alex073's picture
  • 134

+ 6 Second BRUTAL order Bayer Proviron,HCG,Sustanone,GH,Anapolon....


My second BRUTAL attack :-)
7-5000iu HCG
160 tabs Bayer Proviron
100iu Asia Pharma GH
2 box Turkish Anapolon
2 box Pharm-tec Sustanone250mg
1box Anastrazolone
1 bac water

Gift-1 box Anastrazolone,1box Anapolon

UPDATE-HCG is FAKE and Proviron is FAKE

Ordered from: 
helloBrooklyn's picture

Is that Anapolon legit? Considering tossing mine

alex073's picture

I do not know need to try them about end off this month start my cycle.
First week will use just anapolon 50mg/day and continue for 4week but the second week will start other gears.
I think 1week enough to try them the original Turkish anapolon is so strong.

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RSN34's picture

Nice +1

alex073's picture

Thx bro

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DSTER's picture

Very nice my dude

alex073's picture

Thx it is Brutal shot:-)

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Livelife76's picture

Cool looking pic, it's like a stocking stuffer pic lol +1 nice grab for sure

alex073's picture

Thank you bro :-)

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Sjohns3575's picture

Nice order +1

alex073's picture

Thank you Sjohns.

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Jay Pee's picture

Beautiful +1

alex073's picture

Thx bro!

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stairmaster's picture

very nice brother!

alex073's picture

Thx bro will try soon :-)

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alex073's picture

Thank you bro:-)

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