CRAZYJ187's picture
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+ 1 Derry N.H. man charged with importing, manufacturing steroids in his home


I'm a new but old user here. I was locked away for a while and had to create a new profile. Well this was in my local News recently and thought I would share. Anyone ever heard of labs in article?
Then recently sentenced

godzillabooty94's picture

4,800 vials 3 years.... I feel like you'd go away for a long long time in Texas. Texas hates drugs. seen some dudes with jersey numbers in terms of prison time for a few grams of this and that

WesWatson's picture

I personally know this -- and he use to ask for the old vials back to recill them! When he was on a heroin/crack bender hed fill his vials with EVOO--.
VERY SUS, HIS TEST PROP WAS $40 & SO WAS HIS PRIMO. DIDNT MATTER WHAT THE Substance was which should have raised red flags to any client of his. I don't wish prison on anyone but that kid is a scumbag!!

UncleYoked's picture

These are the sources I am glad to see locked away

press1's picture

Does reading stuff like this ever worry you bud?

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Jaxattax86's picture

Moral of the story…and a lesson I learned the hard way…don’t have codefendants lol. If no one knew what dude was doing at home, no one could have told on him, and they would’ve never had a reason to look into him. Either do everything yourself and no in person sales, or if you HAVE to bring in help, you gotta compartmentalize every single aspect. Shippers can’t know where it’s made, makers can’t know where it’s stored, and only tell them as much as they need to know and not a single thing more. It’s usually the case of how people get brought down, someone tells on them because they get caught for something real stupid, can’t face the consequences for what they did, so they try and bring someone else down instead. Can’t stand people that snitch.

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DeeMan's picture

Good point however if a small part of the compartmentalized setup breaks then the whole system has a major problem. That happened to a top domestic eroids src that I dealt with many years ago. Take chances rolling the dice basically but I see what you're saying

press1's picture

I'm not asking Uncle if he trusts his co workers as such, or worries about various scenarios of how someone can get caught - I just mean does it worry you in general about getting caught one day? Or is it just something you accepted a long time ago and if it were to happen then so be it.

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UncleYoked's picture

It's always a concern and it does make me lose sleep some nights but being in this position have placed me in a unique position to do things I never would have been able to otherwise so in the end, I think it would be worth it.

Steeltoad777's picture

Can I get a job Unc?

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UncleYoked's picture

Submit a resume to the hiring department

press1's picture

I appreciate your honesty buddy, I imagine its the guys who just don't care and get lax with things and procedures who are more likely to be at risk.

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NWApatches's picture

Moral of the story dudes just the same as a snitch for fucking folks over. It's karmic debt. Somebody will surely hang his ears off his head. Fuck him and feed his dicksucking ass fishheads. I bet he told on everybody anyway. He really got off easy.

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DeeMan's picture

True but I gotta agree with @Jaxattax86 too.

CRAZYJ187's picture

He looks like a weirdo who doesn't take care of himself let alone any of us. From your input he got what he had coming.

NWApatches's picture

Big jabronis oughta know better

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NWApatches's picture

10 years is that state or fed time?

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CRAZYJ187's picture

That's 36 months (3 years) in federal prison with 24 months (2 years) of parole.
With good time he will be out in 18 months.

23Sparta's picture

I wouldn’t even make my bed for that

Pumped_'s picture

You sure? I thought feds have to do whole time. There is no good time i heard. I could be wrong.

patcorr-2001's picture

In Canada, I remember hearing that your first time in the Pen you only do 1/3 if you don't lose your good time. Heard this a while back unsure if it still applies, I only did provincial time once 12 years back and never went back that 9 months SUCKED lol

CRAZYJ187's picture
They get 56 days a year for good time. On another note anything nonviolent you go to a minimum security prison which is as easy as it gets. It's a camp with no concrete wall or security fences

WesWatson's picture

Criminal history, gang offiliation, age, education level& institutional violence is how your classified in the BOP. It's not like the movies when it's a college campus with a Maybe a low or a camp but FCI AND USP guys are getting whacked weekly. Anyone who's been can cosign this. Either way, he's still a clown. Dude sold EVOO at one point.smh
Oh yeah, and you MUST DO 85%of your time. But you have to earn that. It's not automatic.habe a good day boys and stay safe out here

CRAZYJ187's picture

Ya the feds use a point system when sentencing. They take into account any priors, any violence and so on. I just wrapped up 8 years in State prison. Got out for a year and went back for another 2 and 1/2. So I've heard all about how feds work. Thanks for your input.

NWApatches's picture

Stay out bro..

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CRAZYJ187's picture

Good looks. Ya, I've had enough. Gonna be enjoying the little things in life.

Rosschestzip's picture

EVOO as in extra virgin olive oil?? That’s fucking wild if that’s true

WesWatson's picture

Extra virgin olive oil Yes! Real maggot this dude was. I'm not gonna talk about another man anymore though. Let's talk about ideas, inventions and events!!

Drexyl's picture

Anabolic vinaigrette?

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Rosschestzip's picture

Synthol oil and WINNY-grette salad dressing

Pumped_'s picture

He was a alibaba salesman. I would never purchase AAS from Alibaba anyway.

Rosschestzip's picture

Someone told me to try Indiamart. So I looked up hgh and you have to like put in a request for it, so now I get offers emailed to me like everyday from different wholesalers in India trying to sell me gh. The part that sketches me out is every single company out there Has the same brand hgh, it’s weird and not a common name either

NWApatches's picture

Thanks, wes. I watch all your videos about prison. It helped me through my first trip

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Rosschestzip's picture

That’s not Wes it’s probably just a fan, I’m guessing

NWApatches's picture

Ive heard similar. 80-85%

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NWApatches's picture

Fuck that go flat

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23Sparta's picture

We catch that case bro, you already know, we gone like a leprechaun

NWApatches's picture

Put your ass on the moon or mars. Ya ain't ever coming back

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Pumped_'s picture

He got 3 years fed time

Pumped_'s picture

confidential informant notified the Derry Police Department

Thats the downfall right there. Everytime. 4,800 vials and bottles of suspected controlled substances for 3 years isnt bad. Considering the money he made before they caught him. No mention of cash seized so he made out like a bandit!

press1's picture

Over here he would only do 18 months and then be out, not bad if you can stash the cash safely. The cops will be forever looking at you though looking at how you are buying things. They will also strip ALL assets from you before you go inside.

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CRAZYJ187's picture

Ya, Probably his best friend banging his ol' lady

smallsmoothballsack's picture

Fucking Jody

press1's picture

I guess he couldn't really say they were for personal use with a stash like that LMAO

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Chad P's picture

That stock pile can’t be too much more than what @Wildling has at his place lol

Wildling's picture

Shit… this reminds me of the Big D days.

press1's picture


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