AK80's picture
  • 140

+ 4 Summertime stack from Pure Anabolics


Cialis for the pumps, nutrient shuttling, and weekend whisky drinking insurance. Proviron for a slight AI, SHBG regulator and enhances the other compounds I'm taking. Test No Ester for pre-workout (50mg an hour before) and Primo 300mg per week for a slow builder and AI. Plenty of their Test E is still here taking 450mg per week and his Tren Ace @ 150mg per week along with 50mg of his Anavar every day except weekends. Zero side effects for the past 3 months and good bloodwork!

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Skinnyboy63's picture

Nice brother love his products

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AK80's picture

Headed to the gym here in about an hour. Just pinned 50mg of the TNE. Has that nice guaiacol smell to it like injectable Superdrol does. Zero pip! Nice little adrenaline rush, focus and drive so far. Will report back tomorrow after the workout.

AK80's picture

Stayed chubbed for about 2 hours, had more energy and overall good feeling like the old Jack3d pre-workout powder. Hadn't been in the gym in 2 weeks but strength was like I didn't take a day off. Won't use it every time, but good to have on standby when you need it.

Skinnyboy63's picture

So the tne spikes your libido

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