ricky5starr's picture
  • 12

+ 2 Gorilla King 250mg Test bloodwork (1683.6 ng/dL)


My current test and e2 levels on 250mg/week of Gorilla King Test E. Also using 12.5mg aromasin ed to keep e2 in range.

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Drask88's picture

Damn that’s an insane amount aromasin to only bring you down to 30s.

You are an estrogen producing machine.

ricky5starr's picture

I did my bloodwork one time without an AI and my e2 was 120 pg/ml lol. 12.5mg of aromasin daily keeps it at 30 for me.

SeeOhShow's picture

Pinning schedule and when did you pull bloods? It just helps the bigger picture

ricky5starr's picture

I pin every other day when I wake up. Labs were done on a day that I did not pin.

SeeOhShow's picture

Sweet thanks