GetInzFitInz's picture
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+ 4 Two days shy of one month on Testosterone Undecanoate TRT


Couple of days shy, one month into my TRT using Testosterone Undecanoate. Levels are rising and my psychological rise has been amazing. I’m so happy this is working out.

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vengar's picture

Give it another month to build up.

Drexyl's picture

So many variables bro, and the long half life. We all process this stuff differently, but there’s definitely ground rules. But with a long ester, the longest ester there is, these numbers aren’t great under any circumstance. These are 300lb midget numbers. IFYKYK.

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GetInzFitInz's picture

This… I don’t know know. Lmao

Drexyl's picture

It’s complicated but not complicated. We can look at each others numbers, as long as everyone is honest some great advice can be given. With this particular testosterone derivative, numbers would be crazy high, fiya high. If you do the math and understand half life breakdown, this isn’t great.

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GetInzFitInz's picture

Yea. I’m using Test U, not actual Aveed. Just using Aveed’s dose guide. Now that you say this, it’s interesting that Aveed calls their stuff Aveedsolution. Maybe they add something to their Test U. According to their charts, if I were taking Aveed, at this time I should be somewhere between 500 and 600. Should I re-evaluate dosage/timing? It’s just tough to find much info on Test U without Aveed info being referenced. You know?

Rosschestzip's picture
GetInzFitInz's picture

For a moment, I thought you were calling me a specific, now offensive word. Lmao

Rosschestzip's picture

Lmao I just come on here and just call you names, no explanation, no nothing, just bold letters lmao

GetInzFitInz's picture

I’m so easy going, I’d be like, hey if it’s working for you. I support it lmao

press1's picture

Every now and again, you will see him go around the forums posting it on peoples pages. Tends to be more on weekends though when his wife has just denied him sex Lol

GetInzFitInz's picture

Oh geez lol. Well he ain’t getting any replacement sex here! Lmao

press1's picture

LMAO I think that every time I see it too

press1's picture

Believe me buddy, you will end up feeling WAY better than you do currently once you get that Testosterone level up where it should be - its on the very low end currently. The TRT veterans on here will be able to best advise you, you would do much better using Cyp or Enanth once a week than Undec once per month.

GetInzFitInz's picture

I know there are a lot of thoughts on Test C vs Test E. What's your opinion on one or the other. Just curious.

press1's picture

I'm in the UK (The Best country) so we naturally prefer Enanthate over Cyp, the US tend to prescribe Cyp I believe.

Pumped_'s picture

Lot my buddys prefer Enanthate and also the ability for Enanthate to be dosed higher. And yes doctors over here prescribe cypionate and over there doctors prescribe enanthate

Mac12769's picture

Exactly what you said and I use both interchangeably. But for what its worth, I tend to hold little less water and maybe better mood with the Test E. Not sure. Still working on that "theory" for me with some different brands......

DeeMan's picture

You mentioned that to me before and I get the same experience as you when using both. E makes me feel better and less water retention. But C tends to last longer in my system but makes me more irritable and boosts appetite. Yes both are a bit different for me also

GetInzFitInz's picture

I suppose if you’re bodybuilding, you need the higher dose. Makes dollars and sense. In your opinion, should I see the Test U through with my doc or just go straight to Test C/Test E? I think my doc is hoping it will kickstart my production but I’m thinking I’ll be on TRT for life.

Pumped_'s picture

I think your doctors would be better at explaining the injection times, pros and cons and you decide from there. The undec obviously you inject less and the others once a week if you are on for life. He can explain the blood leveling if thats a major factor in your decision.

GetInzFitInz's picture

I’m noting all this on my end for my next appointment. So far, he’s just advised on what he would have prescribed as a dose with my labs. If I didn’t have to deal with insurance, I’m sure he would have put me on Test C right away. Insurance in the US is a bit crazy

DeeMan's picture

you still have my vote for 2024 lol but that was a very good professional answer. To many of us undec ester is still somewhat unfamiliar so you gave him the right advice about seeking Doc's info.

