQ. Any advice would be appreciated I know there's a few guys on here that could really help me out on my cycle
Thank you to everybody that can help and share some of their advice

Skinnyboy63's picture

Thanks to everyone helping out and teaching me about the micro app I think I've got the diet down pat I'm up to 206lb. In the morning soon as I wake up thank you everybody for helping me out and God bless

Jameshobbis's picture

You need food and a solid workout programme my man not compounds if you are only weighing 185 after 5 cycles at 6 ft 2 something is 100% off with 1 your nutrition and 2 your training

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Skinnyboy63's picture

And I haven't run a cycle in 9 months and a couple of months ago I was real bad sick and dropped a lot of weight but I gained it back pretty fast just can't get over 200 and not able to wake up in the morning before I do anything and weigh myself and be 200

Skinnyboy63's picture

I'm 195 it didn't let me edit when I seen it .
But yes my diet was off it will be on track from now on. I have a diet plan coming and some other stuff that'll make me eat more

RMDL's picture

For you diet I would go 2 grams of protein pre pounds of weight and do the same for the carbs.

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wanted's picture

I see every steroid i can think of being brought up to you
And i see your workout schedule. I dont think i saw you posted the MOST IMPORTANT DIET CYCLE
lets see meal for meal TIME TO GET REAL.
Im not one to recommend a cycle since i have gained 18 pounds in 17 weeks of lean. I gained 20 of water and belly bloat mostly. But lets see this diet and i bet the heavy hitters can spice it up for you

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RMDL's picture

Facts sir!!!!
You can take everything under the sun if your diet isn’t spot on your gone to see very little changes.

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Skinnyboy63's picture

I'll tell you what tonights meal is 1.5 lb 93% ground beef an potatoes and a gravy and as many brussel sprouts as I can eat

Skinnyboy63's picture

Someone is hooking me up with a good diet plan then I'll share on here to see what y'all guy think (a not expensive diet I have kids lol )

wanted's picture

Sounds good cant wait to see it.
Im on your side goodluck

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Wildling's picture

Two pounds of meat and 1kg of rice a day does wonders.

UncleYoked's picture

I just want to state, this is what this forum is all about.
Over 230 comments actually giving advice and helping this guy achieve an important goal.
I'm proud of you guys.

DeeMan's picture

Mister Miyagi another legendary dude lol.
He's up there in the hall of fame with Bolo Yeung. Youngsters know nothing about that.

But yes a good post.

Wildling's picture

What’s your workout routine??? My personal opinion is weight is not indicative of size. I have a buddy who is about 5-8% bf 210 and is thick asf. However he is dialed in like crazy.

Dbol along with a solid 14-16 weeks of test will make you grow. First four weeks dbol and last four weeks of dbol will get your appetite up.

Skinnyboy63's picture

Monday - chest and arms
Tuesday - shoulders and back
Wednesday - legs
Thursday - chest and arms
Friday - shoulders and back and legs
Saturday and Sunday I spend time with my daughter all day

Wildling's picture

High volume or powerlifting split will get you there.

Skinnyboy63's picture

I would need deca for my joint pain but don't want my nip hurting

Wildling's picture

Not sure how you can gain volume if you don’t want to push weight. I have some tendinitis issues, but use lifts that utilize the same muscles in different ways. There are so many variations to compensate for something.

Skinnyboy63's picture

My right shoulder is bad so the reps that involves my shoulder I do a little lighter but more reps so I still get a pump

Wildling's picture

Substitute lateral db raises for delt work.

Skinnyboy63's picture

Yes sir I will try that way thank you

vengar's picture

What rep range and rest intervals are you using? Ectomorphs do better with lower reps 5-8 and moderate rest 1.5-2 min. Keep the volume low when doing high frequency.

Skinnyboy63's picture

Since my body aches a little bit from all the stress I've put my body through through the years I don't go real heavy the way I'm working with I do about five sets 10

V0411's picture

Back again. I just read through here and your all over the place mam, gonna grab mental, gunna grab dhb. I have a small cycle I'll recommend but the biggest thing I'd recommend is lift hard and and heavy and eat eat eat.
12weeks test e or test c 500mg a week and 50mg anavar split am and 6 the other half 6hours later pre workout at the last 5weeks of cycle. Yes anavar is known as a cutter but it adds some nice lean mass. Medically anavar(oxandrolone) is prescribed to people post surgery or to people with muscle wasting disorders to gain some back. Go with this and you'll be fine.

Chad P's picture

Brother just drop your comments, no need to announce your return every time you show up lol. I doubt anyone is gonna call you out and say “hey you said you were leaving, but you’re still here, wtf”…..You can be dialed in on your gains and regimen, but still chill here on down time. You’re a solid guy here, fuck everything else.

anvil's picture

Just stay bro, no one wants you gone.

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Skinnyboy63's picture

I'm trying to get supps that will get me eating more not buying ment. I'm getting mk.677, dhb
But not saying I'm going to use anything but something that make me eat eat eat eat

vengar's picture

Try Vitargo, it's expensive but it's the best carb loader. High doses of wormwood can stimulate appetite as well. I use it when I go off MK677.

Skinnyboy63's picture

I'll look into it thanks buddy

Skinnyboy63's picture

Yes I'm trying to find it thanks guys

press1's picture

GHRP-6 Matey Smile

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Skinnyboy63's picture

Thank you im going to look that up

Skinnyboy63's picture

Okay my math was wrong sorry guys I put an app on my phone and put everything I ate in there for the past week and it's saying pretty much 3,500 calories an 170g protein so I'm guessing going over 4,000 calories is what's making me sick so any advice on what I could take to make me eat more would be appreciated thanks for all the help even the criticism

anvil's picture

way low low low on the protein for those macros. You could get those 500 calories just on adding a little more protein to each meal. 15 grams more per meal I think you said you eat 4 meals a day??? extra 60 grams per day gets you a lot closer. I am like 290 per day.

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Skinnyboy63's picture

Thank you sir I'm going add more protein
Now that this app is helping me keep accurate record of everything

anvil's picture

There we go my guy, now we in the zone. Like I had said you can't put diet and training in the syringe. We will get ya on the right path here.

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Skinnyboy63's picture

Thanks to everyone

NWApatches's picture

You should be consuming much more protein than that eating 3500 calories daily

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Skinnyboy63's picture

Yes sir I'm going to add more protein thank you

Bill1976's picture

Ment. Bangs hard af and it makes you eat everything in sight. The amount of food I shocked down was amazing and gained 18 pounds in three weeks. Stuff made me want to cry at every sad movie though

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Juicer80's picture

MENT is crazy.
Try it and definitely bump up your protein and ovrall calories intake.

Bill1976's picture

I’m off the ment as of one week ago and I’m eating enough. Probably more than anybody on this thread

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Juicer80's picture

Mate I was telling THE OP to eat more and agreeing with you about MENT lol

Bill1976's picture

Oh ok. Yeah the ment made me eat and eat. I cooped get full

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NWApatches's picture

This guy's gonna go jam ment now. It doesn't matter about the compounds used. Hell I gain fast on 10g creatine daily. This post is smoked out

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Bill1976's picture

He can take whatever he wants. He’s a big boy and used more stuff than I did.

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wanted's picture

Shit !!! I think i might

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