Str8Suited's picture
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+ 20 8 month Progress Check in


38 years old started this journey November 2023. Coming up on 8 months of lifting 6x a week, bro spilt.
This is blast number 2
TRT dose is 175mg

16 week blast(may extend to 20 weeks and drop deca at 16), 16 week cruise

Currently blast is
600mg Test, 350mg Nandrolone Decanoate, 160mg Masteron Enanthate.

I'm on week 10

Current diet is 3800 calories
200g protein 200g carbs 50g fats.

I hit this maybe 5 out of 7 days. Meal prepping at least 1 meal helps!

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Jhamp3499's picture

Good transformation! Looking great . But 200 p 200 c and 50 f is barely over 2,000 calories bro

Str8Suited's picture

So is ranch calorie free? Is a 46g of carbs glazed donut not 600 calories? How much protein is in a quart of vanilla cream?

RobertB80's picture

Insane transformation! +1

creatinehcl's picture

From a below average body to a true hardcore bodybuilder look. Great transformation. Well done!

Legion of Doom's picture

Dam awesome transformation well done brotha.

Bearded_muscle's picture

You’re doing everything right brother. Proceed.

Big + from the Beard

Str8Suited's picture

Much appreciated!!

inzer777's picture

Bro. DO NOT FALL INTO BRO SCIENCE ON HERE. You are fine with 200g of protein a day. To many guys just repeating what they heard. I get 150 grams in some days and guess what I'm just as big and most definitely stronger then the ones telling you to up your protein. Your body can only metabolize so much protein. We are far too protein obsessed in our country.

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NWApatches's picture

What do you take in on other days

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inzer777's picture

Some days 100g. Some days 200g. I never count. Protein is oversold on forums and circles like these. I'm not arguing against protein all together, however we all digest far to much because of decades of repeating information without any actually experiential basis. Let's look at a niche group for example like prison inmates. Why do prison inmates work off a high carb and fat diet with a fraction of "the bro recommendation" of protein g per bw and many have amazing strength and muscular development. Many of those guys I would argue are doing more exhaustive exercise throughout the entire day then your average bodybuilder. I have gone months running. Less then 100g of protein per day at powerlifting competition weight of 220lbs. And being her for as long as I have it does to some extent baffle me people just repeat generic "up your protein bro". Without any regard for this man's budget, kidney health, overall goals etc...I think he is getting ample if not more then ample protein personally

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Bearded_muscle's picture

Agreed. He’s fine. If he said he wanted to compete in physique or power sports that might change things.

Str8Suited's picture

I'm constantly playing around with macros what I do know is, what I'm doing is working until that changes I'm going to rinse and repeat. Also solid advice

press1's picture

Some Great Improvements there mate - EVERYWHERE!!!

NWApatches's picture

This is a big transformation. I see the work in your delts and chesticles. Bring those traps up. Heavy ohp, shrugs, upright rows will make those dudes stand to your ears

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NWApatches's picture

You need to up your protein intake. It's not hard to hit 200+. Shoot for 250

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Str8Suited's picture

I weigh 206 rn 5'9" about 18-20% bf you really think I should be hitting 250g protein? From what I read from studies it seems their is diminishing return after even 0.8g per pound of weight

anvil's picture

Definitely need to be 250 or more.
Nice work though.

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NWApatches's picture

I don't think anyone that did those studies never tried to gain very hard

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SeeOhShow's picture

Some of the studies are hardcore athletes and on gear. Not casual gym goers. With that being said, protein is more satiating. So I definitely eat in the 250g+ per day range just because I’m so goddamn hungry. I’ll just eat bowls of shredded chicken to not be so hungry. But protein is the most expensive macro (not counting get it from powder)

NWApatches's picture

Yes protein rich food is more filling. I hear someone say the other day it's less filling and thought well that's not right. I'm going to be doing 325 grams in one week from today. I've never busted 275 before so will be interesting to see if I can handle it

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SeeOhShow's picture

I’ll say a prayer for your toilet lol

Str8Suited's picture

Makes sense Thank you!

Str8Suited's picture

I'll throw in a protein shake, not a bad idea.

NWApatches's picture

Yeah you can do that or chicken, yogurt, beef, fish

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Str8Suited's picture

Already smashing so much of that. Cod on the menu for today

23Sparta's picture

Damn man, that’s a hell of a transformation. You made happen what a lot of guys think is gonna happen but doesn’t

SeeOhShow's picture

200g carb 200g protein 50g fat doesn’t add up to 3800 cals. You sure that’s what you’re doing?

DavosD's picture

Exactly what I was going to say lmao

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Str8Suited's picture

Not every meal the cleanest, donuts pre workout, ranch on everything. Calories are calories, I'm not gonna resort to drinking olive oil to hit my mark, but best believe I'm smashing muffins and using condiments.

SeeOhShow's picture

Ahh so that’s like the baseline goal? No better preworkout than donuts. Well lucky charms might get close in comparison. But I end up eating too much and feel like throwing up mid workout lol

Str8Suited's picture

Been there, especially legs. 2 donuts sticks or a couple zebra cakes and maybeee just maybee 5mg of cialis from the free sample from PA, equals pump city

SeeOhShow's picture

Oh fuck yea some zebra cakes. Shit i haven’t had those in forever. Pop tarts and 10mg of cialis if you’re feeling freaky….did that this morning actually

scoobydoo's picture

Fruit flavored Pop tart with 1/8" to 1/4" layer of cream cheese. Reminds me of a cheese danish. Lol

SeeOhShow's picture

I’m weird I actually like the plain ones without the hard icing on top. Just a plain strawberry pop tart in the toaster until nice and deep golden brown.

Str8Suited's picture

Atta boy! I May mirror that this evening

AK80's picture

Good pecs

Str8Suited's picture

I feel like they JUST started to grow.

Skinnyboy63's picture

Nice f@#$*&+ work my dude love seeing all these good transformations really inspiring

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Banjokid2020's picture

Heck of a transformation. Putting in the consistent work, and it's paying off. Love to see it. Keep it up!

scoobydoo's picture

If it wasn't for the tats, I wouldn't think the recent picture is you. Huge difference. You can see the progress better than the photo you posted with a tank on. Your upper outer pecs look like they're pushing into your delts. Great job. Keep at it.

Str8Suited's picture

Thank you brother! Been starting with incline bench on chest day