Pumped_'s picture

Well now we know Biden dont have the back of the Top Democrats i should run against Trump as an independent. RFK dont fit under a DEI candidate thats why he hasnt got enough endorsement but i think i can fill a couple of them slots and with the Eroids Mafia behind me, we got this lol

DeeMan's picture

Newsom? Familiar?...not familiar?

Pumped_'s picture

Newsom destroyed California. I don't think he would get Americas votes. He is too extreme. Banning gas cars, wants to pay black reparations. America doesnt want that

DeeMan's picture

Man I wish RFK had a chance. Hey I know guys say liberal but what about the Governor of California, that Newsom guy? In the future I'm willing to bet he'll be the Democrat pres nominee

simonmagus84's picture

I’m either going for RFK or Candace Owens. That woman has more balls than any man in any political party.

Pumped_'s picture

Candace Qwens! Awesome! Lol!

GetInzFitInz's picture

PUMPED_ 2024 ;-)

GetInzFitInz's picture

Lol and I value all these thoughts. Still being a noob. When I was told he can’t prescribe bc insurance wouldn’t cover it and I would end up having to pay out of pocket, I thought well if I’m gonna pay out of pocket, I have to learn more. In my research, I saw Test U. You’re right, not really used in the US and in general, relatively little known. Even the name brands are still playing around with their dosage schedules. I got it being a punk about pinning every week. It wasn’t until after I did the first dose where I was thinking, what the hell was I scared of lol. But by then, I had already met with my Endo, formed a plan with him, ordered this stuff. He showed me the safest and other safe places to inject. A billion side effects to look out for and in general, don’t do anything illegal lmao
He’s a great doc but unfortunately insurance wins again…

DeeMan's picture

Good for you brother. You're going about it the right way no doubt. Now with these srcs most tend to use mct oil with injects. That's somewhat a problem with test undec in my opinion because it has been shown on bloods by a buddy of mine to shorten half life by several days. That thicker castor oil is used for a purpose. If using test undec I recommend guys go pharmaceutical with test undec in castor oil

GetInzFitInz's picture

This is the brand I got (link below). It doesn’t say what carrier they use so I wonder if that’s why it’s not as effective as Aveed? The name brand specifically says they use castor oil. You may be on to something here. Now I am really considering talking to my Endo about this concern and seeing if it’s best to just go to Test C or Test E. A lot to think about with this new info.

DeeMan's picture

So we aren't suppose to discuss brands but in my opinion if using test undec you probably want to go castor oil route but have a conversation with your Doc. My buddy did say the pharma brand did last a bit longer according to his bloods. I think it's the combination of undec ester and castor oil that is the key. As far as those other esters. Do what's more convenient and what your body reacts best to

GetInzFitInz's picture

Thank you for the great advice and noted about the brands for future posts. If your buddy knows one specific, pls PM the name to me. I would love to read up on it. The more we all know, the better and safer for everyone.

DeeMan's picture

That A version of test Undec above that you mentioned does contain castor oil for a fact. The N test Undec version should also. If oil is very thick chances are it's castor oil for test u.

GetInzFitInz's picture

It is pretty thick. The oil. Lmao
Sorry. Couldn’t let that one pass by lol.
I kinda wish there were quick tests like a diabetes test. Then we would be able to make quicker changes. Waiting a whole month for the next test to see if anything sticks kinda sucks. I need a 15 mins testosterone test! Lmao

DeeMan's picture

Yep 15 minutes is what most women prefer ....right back at ya man lol. So yeah u might want to look at other testosterone esters if this doesn't work for you.

GetInzFitInz's picture

Lmao. At the very least, I’ll take my second shot tomorrow. In a month, if the numbers are still dismal, I think I’ll cut my loses with Test U. Being normal again felt great so I rather be on a better plan. Lots to think about. Thank you and thanks to everyone that gave me input and advice. I truly appreciate it.

