CHIMAIRA75's picture
  • 212

+ 5 OS touchdown


Touchdown international order from OS. Restock on some orals on the bogo. Can't go wrong with that! Even sent me a freebie Nakon Winstrol. Appreciate it!

Ordered from: 
Legion of Doom's picture

Nice order that dbol and drol are potent.

Osgear's picture

Thank you for the TD pic and enjoy the products!

press1's picture

Some Good stuff there buddy - Goin Super Dooper Core eh!!!

CHIMAIRA75's picture

Lol just restocking on the bogo. Why not right? It's my security blanket. Lol

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press1's picture

I know somebody who recently set a huge Junior bench record on that very Superdrol - he was only using 10mg per day of it.

CHIMAIRA75's picture

It's one compound I've never run. I got it for just in case purposes. Lol just in case I decide I want to. Lol I like their new packaging though. Fancy

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press1's picture

These new big rectangular cases they are using remind me of UK chocolate bars LOL They are the same size pretty much. Get ready for a surreal experience on that Superdrol, you will swear there is no way you have got stronger on it as it makes you feel so damn weird and brain foggy - then when you get in the gym you'll think 'Shit WTF?!!!

CHIMAIRA75's picture

Well, I've got some time yet. I'm wrapping up my cut cycle this week. So, I'll be on cruise for some months. I'm thinking around Octoberish I'll fire it up again and go back on bulk time. I'm actually looking forward to flushing myself out. Clean myself up a bit. Ya know? I went hard on this cut! Great results but I'm sure my body is gonna appreciate the downtime brother.

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press1's picture

I Get ya buddy - I get ya! I should do the same really, give everything a rest for 3 months or so. I just live for lifting and hate seeing everything I have worked hard for start disappearing.

CHIMAIRA75's picture

It doesn't disappear if you keep at it brother. I don't lose a pound or gain an inch while on cruise. In fact, I came out of my last cruise leaner than I was going in. So long as that diet is on point and you continue to lift religiously, there's no loss bro. Not for this guy anyway

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