1jakd_hipy's picture
  • 0

+ 6 Ventrogluteal Injection


Used my wife to help demonstrate. As you can see her left palm is on my right hip joint(blue circle). Her middle finger is on my Illiac Crest(the red line)(well as close as she could get, has small hands makes my dick look huge). As she spreads her index finger the Ventrogluteal Injection area is right in the middle(Black cirlce). I also showed the Glute Injection area as this is sometimes confused with the Ventroglute. Hope this helps.

markymark's picture

wow never tried this..after newyears i will!!! great post

grkone76's picture

Thanks for this.

Gerbil's picture

Thank you for the post, been trying to figure out sight rotations before my first cycle. Also nice hardwood floors.

UncleYoked's picture

Brother, have to say thanks for the post. Just hit this site with a cc of tren and a cc of prop. Couldn't have went any smoother.

snuka2012's picture

How about having Lauren demonstrate instead? ;-)

mjunkie's picture

this is my favorite site to inject, least pip for me, +1 for an accurate pic

manlytt's picture

I find that site easier to inject, cause you don't have to twist as far to see the pin. After goths story of breaking a pin off in his ass, I always get that in my head when doing Glutes.

SwollenBean's picture

But her ring makes it look tiny, haha Jk. Thanks for the post. Very informative.

SwollenBean's picture

Thank you for serving our country! Much respect.

snuka2012's picture


snuka2012's picture

I've been trying to get this spot right. Will try again the next cycle...the last time I tried got the worst PIP ever, I couldn't do legs for a couple of weeks. Maybe didn't get the right spot. Your explanation is helpful, I'd give you karma if I could.

snuka2012's picture

Did you get 5/8" needle especially for this site? I'm going to restock on pins soon, thought I'd ask.

snuka2012's picture

Double post

jimmie's picture

No it's not