Stomp Dat Hoe's picture
Stomp Dat Hoe
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+ 3 OS Gear peptide promo


Os gear promo arrived in just under 2 weeks. Curious to see how the pt141 is. Anyone have any recommendations on dosage and usage?

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Osgear's picture

Thank you for the TD Pic and enjoy the products!

Dadbod00's picture

The recommended initial dosage of PT-141 is typically 0.5 mg. Then the maintenance dose is usually 1 to 2mg depending

Stomp Dat Hoe's picture

Thnx! I heard to use it sparingly... but I'll give 0.5mg a try and go from there

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ForeverFitBod1's picture

Hey I tried it at 1 mg. I definitely like the stuff except for the fact of the mild nausea. I found a motion sickness med can really help in this department. Next time I will take the med an hour before I do the injection. I used it a second time at .5 mg. Much better in the nausea department, I think the effects last 1 to 2 days and not three. I will only use this on occasion and it can also be mixed into a nasal spray which I hear you have to use twice the amount then injection dosage wise. Which I probably won't ever be using it through the nose. I don't like taking the popular med that begins with the D, because I can get a little drowsy I may pick up a kind that begins with a b on Amazon that they say works really well. Maybe I'm just being a puss but I just don't like nausea in general. Slight darkening of skin with minimal sun exposure also

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Stomp Dat Hoe's picture

Thanks for the info. Does the nauseous feeling go away after an hour or 2, or does it linger all day? You think eating a meal before pinning .5mg would help minimize the nauseous feeling?

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ForeverFitBod1's picture

Oh bro I eat all day so that definitely I don't think will help anything, and unfortunately yes after you pin it, maybe 15-30 minutes later it came on. It will definitely linger through the day possibly into the night maybe a little the next morning so...

And it wasn't unbearable at 1 mg, you might be able to handle that fine, it just felt like motion sickness like from a boat lol I guess a way to gauge it is I probably wouldn't do 1 mg again maybe .75 Max. The half a milligram is definitely effective and noticeable. I would definitely not use it consecutively in days In a row. I waited a week in between doses. I hope that can help. I like a good boner but a raging boner is just way cooler. Couldn't beat the thing down with the stick at 1 mg. Blows away any ED med by far. Which I only take those daily at low dose for vascular dilation purposes. Let us know how you make out

PS. Make sure to mix it and get the dosage right, which I'm sure you will. This is very similar to Melanotan 2. Years and years ago it was either an overdose batch from a peptide company or I just completely messed up mixing it. I had a boner for so long and it was so tight it just hurt so bad and I ended up with a kid you not blue purple balls. I had a priapism and almost had to go to the ER. Finally my wife or girlfriend at the time got me some ice packs and I sat on those for some time. I felt like I was being strangulated from the inside of my junk top to bottom. So just a warning to be careful I'm not sure if this can have the same effect if overdose. It's a strong med so just be careful brother

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Stomp Dat Hoe's picture

Great! Thanks for the heads up.. got a hottie coming over tomorrow night, so, wanted to make sure! Time to Stomp! Lol

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ForeverFitBod1's picture

That'a boy! Have fun

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