DeeMan's picture

Wish Test Decanoate was available more, that would be a good option for you. Anyways good luck

GetInzFitInz's picture

Lmao. That’s very interesting. Both statements lol. I like Brits so I’m not harmed by your statement. My great great great grams was British.

press1's picture

LMFAO!!! After a few days of being a member on here you'll realise I'm usually joking, its just said with dry wit humour which people mistake for being serious sometimes Lol

GetInzFitInz's picture

This is going to be fun. I have to figure out with part(s) of your whole statement is false lmao. I can tell you right now. I suck at those kinds of games lol

GetInzFitInz's picture

Thanks. and I (and my Endo) agree. He wants to see this through and suppliment with Test C if needed. But If we get to that point, I'm gonna tell him I just want to get the Test C route. It's all unofficial anyways so he kinda has to just advise me on "safe" dosage lol. He can't really do much else since there's no script.

flounder's picture

What is ur dose and frequency?

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GetInzFitInz's picture

I'm following Aveed's dosage guide. First week, 3ml, 4 weeks later 3ml, then every 10 weeks, 3ml. I also have other scheduled tests to track each month or so. If spacing it out 10 weeks creates big dips, I'll start a low dose Test C for the "in-between" weeks. My levels were not low enough for insurance to cover a prescription but were low enough for me to have a pretty crappy QoL. Depression, feeling of "being sick", massive weight gain, normally very deep voice no longer deep, etc. I'm working with my Endo unofficially/off the record to dial it in to what will help me the best.

flounder's picture

I’m no expert and I’m sure others will chime in. So I’m assuming ur dosing 750mg once every 4 weeks which would give u large peaks and valleys of blood/test levels. Looks like u tested at the end of the month which would explain the low t on ur lab (valley). At 750mg and lab a day or two ur test would likely be very high 1000++ at least (peak)…not good. U should consider 150 mg @ once a week. I’m in the same boat as u and do 75mg twice a week which gives much more stable blood T levels. I just switched to 50 mg three times a week and feel better…fuller muscles all month and very stable mood. I know pinning is a pain in the ass ( no pun). I’ve switched to slin (insulin) needles which draw oil sloooow but pin super smooth and painless.
Do a web search on “microdosing trt”

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Drexyl's picture

Awesome advice.

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GetInzFitInz's picture

Thanks for the thoughts. This is Testosterone Undecanoate, supposed to be the longer lasting Test ester. I think you're probably ref Test E or Test C? I'm following the Aveed (nam brand) guide and I believe this is normal. They estimate stabilized number around the 6 month mark. The improvement from my last test says it's working. Will it continue to work or is it working "well" on me? IDK.
Honestly, I picked this being afraid to pin myself often. But now that I've done it, this is a peice of cake. The huge benefit I have going is that I am getting the guidance from my Endo and I don't have to guess. I have read many things on here and there are a lot of opinions. Thanks for the advice. I've looked at the micro-dosing articles and some videos too. I think if this Test U doesn't cut it, I will ask my Endo about that instead of the weekly Test C additions. In the end, I just want to feel normal again every day.
I came on here to see if there are others going through a weight loss journey then transforming into a muscle/bodybuilding journey but I'm not seeing much talk in that realm. Thank you for sharing that you are at least going through TRT and your info is invaluable to someone like me that has to do it outside a pharmacy.

flounder's picture

Yeah ur right. I looked up the test U life span curve and it is a bit broader then the test E and test c curves. However it is still a significant swing over a 30 day dosing. We are in it for the long game brother, so reducing the highs and lows will be healthier. I like to be in at least the middle and preferably high normal T range (600 to 800) when testing in the middle of a dosing schedule. That way 2 to 3 low doses better mimics natural production and hopefully longevity. I’ll be 69 next month and I feel great over the last 6 years of trt. It’s not just that I felt bad (I did) but now everything I do just feels interesting… long bike rides, 11,000+ elevation hikes (a couple 14k, ball busters) with my sons who beat me but don’t dump me far behind. Not only is this immensely interesting to me now but after I do these events and workout in the gym I can see I’m building a better stronger me and not just trashing what little I had left. Life is great and hopefully I’ll be doing more of the same with my grand kids.

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GetInzFitInz's picture

I 100% agree. I'm all for dumping the Test U for weekly Test C if in another month there's no real progress towards normalcy. I just wanted to post this one since it shows some improvement. It felt good to see and feel improvement lol.