creatinehcl's picture
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+ 1 PMROIDS Promo Touchdown


Everything was as agreed without any problems. I also got an extra D-bol as an extra gift. NPP came slightly crashed. Nothing unusual. I put it in hot water and it all melted. This is my first time trying NPP. I have used Deca before in cycles without any major problems. Apart from mild deca dick LOL That suits me at this stage of my life when my wife has also slowed down.
The plan is starting tomorrow for 10 weeks of 500mg Sustanon Aspen and 450mg NPP and considering that I received as a gift not to throw away 25-50mg of Dianabol on training days. I'm sorry but I can't watch them or leave them for another time. That's stronger than me Biggrin

Thanks PMROIDS for the opportunity to try your products and service!

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Chad P's picture

Slowed down for what bro? 1979 you are only a year older than me. Get that shit while you can my man!!

creatinehcl's picture

Well, most women slow down after the age of 40, which is normal. It is normal for men as well, only that we are on chemistry and then the desire can be even greater than when we were 20, which is definitely not normal..
Honestly, it's burdensome because a wife definitely doesn't want 2-3 times a day and then you either try to look for someone else or you're frustrated all day.
I choose to be frustrated all day LOL

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya absolutely, it’s almost a blessing when your estro is too high or crashed and your dick doesn’t work lol. I’m 31 and my girls 29 and she doesn’t even want it once a week so being frustrated all day is FRUSTRATING lol it’s not fun at all

Mac12769's picture

Have you checked her hormone panel by chance. ? Some women’s drop off early and other treatments can help. Lots of options before giving up to just once a week…….fuck that.

Rosschestzip's picture

It’s actually once a month but we’ll pretend it’s once a week lol.and no we haven’t ran a panel, she doesn’t have insurance and doesn’t want to pay for it, but I’ll convince her to do it soon. I gave her micro doses of test before but we stopped after like 2 weeks cus we don’t know what hormones are off so I didn’t want to just blindly dose her. But now that I have test e, maybe we’ll try that again. And she was interested in trying low dose Anavar but I haven’t really decided if I want her to dabble with shit like that or not. And she does workout btw she wouldn’t just be popping Anavars on the couch lol

Mac12769's picture

I’d run her panel first bro. Women have lot more things going on than us, and they get off balance easy. Could be something other than being little low on Test, better safe. I have my lady on a few things, but I check her weight, BP, BGL regularly at home and have her labs drawn at least 2/yr.

DeeMan's picture

Good advice right there. Nothing will ever be known if no labs are never drawn. They'll just be sitting back wondering. And absolutely women's hormones are way more unstable than our hormones. I had an ex girlfriend who was a nurse who had absolutely zero sex drive. Come to find out it was a certain medication that she had been taking the whole time.

Mac12769's picture

Ohhh yeah that’s a big one. Can definitely affect things. Have an idea which class too.

DeeMan's picture

She was on some ADD medication. I had no idea at first though. She differently drove me crazy. I think I lost a few hair strands.

press1's picture

I bet you have your own purpose built testing facility underneath the farm where you conduct all these experiments Mac - I bet there are animals in there resembling cows/goats and chickens all bred into 1 LMFAO

Mac12769's picture

I have a waiver form. Wink

anvil's picture

Step 1 check for user error . Step 2 Remove current system and replace with fresh one...women are supposed to peak from late 20s to mid 40s. I peaked like IDK 30 years ago , I just use a fluffer now LOL

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Rosschestzip's picture

Ya it’s sucks, it’s because of a medication she’s on, I figured it would get better as she got used to it but it’s actually only gotten worse

anvil's picture

Sorry my guy, touchy subject. Does she have the pcos?

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Rosschestzip's picture

No it’s totally cool, it’s almost a joke at this point lol. But no it’s not PCOS. It’s a depression/anxiety thing but she also has a hernia which makes her like insanely self conscious about her body which is what she blames it on, but I’m like 99% sure it’s hormonal from the meds. But I’m learning to live with it for now, my kids are young and they’re my priority and so is the gym, that’s all that really matters to me and I have both those things for now. When there a little older and we’re financially able to split up we probably will but I’m just hanging out for the time being

Chad P's picture

Honestly man this really sucks and hate to hear it. Y’all are really young, my wife and I are in our 40’s and have sex atleast 5 times per week, with kids in the house. I mean being in love and committed to a relationship, sex is a huge part of it, especially at 29 and 31. How does she expect you to hold up and stay loyal if you’re barely getting it 10 times per year?

anvil's picture

Much love and respect to you. Sound thinking my guy.

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Rosschestzip's picture

Ya it sounds good now cus my libidos not raging, come talk to me next week and I’ll probably have a completely different mind set LMAO

press1's picture

You need to get yourself a Mistress mate LMAO

anvil's picture

Extra women?? Worst reply of the year!
Drill an extra hole in my head!

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press1's picture

Ohh mate I'd love a bit of that shit!!!

Imagine that, some Sexy, Nasty Bitch whose only use was to pretend to give you a bit of abuse and spit on you, all dressed up in some kinky gear and then she fucks you!! I wouldn't mind paying £100 a go. Then go back home to your sexless marriage Lol

Mac12769's picture

Just be a preacher or politician.

Chad P's picture

Oh man I’ll just let someone else say it. I’m definitely not doing it…:)

anvil's picture

Or both?

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anvil's picture

LOL she would smell the happiness on me. Right now I stink of sadness...dead give away.

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press1's picture

LMAO Do you have to act suppressed and morbid all the time bro otherwise she knows somethings up??!

anvil's picture

Yes ACT that way. There is no way it is real LOL.

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press1's picture

I had a bird I felt like I had to be like that around too, if I was happy it was as if she hated it. Now twice as old I look back and realise the was a Depressed Narcissist, constantly manipulating people and flew off the handle if you dared stand up to her.

Rosschestzip's picture

I know! She’s joked/hinted at the before. Idk if she was serious but some day it’ll reach that point and I guess I’ll find out if she was serious or not lol

press1's picture

Try it mate then tell her with some bondage pictures as proof - See how that works out for ya LOL

Rosschestzip's picture

Great idea! That’ll go over great!!

press1's picture

OR she could take the kids, the house and your underwear!!